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View Full Version : Disowned by your family for your political views?

03-09-2018, 09:35 AM
you are not alone


03-09-2018, 09:53 AM
It is nuts!

My brother, closest one, is both Atheist and Democrat, but we still have strong ties.
I am Republican yet fairly moderate, and still a Christian. Yet he and I get along well.
Other brother is mentally unhinged.

My Grandfather was Conservative Democrat, as was my Mom. My Dad was straight up
Republican Conservative.

There was no strife there.

What is this 'New World' mentality coming to?

03-09-2018, 10:07 AM
It is nuts!

My brother, closest one, is both Atheist and Democrat, but we still have strong ties.
I am Republican yet fairly moderate, and still a Christian. Yet he and I get along well.
Other brother is mentally unhinged.

My Grandfather was Conservative Democrat, as was my Mom. My Dad was straight up
Republican Conservative.

There was no strife there.

What is this 'New World' mentality coming to?

Might have something to do with the decomposition of the family unit...particularly amongst the younger generations. Blood ties used to mean something....now, not so much. The government is your family and only the government can take care of you....

03-09-2018, 10:52 AM
Might have something to do with the decomposition of the family unit...particularly amongst the younger generations. Blood ties used to mean something....now, not so much. The government is your family and only the government can take care of you....

Right. And everyone is spread out all over the country, too -- distance is a factor. I blame Eisenhower.....(the Interstate Highway System).

CSM, you may be an exception. People said (cheerfully, in my case) what they thought in 2016, only to find that both families and friend groups just flew apart like an explosion. And now you see where we all are.

It's not so much that *I* was disowned: more that I just don't want anything much to do with these people who are so rude and, really, mean. Fortunately most of the kids, Himself's and mine, are conservative, so that's all right. That Boston lot, however ---------- their manners failed.

03-09-2018, 10:53 AM
That's ridiculous. My husband's parents both voted for Trump. As did several of my neighbors. I could care less. Doesn't reflect on your value as a person.

03-09-2018, 11:30 AM
My parents voted for Trump. Nothing has changed.

03-09-2018, 12:17 PM
That's ridiculous. My husband's parents both voted for Trump. As did several of my neighbors. I could care less. Doesn't reflect on your value as a person.

everything you write is a lie. go away.

03-09-2018, 01:57 PM
Like I am really concerned about the misguided rantings of a drunken old fool. :rolleyes:

03-09-2018, 04:28 PM
Anyone wants to disown me over a political opinion, be it family or friend, ....bye. Guess you weren't really family or friend. Don't let that door hit you in the ass on the way out.

My opinion will change IF I decide it needs to be adjusted based on current circumstance. Not to be someone's friend. Want a friend who can be bought? Find one that's for sale.

03-09-2018, 04:47 PM
Gunny, I don't care if you despise me to the fullest. I will always respect you for calling it as you see it.

03-09-2018, 04:55 PM
Gunny, I don't care if you despise me to the fullest. I will always respect you for calling it as you see it.Stop trying to be nice to me :slap: Much to the chagrin of some, I haven't disowned you for being a political nincompoop.

03-09-2018, 05:34 PM
As my wife and I discovered the day after the election of Donald Trump. The friendly neighbors of 15 years, who live across the street....Stopped all communication, waving, or smiling with us.

As for family. We haven't experienced anyone in our family with different views.

MORAL OF THE STORY. If they are, or were friends. We learned they really Weren't, and it is THEIR LOSS...NOT OURS.
Family, which is rather large, and spread across the country. Are all WELL INFORMED, Educated, and not FULL OF HATRED since they all have common sense, and Blood is thicker than Water.

03-09-2018, 06:10 PM
Like I am really concerned about the misguided rantings of a drunken old fool. :rolleyes:

Always the polite one, thrashing out insults and suppositions.

03-09-2018, 06:20 PM
Like I am really concerned about the misguided rantings of a drunken old fool. :rolleyes:

So, gabby. When did you stop listening to your husband, and his ranting?

03-09-2018, 07:49 PM
Stop trying to be nice to me :slap: Much to the chagrin of some, I haven't disowned you for being a political nincompoop.
I am NOT being nice to you. I am never nice. Supposedly. :dev:

03-09-2018, 07:51 PM
So, gabby. When did you stop listening to your husband, and his ranting?

My husband doesn't rant. I rant. My daughter rants. The cat rants. My husband listens. Supposedly.

03-09-2018, 08:06 PM
My husband doesn't rant. I rant. My daughter rants. The cat rants. My husband listens. Supposedly.

But you never denied how much he drinks to avoid YOUR ranting. As you called him a Drunken old fool.

03-09-2018, 08:19 PM
I am NOT being nice to you. I am never nice. Supposedly. :dev:

Pffft ...:talk2hand:

03-09-2018, 10:46 PM
Gabby, You got off your rail in this one.

03-10-2018, 12:12 AM
The only person who seems to be odd duck out in my family is my granddaughter and that's because she is 19, college educated and studying to be teacher so you know she is a very progressive liberal at this age.

03-10-2018, 05:32 AM
The only person who seems to be odd duck out in my family is my granddaughter and that's because she is 19, college educated and studying to be teacher so you know she is a very progressive liberal at this age.

I hear you on that! My family is all over the place regarding politics, though there's less disagreement on most issues and policies. I suppose it's how we all view the best way to rectify wrongs and how and what to prioritize.

While my nuclear family was pretty much in sync, probably because my mom was very definite in her opinions, our extended family was not. Many barbeques and holiday conversations were interesting, to say the least.

Now it's the next generation which is in flux, I'd say that in our case, the kids are all various shades of liberal, though several have moved right as they've moved into their 30's and had children. My brother and I mostly sit back and listen, family first.

03-10-2018, 06:05 AM
There is a tendency - when you are young, haven't done nothing yet, have no personal experience and have no idea how systems work, when you live in rosy clouds of own movie illusions, you are ready to turn over the World and share revolutionary and liberal ideas. But the time is passing and you are growing up, starting to look at things from more realistic angles, thus shifting to more conservative positions, softly transforming into Republicans. Some people manage to grow up, the others fail and remain at positions of Liberals with their views on "progress" and an unquenchable thirst for a "new", "tolerance" and "justice" for all and in everything, rejecting traditional basic human values.

03-10-2018, 08:15 AM
As my wife and I discovered the day after the election of Donald Trump. The friendly neighbors of 15 years, who live across the street....Stopped all communication, waving, or smiling with us.

Wow. Just..........wow. But a common experience, with variations. I think it was in that case the shock and shame of being wrong. They knew your politics, and didn't much mind as long as you were WRONG, and would lose and be unhappy, and absolutely everyone was sure Hillary was going to win, even those of us who voted for Trump.

I'm still flabbergasted at the scope of the error. I did MATH with the RealClearPolitics math for half an hour every week during the summer till the election ---------------------------

But all those maps were wrong. All the math was grabbed out of the air. Who knew?

I have changed huge parts of my thinking because of this, but I won! What must it have been like for the people who were completely sure they would win but unexpectedly, they lost?

That's a great story about one such reaction, your neighbors, who just shut down.

03-10-2018, 08:20 AM
The only person who seems to be odd duck out in my family is my granddaughter and that's because she is 19, college educated and studying to be teacher so you know she is a very progressive liberal at this age.

My niece was the worst. She came to visit because the girls she was staying with really threw her out ---- not a good sign to start with. Her manners with us, her hosts and waaaaay older, were so really malign that I realize she does have problems -- I had not taken my sister's complaints about things she had done so seriously all these years, but now thinking back on some weirdnesses I had seen, yeah....

This one will have problems in life. Already is.

03-10-2018, 07:08 PM
Wow. Just..........wow. But a common experience, with variations. I think it was in that case the shock and shame of being wrong. They knew your politics, and didn't much mind as long as you were WRONG, and would lose and be unhappy, and absolutely everyone was sure Hillary was going to win, even those of us who voted for Trump.

I'm still flabbergasted at the scope of the error. I did MATH with the RealClearPolitics math for half an hour every week during the summer till the election ---------------------------

But all those maps were wrong. All the math was grabbed out of the air. Who knew?

I have changed huge parts of my thinking because of this, but I won! What must it have been like for the people who were completely sure they would win but unexpectedly, they lost?

That's a great story about one such reaction, your neighbors, who just shut down.

When we happen to be outside, for the mail, or going to the doctor. If they are outside. They intentionally go back into their house. It's really sad. But, as I said. "It's their loss. Not ours!" Odd thing is. Even though we know they hate Trump. We have never tried to insult them,
or be un-kind if we see them. They just won't give us the chance to even...WAVE hello.

03-11-2018, 07:02 PM
When we happen to be outside, for the mail, or going to the doctor. If they are outside. They intentionally go back into their house. It's really sad. But, as I said. "It's their loss. Not ours!" Odd thing is. Even though we know they hate Trump. We have never tried to insult them,
or be un-kind if we see them. They just won't give us the chance to even...WAVE hello.

Well, I'm sorry to hear this. Except that in fact I could tell stories, plural, just as sad about me and people I thought were friends and relations. It's all initiated by the leftists, because they lost, I assume. They just --- had a hissy fit, shut down, went to pieces.

Things are sure not going well in this country. I'm sorry this very unpleasant thing is happening to you, but it's happening to me also, and to many others. It's not you, it's them being so angry about losing, they can't even talk.

03-11-2018, 07:37 PM
Well, I'm sorry to hear this. Except that in fact I could tell stories, plural, just as sad about me and people I thought were friends and relations. It's all initiated by the leftists, because they lost, I assume. They just --- had a hissy fit, shut down, went to pieces.

Things are sure not going well in this country. I'm sorry this very unpleasant thing is happening to you, but it's happening to me also, and to many others. It's not you, it's them being so angry about losing, they can't even talk.

Thanks mundame. I know. I am not worried for myself. I've seen just about everything now because...as my oldest son laughingly told me.."You're almost older than dirt now Dad!"

My biggest fears, and worries are for our grandkids. Growing up in this really mixed-up, selfish, stupid World. And it doesn't look like it's gonna get any better, any time soon.
God Only Knows.