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View Full Version : Putin condemned for saying Jews may have manipulated U.S. election

03-11-2018, 03:25 PM
Jewish groups and U.S. lawmakers condemned Russian President Vladimir Putin’s suggestion that the 2016 U.S. presidential election may have been manipulated by Russian Jews.
Putin’s remarks came during a long and occasionally surreal interview with NBC News on Saturday, in which he speculated that nearly anyone other than the Russian government could have been behind a program to disrupt the election. U.S. intelligence agencies believe (https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/national-security/intelligence-chiefs-expected-in-new-york-to-brief-trump-on-russian-hacking/2017/01/06/5f591416-d41a-11e6-9cb0-54ab630851e8_story.html?utm_term=.a4d3df7f84d0) Putin ordered the effort to undermine faith in the U.S. election and help elect Donald Trump as president.
“Maybe they’re not even Russians,” Putin told Megyn Kelly (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z1pPkAOZI50), referring to who might have been behind the election interference. “Maybe they’re Ukrainian, Tatars, Jews — just with Russian citizenship.”

He also speculated that France, Germany or “Asia” might have interfered in the election — or even Russians paid by the U.S. government.
But his remark about Jews, which seemed to suggest that a Russian Jew was not really a Russian, prompted particular outrage among those who remember Russia’s centuries-long history of anti-Semitism and Jewish purges. Some groups compared the statement to anti-Jewish myths that helped inspire the Holocaust.
“Repulsive Putin remark deserves to be denounced, soundly and promptly, by world leaders,” Sen. Richard Blumenthal (D-Conn.) wrote on Twitter (https://twitter.com/SenBlumenthal/status/972616789766131718). “Why is Trump silent?” Rep. Don Beyer (D-Va.) also demanded a response by Trump, the Israeli newspaper Haaretz reported (https://www.haaretz.com/us-news/after-putin-says-jews-may-be-behind-meddling-lawmakers-urge-sanctions-1.5889309).
The White House did not immediately respond to a request for comment, and Trump has previously been reluctant to criticize Putin or accept the intelligence community's conclusion that Russia played a role in his election.
[I][The Putin generation: Young Russians are his biggest fans (https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/world/wp/2018/03/09/feature/russias-young-people-are-putins-biggest-fans/)]
“President Putin bizarrely has resorted to the blame game by pointing the finger at Jews and other minorities in his country,” Anti-Defamation League chief executive Jonathan Greenblatt said in a statement (https://www.adl.org/news/press-releases/adl-to-president-putin-dont-blame-jews-for-us-election-meddling). “It is deeply disturbing to see the Russian president giving new life to classic anti-Semitic stereotypes that have plagued his country for hundreds of years, with a comment that sounds as if it was ripped from the pages of the ‘Protocols of the Elders of Zion.’ ”
cont ... https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/worldviews/wp/2018/03/11/putin-condemned-for-saying-jews-may-have-manipulated-u-s-election/?utm_term=.f38f4dc5ef5e

Pretty dumb thing to say even if it is Putin.

03-12-2018, 01:12 PM
I read "speculation" in those quotes, several lines.

Speculation is guess-work and not even based on fact.

03-12-2018, 01:22 PM
I read "speculation" in those quotes, several lines.

Speculation is guess-work and not even based on fact.I think his point is this ... Mueller indicted a dozen Russians for being trolls. Fine. The inference being universally made/accepted is that the Russian government is behind them. Mueller has presented no evidence of it.

Unfortunately for him, Putin decided to use Jews as his example of "it may be the Cookie Monster" and Jews have thinner shin than professional bodybuilders.

Now, I understand all this Mueller BS is sealed for the integrity of the investigation (as if THAT hadn't gone out the window a year ago), but what is more important? The integrity of the joke witch hunt? Or national security? Seems to me if there IS evidence of the Russian government being party to the internet shenanigans it would be a matter of national security that the appropriate departments in charge of our national security know. Wouldn't it?

03-12-2018, 02:02 PM
You could be quite correct.

But since I do not have access to some channels any longer,
kind of hard to confirm things, even if I could!

03-12-2018, 03:35 PM
Of course it was Russia --- why would criminals or Internet vandals target all these ex-spies?

My husband opined it's to scare other Russians --- Putin is saying, you think you'll spend a couple years in jail if caught and then live happily ever after in London, think again, citizens.

The point is that Britain will have to eat it. They can hardly make war on nuclear Russia for two deaths, and both of them born in Russia! The question is, how can we tell an act of war now that war has moved to the Internet?

It was always hard: is a ship enough? It was for the Spanish-American War and the Gulf of Tonkin, and we probably made up both episodes. It wasn't enough when North Korea sunk that whole S.K naval ship or shelled their island, killing a bunch of fishermen who lived there.

The news this hour says Theresa May is calling in the Russian Ambassador. Meaningless......toothless. It's really a pity. Putin can do all this bad stuff, like exotic poisons spilled all over London and sending out these awful paid trolls to pollute our discussion forums, and there really isn't much we can do about it to fight back.

03-12-2018, 03:42 PM

03-12-2018, 05:16 PM
I've NEVER got that, and never will, as it is illogical. Why do Jews continue to donate to and vote for Democrats? The Democrats have screwed Israel at every chance in recent years. It's like a zombie mindset. "Must vote "D" . Facts don't matter". Obama all but provided military support to those Arabs that refer to themselves as "Palestinians".

What dummies.

03-12-2018, 07:38 PM
I've NEVER got that, and never will, as it is illogical. Why do Jews continue to donate to and vote for Democrats? The Democrats have screwed Israel at every chance in recent years. It's like a zombie mindset. "Must vote "D" . Facts don't matter". Obama all but provided military support to those Arabs that refer to themselves as "Palestinians".

What dummies.

Gunny. From all I have been reading, and trying to learn. I believe the answer to your question is: American Jews are Democrats because they HATE Netanyaho as much as they hate Trump.
Trump and Netanyaho are very close friends, and the Democrats, who happen to be Jews, have a lot of power in Hollywood, and Californication. Start with Barbra the NOSE Streisand, and many others who make MILLIONS off the backs of the poor, weak, and Honorable.


03-12-2018, 08:34 PM
Gunny. From all I have been reading, and trying to learn. I believe the answer to your question is: American Jews are Democrats because they HATE Netanyaho as much as they hate Trump.
Trump and Netanyaho are very close friends, and the Democrats, who happen to be Jews, have a lot of power in Hollywood, and Californication. Start with Barbra the NOSE Streisand, and many others who make MILLIONS off the backs of the poor, weak, and Honorable.

https://www.timesofisrael.com/jewish-celebs-share-their-thoughts-on-trump-inauguration/Of course they have power in Hollywood. They invented the place. I don't knock them for that. Film pioneers, mostly Jews escaping Europe after WWI, took a nothing industry and some land nobody cared about and built an empire. Can't fault that.

I do fault them for being dumbasses and supporting a political party that could care less about their "home country". If Israel is so important to Jews, why support ANYONE that calls for its destruction? Total nonsense.

Of course, I think that Judaism is a race is nonsense too. It's a religion. They're semites. Just like the rest of the semites. Only other semites are antisemitic. Lot of nonsense going on there.

03-13-2018, 12:01 PM
I think the answer to the question of why Jews are usually Dems is that most Jews are communists, have been ever since Marx (a Jew) invented it. And Democrat is as close as they can get to communist in this country, and they are getting closer and closer to communism as time goes on, as we have all seen.

I was shocked when I studied WWI and the interwar period after that to learn of the high proportion of Jews active on the communist side of the Russian Revolution, and that the German Revolution of 1919 was mostly between communists, who were not all Jews but all the Jews were communist, and the returning veterans. This simmered thruout the '20s and '30s and fed Hitler's rise. After Hitler became Chancellor, the Reichstag was burned (by a mentally defective Dutch communist) and Hitler purged the Parliament of the many communists, pretty much all of whom were Jews. They mostly fled to Paris where they made up big stories about how Hitler had burned the Reichstag himself, but we know now that was not true.

There really is a problem with Jews being communists, and that explains why they support the farthest left party here and take it further left; and why they hate Netanyahu.

03-13-2018, 12:09 PM
Of course they have power in Hollywood. They invented the place. I don't knock them for that. Film pioneers, mostly Jews escaping Europe after WWI, took a nothing industry and some land nobody cared about and built an empire. Can't fault that.

I fault them for the relentless push toward gross social changes --- many of you must have noticed how EVERY movie now just has to show a black man mated with a white woman. I think that's pretty terrible and usually don't bother with those. (Though "Get Out" is conservative in it's strange way and well worth seeing!)

The plot of every Hollywood thriller now is vigilanteism, so they can luxuriate in constant violence. The mob kills John Wick's dog, so now he gets to kill all 147 of them, and that's the whole movie. That's pretty much every movie. Forget police or governments, it's do it yourself "justice" by the dozens. So poorly screwed-down teens like Nikolas Cruz decide that means they should go after the meanies at school.