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View Full Version : House Fails To Pass ‘Right To Try’ Bill Due To Democrat Obstruction

03-14-2018, 02:28 PM
OAN Newsroom
UPDATED 11:02 AM PT — Wed. March 14, 2018House Democrats refuse to pass a bill that would have allowed terminally ill patients to try experimental treatments without the FDA’s approval.
The Right to Try Act failed on Tuesday, just seven votes shy of the two-thirds majority it needed to pass.
Most of the opposition came from Democrats, who said the bill gave patients false hope and could endanger their lives.
President Trump has been a big supporter of the proposal, and even called on Congress to pass the measure in his first State of the Union Address.

“We also believe patients with terminal conditions, terminal illness, should have access to experimental treatment immediately that could potentially save their lives. It’s time for Congress to give these wonderful, incredible Americans (http://www.oann.com/house-fails-to-pass-right-to-try-bill-due-to-democrat-obstruction/#) the right to try.” — President Donald TrumpRepublicans expressed their disappointment over Tuesday’s vote, with many saying Democrats stripped away hope from those who need it most.
House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy said this was not the end, and assured they will try to pass it again.

Why? Who cares? They're already dead.

This is typical leftwingnut control freak BS. Afraid someone might discover something without a "D" stamped on it. You can murder your unborn children (another control freak issue) but you can't choose to try what the Hell ever to maybe cure a terminal disease. What's the worse that could happen? Death?:rolleyes: