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View Full Version : Retired four-star Army general: Trump, 'under the sway of Putin,' threatens national

03-17-2018, 12:27 PM
Barry R McCaffrey@mccaffreyr3 (https://twitter.com/mccaffreyr3)

Reluctantly I have concluded that President Trump is a serious threat to US national security. He is refusing to protect vital US interests from active Russian attacks. It is apparent that he is for some unknown reason under the sway of Mr Putin.
3:46 PM - Mar 16, 2018 (https://twitter.com/mccaffreyr3/status/974748724176941056)


03-17-2018, 03:54 PM
Barry R McCaffrey@mccaffreyr3 (https://twitter.com/mccaffreyr3)

Reluctantly I have concluded that President Trump is a serious threat to US national security. He is refusing to protect vital US interests from active Russian attacks. It is apparent that he is for some unknown reason under the sway of Mr Putin.
3:46 PM - Mar 16, 2018 (https://twitter.com/mccaffreyr3/status/974748724176941056)


A joke, obviously.

A President 'under the sway of Mr Putin' would be, at minimum, reluctant to give the UK support over the Salisbury chemical poisoning issue.

Instead, he's fully behind us.

We all know you cannot reasonably explain this, in terms of your post (... but, do try -- I could do with a laugh !).

03-17-2018, 04:15 PM
I think Trump and Putin are in a staring match to see who blinks first.

What is Trump supposed to do, sell Russia some more uranium?

03-17-2018, 05:10 PM
Ya... so I decided to check this TWIT out on twitter, and here's everything you need to know about this "RETIRED" general, and why he's talking such bull shit. He's a full blown leftist, PMSnbc, Clinton supporting, democrat ass clown... and there you have it... another unhinged, TDS, Clinton loving leftist prick that little pete dug up to crap on the board, and then DISAPPEAR... AGAIN... getting pretty old I'd say... little pete deserves no respect, or to be taken seriously... he's here to vomit up the latest leftist propaganda garbage he can find then disappear 'til the next turd he can drop... tell me I'm wrong... ACTIONS SPEAK LOUDER THAN WORDS...


Go ahead and look up this jerk off on twitter and read what he posts. He's pure leftist trash, pure leftist propaganda spewing trash right to the bone.

03-17-2018, 05:34 PM
Just covering a point, minus who is and said what ...

I think we can unanimously agree that whether or not it is the Russian government, or just Russian bad actors, someone is screwing with our "cyber-well-being". China and NK have been busted hacking sh*t. We had a Vietnamese bot on this board trying out a human facsimilie that finally went away. Russians have hacked US security. Our own damned people hack our security. Then you got Hillary just giving it away :rolleyes:

I'd say more could and should be done toward cyber security. Addressing "who" is doing it is secondary to stopping it from being done. The "who" can be taken care of later.

Speaking of ... STiLL haven't seen any evidence from Mueller to support his indictments. If he's holding out, grandstanding his own petty little investigation at the cost of National Security you can add him to the list of indicted as far as I'm concerned.

03-17-2018, 06:06 PM
Go ahead and look up this jerk off up on twitter and read what he posts. He's pure leftist trash, pure leftist propaganda spewing trash right to the bone.

mmhmm, he's a 4 star general, what were you again? in the trenches?

03-17-2018, 06:38 PM
mmhmm, he's a 4 star general, what were you again? in the trenches?General Officers rarely have a clue WTH is going on. They are completely cocooned by staff officers afraid to deliver bad news.

03-17-2018, 06:48 PM
mmhmm, he's a 4 star general, what were you again? in the trenches?

And there you have it... right back to his modus operandi crapping out another one of his pathetic little one liner insults.

Just FORGET trying to prove to people that you're NOT what they say you are aye little pete? Just keep up doing exactly what we all see you do and who gives a fuck... is that right? Drop your leftist garbage and then split... wait a while and come back and drop a couple snide little ass clown insults... rinse and repeat. What a worthless fuck.

And on top of that he NEGGED me a few days back, even though he's got NOTHING to neg with.

Idiot, just like the jerk off general, who's a flaming clinton supporting democrat prick.

03-17-2018, 07:08 PM
Barry R McCaffrey@mccaffreyr3 (https://twitter.com/mccaffreyr3)

Reluctantly I have concluded that President Trump is a serious threat to US national security. He is refusing to protect vital US interests from active Russian attacks. It is apparent that he is for some unknown reason under the sway of Mr Putin.
3:46 PM - Mar 16, 2018 (https://twitter.com/mccaffreyr3/status/974748724176941056)


Go right ahead and believe that 4 Star Idiot. If any retired Military officer wanted to start a COUP against Trump. This guy would. Also, take notice. He only appears on known, Liberally sanctioned FAKE NEWS channels. Gunny and I knew plenty of this kind of Flag Officer who only got promoted in order to be moved to other commands...out of the way, and where he couldn't do any real damage.
Also petey. Because Mccaffrey was such a high officer, doesn't mean he couldn't be as dumb as you. After all. He retired from ACTIVE DUTY in 1996, while CLINTON was still downsizing the military, and Mccaffery didn't dare MAKE WAVES against the PRE-OBAMA sell the Military down the river plans.
He reminds me of the typical officers who were highly BOOK TRAINED, who couldn't tie their shoes, and had to mark their Gloves with R's, and L's...just like their shoes, and socks.

03-17-2018, 07:08 PM
General Officers rarely have a clue WTH is going on. They are completely cocooned by staff officers afraid to deliver bad news.

Aye....once past the O--6 level most are politics all the way

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
03-17-2018, 07:08 PM
mmhmm, he's a 4 star general, what were you again? in the trenches?

LOOK AT WHO ADVANCED HIS CAREER. Look at who this piece of garbage is beholding to.
Hell, I'd spit in his face if I ever met him and pray the piece of shit took a swing at me..
His career does not impress me unless he was an honorable man that served honorably.

03-17-2018, 07:11 PM
LOOK AT WHO ADVANCED HIS CAREER. Look at who this piece of garbage is beholding to.
Hell, I'd spit in his face if I ever met him and pray the piece of shit took a swing at me..
His career does not impress me unless he was an honorable man that served honorably.

petey gauges everybody in uniform by the amount of DIRT, or MUD on their uniform. Mccafferey never got close to any TRENCHES, other than the TRENCHES in Washington that lead to the SWAMP that drains into the LIBERAL Cesspool called the DNC.

03-17-2018, 07:22 PM
Officers fast-tracking north for 4 stars start politicking the day they slither out of the Academy. There ARE exceptions, but very few. They notch their ticket on any line time for their resume, always with General/Admiral in their sights. They keep their mouths shut during Republican administrations and give winks and nods and make the right showings during Dem administrations.

Anyone in between them and those stars and political connections gets stepped on, or side-stepped.

03-18-2018, 07:22 AM
The General was a pretty good soldier for most of his career. There was some scandal alleged when it was reported that he had troops fire on retreating Iraqi soldiers and slaughtering them. His post military career is mostly a record of running his own company, drug czar for Clinton and political analysis for NBC/MSNBC. I have no problem with his making statements like this...it's what he is PAID to do.

As for the snide remark about Gunny's position in the military hierarchy, I find it ironic that Petey derides one who served in the trenches yet forgets that the general earned his multiple Purple Hearts in those same trenches. Generals plan but NEVER lead the charge these days. They sit in the rear which is probably a good thing. You can bet your last nickel that the general didn't earn anything once he became a field grade officer.

03-18-2018, 10:46 AM
The General was a pretty good soldier for most of his career. There was some scandal alleged when it was reported that he had troops fire on retreating Iraqi soldiers and slaughtering them. His post military career is mostly a record of running his own company, drug czar for Clinton and political analysis for NBC/MSNBC. I have no problem with his making statements like this...it's what he is PAID to do.

As for the snide remark about Gunny's position in the military hierarchy, I find it ironic that Petey derides one who served in the trenches yet forgets that the general earned his multiple Purple Hearts in those same trenches. Generals plan but NEVER lead the charge these days. They sit in the rear which is probably a good thing. You can bet your last nickel that the general didn't earn anything once he became a field grade officer.

Of course not, you protect the brain. I'm not insulting any military position, just surprised you guys trash a 4 star general. Bizarre. It's like saying Lebron James is terrible at basketball and only got to where he is by knowing the owners well.

03-18-2018, 10:55 AM
Of course not, you protect the brain. I'm not insulting any military position, just surprised you guys trash a 4 star general. Bizarre. It's like saying Lebron James is terrible at basketball and only got to where he is by knowing the owners well.

No, Pete, what happened here was that a few military folks IN THE KNOW made comments about how they feel a military veteran speaking out about politics, and where he gets his $$$ from. And instead of perhaps coming back with something else to support your position, or perhaps appropriately condemn comments - and why.... you make your one liner opener, and then come back minimizing and condemning someone else's military career. That is not even NEAR debating OR discussing. That is pushing an opinion you agree with, and then belittling someone who disagrees. In other words, your usual MO.

I NEVER trust when someone is literally selling something, a book or similar. And then if they work for Fox or NBC, I judge accordingly. Look at their twitter posts and Facebook, and see if they are "leaning" one way.

Folks didn't trash a 4 star general or his great and long military service to our country. They are angry about his comments and who he has become after his career. You know, how YOU YOURSELF have posted about Kelly and others that were from the military, that Trump has hired or trusted and other conservatives here gave a thumbs up for.

03-18-2018, 02:10 PM
Of course not, you protect the brain. I'm not insulting any military position, just surprised you guys trash a 4 star general. Bizarre. It's like saying Lebron James is terrible at basketball and only got to where he is by knowing the owners well.There's a difference between trashing a General officer and trashing his politics as a Retired General Officer. YOU presented his credential as "an Army 4-Star General" as if that means he can't be a retarded Democrat. It's called cherry-picking, and choosing poorly.

I'm a damned good Marine. It qualifies me to be exactly one, lousy civilian because y'all suck and I refuse to assimilate by lowering my standards to yours. There's a point there if you take it.

03-18-2018, 03:06 PM
The General was a pretty good soldier for most of his career. There was some scandal alleged when it was reported that he had troops fire on retreating Iraqi soldiers and slaughtering them. His post military career is mostly a record of running his own company, drug czar for Clinton and political analysis for NBC/MSNBC. I have no problem with his making statements like this...it's what he is PAID to do.

As for the snide remark about Gunny's position in the military hierarchy, I find it ironic that Petey derides one who served in the trenches yet forgets that the general earned his multiple Purple Hearts in those same trenches. Generals plan but NEVER lead the charge these days. They sit in the rear which is probably a good thing. You can bet your last nickel that the general didn't earn anything once he became a field grade officer.BTW @CSM (http://www.debatepolicy.com/member.php?u=36) , one of the things that happened a LOT towards the end of the ground fighting in the 1st Gulf War is Iraqi's would pop up and shoot at you, then throw down their weapons immediately and surrender or turn and run We took a few hits that way.

I'm not defending the General, because like we've already said, he probably had no idea what was going on in the field, and I don't know what his or his command's specific situation was, But if his troops got caught shooting Iraqi's (in the back) oh well. Was a lot different there than some REMF back here in the World thumbing through a rule book.

03-18-2018, 03:14 PM
Of course not, you protect the brain. I'm not insulting any military position, just surprised you guys trash a 4 star general. Bizarre. It's like saying Lebron James is terrible at basketball and only got to where he is by knowing the owners well.

Forgive us petey, for not remembering how EXPERT you pretend to be in military matters..twisted by LIBERAL LIES...Called FACTS.

03-18-2018, 04:40 PM
I don't recall bashing the general at all.... I know I am old and sometimes my memory fails me but I did go back and read my post just to be sure. So unless my eyes are worse than I thought, I did read anything in my post that could be considered "bashing" the general.

03-18-2018, 05:20 PM
Of course not, you protect the brain. I'm not insulting any military position, just surprised you guys trash a 4 star general. Bizarre. It's like saying Lebron James is terrible at basketball and only got to where he is by knowing the owners well.

Two questions for you pete:

1. Did you ever serve? If Yes, go to question 2. If No, who the hell do you think you are criticizing people that have,
and are far more experienced in military matters?

2. How long did you serve and in what capacity?

03-18-2018, 06:32 PM
Two questions for you pete:

1. Did you ever serve? If Yes, go to question 2. If No, who the hell do you think you are criticizing people that have,
and are far more experienced in military matters?

2. How long did you serve and in what capacity?

Ellesar... I think petey admitted awhile back....he never served in the military. But, he didn't deny serving in OBAMA'S ACORN operations that convinced the UNEDUCATED to vote for Democrats to ensure they get all of the FREE BENNIES from the Local, State, and Federal HAND OUT programs. So, his only military experience might be with the BLACK PANTHERS.

03-18-2018, 06:52 PM
Ellesar... I think petey admitted awhile back....he never served in the military. But, he didn't deny serving in OBAMA'S ACORN operations that convinced the UNEDUCATED to vote for Democrats to ensure they get all of the FREE BENNIES from the Local, State, and Federal HAND OUT programs. So, his only military experience might be with the BLACK PANTHERS.

I really could not remember, but want to reiterate he is barking up the wrong tree. CSM summed it up. He is no longer
a 4-Star General, only a former one.