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View Full Version : I Haven't Visit The Drudge Report in Over a Month Now...

03-20-2018, 06:13 AM
... and I don't miss it at all. I was just sitting here and just occurred to me.

I was getting real sick of him posting links to every radical leftist propaganda site on the internet... and ya know... I really don't miss it.

He might have started out as kind of conservative, but he certainly isn't now. He started to see his website make money and that's all it took. Now what he puts on there has more to do with money than being liberal or conservative.

Seems like greed ruins just about everything.

03-20-2018, 09:44 AM
I know what you mean HPD. I haven't gone as long as you but I find myself looking more and more at Whatfinger. Nothing like click bait to ruin a good site.:boohoo:

03-20-2018, 02:29 PM
My husband always looked at Drudge but has mostly stopped, also.

He says it's gone the way of the Fox News Internet site, lots of what I call two-headed baby news, lurid stupid false "news" to attract clickbait and make money.

I got tired of Reuters' leftist perspective, and Google stopped letting us block leftist and paywall sites like they did for years, and also got very confused --- I think they got hacked at one point and I gave up when there was a lot of weird stuff going on with the site.

Now I mostly read APNews --- it's what all the papers buy to print, after all. https://www.apnews.com/