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View Full Version : WIRE: Israeli-Palestinian Peace Deal Is Alive Thanks to Jared Kushner...

03-22-2018, 11:19 AM
When he was first brought on board, the rumors were that "Kushner could bring peace to Israel and Palestine". That if anyone could do it, it was him. I recall writing and laughing, as it simply ain't happening. But that doesn't mean he can't help bring about peace options in other places, and perhaps, just perhaps, if more and more get on board, maybe Palestine would too, but I HIGHLY doubt it.


Jared Kushner's Dreams of Mideast Peace Are Alive

His strategy of developing a relationship with the Saudi crown prince is a step in the right direction.

It was easy to miss it, what with Secretary of State Rex Tillerson being fired and President Donald Trump fueling rumors of more personnel shake-ups. But last week Jared Kushner, presidential adviser and son-in-law, presided over a highly unusual White House conference on the humanitarian crisis in Gaza.

Who participated was noteworthy: Israel was there, alongside Arab states with which it does not have diplomatic relations, such as Bahrain, Qatar and Saudi Arabia. Who didn’t participate was noteworthy too: the Palestinians, who have been boycotting Trump since his announcement that the U.S. will have an embassy in Jerusalem.

The meaning of the conference can only be deciphered in relation to the Kushner-led peace effort. That long-shot effort is alive, notwithstanding Kushner’s defeat by chief of staff John Kelly in the White House palace intrigue over security clearance.

Last week’s conference embodied the success of the Kushner team’s basic strategy -- and the challenge of making it work in the face of setbacks like Trump’s Jerusalem announcement.

In essence, Kushner has approached the Israel-Palestine question by treating it as an adjunct to a broader regional realignment of Sunni states plus Israel against Shiite Iran.

His laser-like focus has been on Saudi Arabia, which is signaling that it’s prepared to develop warm and even official ties to Israel if only peace can be established. The basic idea is for the Saudis and other Gulf states to pressure the Palestinians to the table. Then Trump and Kushner will deliver the Israelis -- or at least try.

Other negotiators in the past have sought to regionalize the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Kushner has gotten further than any of his predecessors on this front.

His strategy has been to form an extremely close relationship with Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, who is expected to become king in the near future when his father abdicates.

This relationship is a two-way street. MBS, as the Saudi prince is invariably called outside the country, is in the process of attempting a high-risk transformation of the Saudi monarchy, from a power-sharing arrangement among siblings to centralized kingship dominated by one man. For that, MBS needs unprecedented personal backing from the White House. And Kushner and Trump have delivered exactly that. Witness their Oval Office meeting Tuesday.

Rest - https://www.bloomberg.com/view/articles/2018-03-21/israeli-palestinian-peace-deal-is-alive-thanks-to-jared-kushner

03-22-2018, 02:04 PM
Pretty decent strategy. Nothing else has worked. I doubt this will, BUT ... it WILL (or could) give the Gulf States the reason to abandon support for Palestine which is the only bar to them recognizing Israel as a State. I do believe IIRC Jordan is already on board as is Egypt. Look for Iran and/its puppet Lebanon and Syria to say no. The Government of Yemen is counting on SA to bail them from the Taliban in its civil war, so they'll probably play along.

Iraq will be interesting. I think most of whatever it calls its government these days is Shia. It is also the dividing line between the Middle East Sunni and the Persian Shia.

Twilight zone part: Hezbollah is Shia while Hamas (the dumbass, so-called Palestinians) is Sunni. Al Qaeda is actually wahabbi (extremist Sunni). As usual, nobody knows who the Hell is who on the chess board.

03-22-2018, 03:19 PM
Think again


03-22-2018, 03:42 PM
Think again

Who the hell is the "intercept?"

Black Diamond
03-22-2018, 03:51 PM
Who the hell is the "intercept?"
Pete dreams of Arabs reaching into his pocket.

03-22-2018, 04:50 PM
Think again

https://theintercept.com/2018/03/21/jared-kushner-saudi-crown-prince-mohammed-bin-salman/Yeah? Some "strategy". Tell everyone :rolleyes:.

What excetly do the Saudi's have to gain? Israel as an ally? Open hostility with Lebanon, Palestine and Iran? Hmmm ... some deal :rolleyes: