View Full Version : Banning assault weapons is effective — and not all that complicated

03-24-2018, 07:13 AM
Are these people, this write, actually this effing stupid? I think a 10 year old could read this article and point it it's biggest flaw!

For starters - can ANYONE point out to me one of the school shootings where an assault rifle was used? Ok, now how about ANY mass shooting where an assault rifle was used. For anyone thinking of an answer, giving an answer, thinking it's actually happened - then please tell us your definition of an assault rifle.

FACT is, assault rifles are NOT any type of problem at all. They have NOT been being used in shootings or any type of mass shootings.

Dumbass claims it works. Of COURSE it works, folks never were and aren't out there with "assault weapons". I can EASILY claim that assault weapons are NOT an issue - and do so factually - as none have been used for any of these shootings. It truly is that simple.

Claiming a ban on the assault rifles works, when they were never used for murders and mass shootings to begin with. I would love to see how this dummy claims that the ban was effective, and what measurement was used. :rolleyes:


Banning assault weapons is effective — and not all that complicated

Mass shootings have become an epidemic. There’s no other way to describe the carnage we regularly face. But where past tragedies have slipped out of the news and no action has been taken, this time we’re seeing leadership and persistence by the brave high school students who survived the shooting in Parkland, Fla. These young men and women have boldly assumed the mantle of moral leadership. Just days after burying their friends and teachers, they are demanding that lawmakers, at the state and national levels, take action to reduce the likelihood of another mass shooting.

Fortunately, at least one approach has had real results: a federal ban on military-style assault weapons. This strategy worked in the past, when Senator Dianne Feinstein of California championed and gained enactment of a ban in 1994.

Unfortunately, opponents in and out of the Congress are speaking out against a ban. They advance three arguments: The ban didn’t work; it’s too complicated to put into legislation; and it prevents law-abiding citizens from buying guns.

They’re wrong on all counts: The ban was effective and, if enacted, will be again; in the realm of public safety, Congress regularly acts on complex matters; and no one has an absolute right to buy any and all guns.


03-24-2018, 09:51 AM
What is amazingly funny is, by Law, 'assault weapons' are already banned from general ownership.

To LEGALLY own something that is FACTORY MADE to fire fully automatic, one needs to get a permit from ATF.
And that entails a very complete background check, for one. As a collector, you could own a .50 Cal Browning
machine gun IF you pass the ATF requirements.

Most all of these gun-grabbing liberals would not know an assault weapon from a Nerf gun.

03-24-2018, 10:51 AM
A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.

It would appear that these fascist democrat radicals intend to wipe their ass with the constitution as if it's nothing more than toilet paper.

03-24-2018, 10:59 AM
~ "Are these people, this write, actually this effing stup

*Yes...also indoctrinated... and Incredibly naive...


