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View Full Version : When Was The Last Time You Saw CONSERVATIVES Protest?

03-24-2018, 05:29 PM
Think about it... when was the last time? I can't remember. The ONLY people we EVER see doing this JACKASS PROTESTING is DEMOCRATS!!!

I'm seeing more and more comments on twitter and facebook where people are starting to use the term "PROTEST FATIGUE." People are getting FED UP with it, big time.

03-24-2018, 05:53 PM
Think about it... when was the last time? I can't remember. The ONLY people we EVER see doing this JACKASS PROTESTING is DEMOCRATS!!!

I'm seeing more and more comments on twitter and facebook where people are starting to use the term "PROTEST FATIGUE." People are getting FED UP with it, big time.

Well....Conservatives are usually much more mature than liberals, and realize protesting to the degree
liberals do make them appear childish and foolish. Almost to the point of being irrational.

Look at what they do in the Congress:

Get up and walk out of a session En Masse when something does not go their way;

Sit on their hands during the most recent State of The Union Address;

Yell and shriek as if having a tantrum.

The list goes on and on.

The liberal side of the aisle needs to be rebuilt using high chairs, trays, and wooden spoons.

03-24-2018, 05:56 PM
Think about it... when was the last time? I can't remember. The ONLY people we EVER see doing this JACKASS PROTESTING is DEMOCRATS!!!

I'm seeing more and more comments on twitter and facebook where people are starting to use the term "PROTEST FATIGUE." People are getting FED UP with it, big time.Hey, this one pimply-faced HS kid was on TV for a blurb on the news. He's getting a student walkout together to protest abortion (yes, he's being a smartass conservative :) ).

I mentioned this before Abbey. We'll see if it happens or gets any MSM time.

03-24-2018, 06:06 PM
Hey, this one pimply-faced HS kid was on TV for a blurb on the news. He's getting a student walkout together to protest abortion (yes, he's being a smartass conservative :) ).

I mentioned this before @Abbey (http://www.debatepolicy.com/member.php?u=11). We'll see if it happens or gets any MSM time.
There is no MSM, my friend... see my sig...

03-24-2018, 06:10 PM
There is no MSM, my friend... see my sig...We had this conversation. It's still there. It's ALWAYS been what it is.

03-24-2018, 06:13 PM
Think about it... when was the last time? I can't remember. The ONLY people we EVER see doing this JACKASS PROTESTING is DEMOCRATS!!!

I'm seeing more and more comments on twitter and facebook where people are starting to use the term "PROTEST FATIGUE." People are getting FED UP with it, big time.

If you really think about it. There's a good reason we rarely, if ever, see conservatives protesting. THEY HAVE JOBS, and ARE RESPONSIBLE CITIZENS. Democrats make sure their voters DEPEND on MONTHLY CHECKS, FOOD STAMPS, AND HAND-OUTS. So, they have more time to demonstrate.

03-24-2018, 06:28 PM
We had this conversation. It's still there. It's ALWAYS been what it is.
Not even close, bro. What America has witnessed since Trump got elected is unprecedented. I mean it was left LEANING before but now the left isn't even trying to give the impression that they're unbiased anymore. They're full blown radical left, and we've never seen it like this before in history. ANYTHING that doesn't further the DEMOCRAT AGENDA they WILL NOT COVER, and ANYTHING they can BASH CONSERVATIVES about, or SPIN, or LIE, they do it.

It's never been like this before... not to this degree.

03-24-2018, 06:43 PM
Not even close, bro. What America has witnessed since Trump got elected is unprecedented. I mean it was left LEANING before but now the left isn't even trying to give the impression that they're unbiased anymore. They're full blown radical left, and we've never seen it like this before in history. ANYTHING that doesn't further the DEMOCRAT AGENDA they WILL NOT COVER, and ANYTHING they can BASH CONSERVATIVES about, or SPIN, or LIE, they do it.

It's never been like this before... not to this degree.

I agree with you. It has never been this bad before. But the problem isn't the Dems, or Libs, or the Trump haters...if you think about it. The REAL problem is our WUSSY REPUBLICANS who are RINO'S, and afraid to OFFEND, or INSULT Dems...the way they do to us all the time.
That's why the Dems hate TRUMP. So far. He hasn't been afraid to SAY WHAT HE MEANS, no matter who might be offended, or insulted, because THEY CAN'T HANDLE THE TRUTH.
So, the way they fight Truth they can't change is...Twisting, and Lying, and Accusing Conservatives of all sorts of BS...and the WUSSIES we call Republicans don't know how to fight back like the Dems.
We need to use their TACTICS. That's the only way to beat them. WITH THEIR OWN TACTICS. Not cowering, bowing down, shying away, trying to always be nice, and not hurt anybody's feelings. SCREW THEM...Give the Dems a little of their own Medicine for a change.

03-24-2018, 07:04 PM
Not even close, bro. What America has witnessed since Trump got elected is unprecedented. I mean it was left LEANING before but now the left isn't even trying to give the impression that they're unbiased anymore. They're full blown radical left, and we've never seen it like this before in history. ANYTHING that doesn't further the DEMOCRAT AGENDA they WILL NOT COVER, and ANYTHING they can BASH CONSERVATIVES about, or SPIN, or LIE, they do it.

It's never been like this before... not to this degree.Really? Tell that to Edward R, Murrow, FDR, and Walter Cronkite. Then there was Hearst. Paul Revere. We have ALWAYS got what they wanted to tell us to think. Horace Greeley and Harriet Beecher Stowe are as responsible for Southern stereotypes as anyone. Between Stowe and that one picture of that one beaten slave, you'd think ALL Southerners owned lots of slaves and beat them and that is ALL the North thought. Still do think we're a bunch of backwards assed hicks and racists. Quit moving here then from your dead cities, thanks. You're crowding my land.

WWII, Hearst newspapers and the US gov't depicted the Japanese as subhuman and Americans treated them as such. In reality, Japanese culture may see more savage than ours, but in their own way they are far more civilized than we are.

Point is, you can call it what you want. Same old shit, different name. MSM is as good as any to differentiate left from right. "Mainstream" is the distribution. When I mention something other than the usual, CNN, NBC, CBS, ABC, MSNBC, pBS, etc ... identify it by name. Otherwise it's all the same MSM manure to me.

03-24-2018, 07:09 PM
Really? Tell that to Edward R, Murrow, FDR, and Walter Cronkite. Then there was Hearst. Paul Revere. We have ALWAYS got what they wanted to tell us to think. Horace Greeley and Harriet Beecher Stowe are as responsible for Southern stereotypes as anyone. Between Stowe and that one picture of that one beaten slave, you'd think ALL Southerners owned lots of slaves and beat them and that is ALL the North thought. Still do think we're a bunch of backwards assed hicks and racists. Quit moving here then from your dead cities, thanks. You're crowding my land.

WWII, Hearst newspapers and the US gov't depicted the Japanese as subhuman and Americans treated them as such. In reality, Japanese culture may see more savage than ours, but in their own way they are far more civilized than we are.

Point is, you can call it what you want. Same old shit, different name. MSM is as good as any to differentiate left from right. "Mainstream" is the distribution. When I mention something other than the usual, CNN, NBC, CBS, ABC, MSNBC, pBS, etc ... identify it by name. Otherwise it's all the same MSM manure to me.
I get your point... being that the "media," tells us whatever it is they want to tell us... right?

True, it has always been that way.

We're pretty much on the same page, just making different, and both correct, points.

03-24-2018, 07:09 PM
I agree with you. It has never been this bad before. But the problem isn't the Dems, or Libs, or the Trump haters...if you think about it. The REAL problem is our WUSSY REPUBLICANS who are RINO'S, and afraid to OFFEND, or INSULT Dems...the way they do to us all the time.
That's why the Dems hate TRUMP. So far. He hasn't been afraid to SAY WHAT HE MEANS, no matter who might be offended, or insulted, because THEY CAN'T HANDLE THE TRUTH.
So, the way they fight Truth they can't change is...Twisting, and Lying, and Accusing Conservatives of all sorts of BS...and the WUSSIES we call Republicans don't know how to fight back like the Dems.
We need to use their TACTICS. That's the only way to beat them. WITH THEIR OWN TACTICS. Not cowering, bowing down, shying away, trying to always be nice, and not hurt anybody's feelings. SCREW THEM...Give the Dems a little of their own Medicine for a change.
That's what I've been doing for a couple decades now... :thumb:

03-24-2018, 07:24 PM
I get your point... being that the "media," tells us whatever it is they want to tell us... right?

True, it has always been that way.

We're pretty much on the same page, just making different, and both correct, points.They taught us that in journalism in HS. The writer leads the reader through a story to the conclusion the writer wants the reader to have. The "conclusion" the writer wants the reayder to have is usually determined by the politics of the owner of the newspaper. When it is purposefully used to mislead, it's called "yellow journalism", a term coined because of Hearst and the SF Chronicle. The practice itself predated him though.

Yellow journalism usually preys on the readers fears, is overly-dramatic, alarmist and repetitive, to drive the message home, and has someone or something to blame throughout the narrative. People in this country believe all kinds of sh*t that just isn't even close to true.

03-24-2018, 07:29 PM
They taught us that in journalism in HS. The writer leads the reader through a story to the conclusion the writer wants the reader to have. The "conclusion" the writer wants the reayder to have is usually determined by the politics of the owner of the newspaper. When it is purposefully used to mislead, it's called "yellow journalism", a term coined because of Hearst and the SF Chronicle. The practice itself predated him though.

Yellow journalism usually preys on the readers fears, is overly-dramatic, alarmist and repetitive, to drive the message home, and has someone or something to blame throughout the narrative. People in this country believe all kinds of sh*t that just isn't even close to true.
Right... my point is just that the degree of unhinged conservative bashing has increased 100 fold since the old days.

We're both right.

03-24-2018, 07:49 PM
Right... my point is just that the degree of unhinged conservative bashing has increased 100 fold since the old days.

We're both right.That's society in general though. Media is just a conduit. The constant negativity. Constantly repeating the same negative messages about the same people/side/issue. Not mention when your people are wrong or the other side is right (CNN meteor coverage over government shutdown - choice of message). Meanwhile pumping up your guy if he just farts.

How much coverage has Pocahontas' denials gotten? Now, how much coverage has her being an obvious liar and fraud gotten? Maxine Waters gets back page one time paragraph for her stupidity, but front page story ANY time she slams Trump. The message is constant. Trump appears to take weekends off, or at least part of them. We get nothing from the media all weekend. Blacks and Hispanics are constantly hearing through the media what the Dems are going to do for them. What has the Dems actually done for either? Nothing. Toss them a welfare bone every once in awhile or a promise of citizenship. A blatant lie. One that's believed.

It isn't going to stop. It's a proven formula. THAT is yellow journalism. And, not MY name for it. JOURNALISTS call(ed) it that.

03-24-2018, 08:00 PM
How much coverage has Pocahontas' denials gotten? Now, how much coverage has her being an obvious liar and fraud gotten? Maxine Waters gets back page one time paragraph for her stupidity, but front page story ANY time she slams Trump. The message is constant. Trump appears to take weekends off, or at least part of them. We get nothing from the media all weekend. Blacks and Hispanics are constantly hearing through the media what the Dems are going to do for them. What has the Dems actually done for either? Nothing. Toss them a welfare bone every once in awhile or a promise of citizenship. A blatant lie. One that's believed.
See... that's EXACTLY what I'm talking about.

I knew we were on the same page, just having a hard time connecting... :beer:

03-24-2018, 09:08 PM
"Originally posted by High_Plains_Drifter
http://www.debatepolicy.com/images/icons/icon1.png When Was The Last Time You Saw CONSERVATIVES Protest?
Think about it... when was the last time? I can't remember. The ONLY people we EVER see doing this JACKASS PROTESTING is DEMOCRATS!!!

I'm seeing more and more comments on twitter and facebook where people are starting to use the term "PROTEST FATIGUE." People are getting FED UP with it, big time.

I thought about it. I believe it was November 8, 2016.

03-24-2018, 09:19 PM
"Originally posted by High_Plains_Drifter
http://www.debatepolicy.com/images/icons/icon1.png When Was The Last Time You Saw CONSERVATIVES Protest?

Think about it... when was the last time? I can't remember. The ONLY people we EVER see doing this JACKASS PROTESTING is DEMOCRATS!!!

I'm seeing more and more comments on twitter and facebook where people are starting to use the term "PROTEST FATIGUE." People are getting FED UP with it, big time.

I thought about it. I believe it was November 8, 2016.Some of us at least can remember this, but in the late 60s conservatives would wear hardhats and counter-protest the Vietnam War protesters.

And if it counts, my GI Joe was in the prone position on the White House lawn mowing down hippy protesters with a BAR :happy0203: Lost my GI Joe privileges for a week over that little "massacre". Hey, raise me in the military, make me watch the news every night and buy me a GI Joe .....:whistling2:

03-24-2018, 09:49 PM
"Originally posted by Gunny
Some of us at least can remember this, but in the late 60s conservatives would wear hardhats and counter-protest the Vietnam War protesters.

And if it counts, my GI Joe was in the prone position on the White House lawn mowing down hippy protesters with a BAR :happy0203: Lost my GI Joe privileges for a week over that little "massacre". Hey, raise me in the military, make me watch the news every night and buy me a GI Joe .....:whistling2:

I remember it well. In fact 50 years ago this week my 5th grade teacher gave everyone in class one minute to stand in front of class and state who we wanted for President and why. After 35 presentations about how Bobby Kennedy would be a great President because his brother was such a great President, blah, blah, blah, it was my turn. I got up and extolled the virtues of Richard Nixon because he stands up the the Russians and that the last thing this country needed was a long haired hippy like Bobby Kennedy in the White House. I learned the hard way at recess that protesting for conservative views means that you get the shit beat out of you.

03-24-2018, 10:23 PM
"Originally posted by Gunny
Some of us at least can remember this, but in the late 60s conservatives would wear hardhats and counter-protest the Vietnam War protesters.

And if it counts, my GI Joe was in the prone position on the White House lawn mowing down hippy protesters with a BAR :happy0203: Lost my GI Joe privileges for a week over that little "massacre". Hey, raise me in the military, make me watch the news every night and buy me a GI Joe .....:whistling2:

I remember it well. In fact 50 years ago this week my 5th grade teacher gave everyone in class one minute to stand in front of class and state who we wanted for President and why. After 35 presentations about how Bobby Kennedy would be a great President because his brother was such a great President, blah, blah, blah, it was my turn. I got up and extolled the virtues of Richard Nixon because he stands up the the Russians and that the last thing this country needed was a long haired hippy like Bobby Kennedy in the White House. I learned the hard way at recess that protesting for conservative views means that you get the shit beat out of you.Damn, I thought my geeky school was the only one that did that crap. It was okay for us though. DoD school on a NAS :). I was in 3rd grade. Being for Nixon was okay.

RFK was already dead IIRC. The choices were Nixon, Humphrey and Wallace as an independent. My dad was for Wallace. My paternal family is from AL.

03-25-2018, 09:10 AM
Conservatives and Liberals are different...They do protest but no where near as crazed ...emotional liberals...Conservatives tend to trust the institutions of `GOV` more but Politicians less....

So they are more likely to let their grievances play out in court or election time...Liberals...tend to trust individual politicians more..while distrusting the institutions ...

Conservatives are more likely to blame individual politicians for their problems and vote them out of office...where as Liberals tend to blame institutions for their problems...and protest all institutions...Yes...Conservatives do protest but in a more civil manor...


03-25-2018, 09:19 AM
The point is, for every HUNDRED protests you see by the radical left, you might see ONE by a conservative group.

Protesting is the left's favorite past time, but it's taking it's toll. The new term is PROTEST FATIGUE. People are really starting to let it known that they're sick and tired of the endless, nonstop protests by radical democrats.

03-25-2018, 09:40 AM
The point is, for every HUNDRED protests you see by the radical left, you might see ONE by a conservative group.

Protesting is the left's favorite past time, but it's taking it's toll. The new term is PROTEST FATIGUE. People are really starting to let it known that they're sick and tired of the endless, nonstop protests by radical democrats.

*MY point above with Liberals...its `emotion` driven....Thus more Illogical protests

"Liberals...tend to trust >>individual<< politicians more..while distrusting the institutions ..."

03-25-2018, 09:53 AM
Didn't you guys just make a thread about how much liberals whine? What are you doing here? This thread is pathetic and unamerican.

03-25-2018, 10:13 AM
Conservatives and Liberals are different...They do protest but no where near as crazed ...emotional liberals...Conservatives tend to trust the institutions of `GOV` more but Politicians less....

So they are more likely to let their grievances play out in court or election time...Liberals...tend to trust individual politicians more..while distrusting the institutions ...

Conservatives are more likely to blame individual politicians for their problems and vote them out of office...where as Liberals tend to blame institutions for their problems...and protest all institutions...Yes...Conservatives do protest but in a more civil manor...

I don't know...I just wish if people were going to carry signs and the like, that they would at least use
correct grammar and spelling (both sides). You're instead of your, for example. OUR rather than are.
It just makes the person carrying it look ignorant.

03-25-2018, 10:19 AM
Didn't you guys just make a thread about how much liberals whine? What are you doing here? This thread is pathetic and unamerican.

How so? You saunter in and drop a one-line bomb and scurry for the shadows.

How is it un-American? That people disagree with whining liberals? Isn't a liberal tossing out an initial insult
un-American also? Where is the Oh So Famous 'liberal tolerance'? Is that just limited to be applied
to liberals only and their personal special interests?

03-25-2018, 11:19 AM
Didn't you guys just make a thread about how much liberals whine? What are you doing here? This thread is pathetic and unamerican.

shut up...you dont like the thread Ignore it...Its not nice to insult like you did....

03-25-2018, 11:20 AM
Didn't you guys just make a thread about how much liberals whine? What are you doing here? This thread is pathetic and unamerican.

petey. We only respond to your idiocy because we know you suffer from many, liberal, mental disorders that make you sound as pathetic as your own words. Besides...who are you to tell us WE are UnAmerican when you wouldn't pass for anything other than a BOMB THROWER on Pelosi Steroids???