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View Full Version : Trump is a lying pig and a lying pig for a wife

03-26-2018, 02:04 PM
Oh, wait a minute, that's Bill and Hillary Clinton. Let's take a gander back in time and see how things were handled when it was a democrat in office, IN OFFICE at the time, had the sex IN THE OVAL OFFICE, lied to officials and the American people.

It was dismissed as consensual sex.

Now remember that as you watch the Trump saga play out. Watch how the media identify him, and what took place 10 years before he ran for office.

This will be how you know the MSM is so liberal. This will show you how the folks now are hypocrites.


FLASHBACK: MSM Deemed Clinton-Lewinsky Affair Nothing More Than Consensual Sex

"Is It Only About Sex?" wrote the New York Times in August 1998.

"Maybe It Is About Sex," wrote Slate the same month.

"High crimes? Or just a sex cover-up?" Time magazine wrote the next month.

That was the tack back then, after 50-year-old Bill Clinton was accused of having sex with a 22-year-old White House intern, often in the Oval Office. Clinton vehemently denied the allegation, wagging a crooked finger as he spat: “I want you to listen to me. I did not have sexual relations with that woman, Ms. Lewinsky. I never told a single person to lie, not a single time, never.”

Before the whole mess unraveled, Clinton also said: ''It is time to stop the pursuit of personal destruction and the prying into private lives and get on with our national life."

Of course, he did have sex with Monica Lewinsky, and then he lied about it. Worse, he lied about it not just to every person in America but under oath, which made it a crime of perjury. In fact, he was impeached by the House of Representatives not for having sex with an intern, but for lying under oath and committing obstruction of justice in covering up the affair. While he wasn't removed from office, Clinton, a lawyer, was disbarred for five years.

Democrats and liberals and the very liberal mainstream media deemed the whole affair to be "only about sex." They castigated the report issued by independent counsel Kenneth Starr as obsessed with sex and dismissed the scandal as nothing more than, as then-first lady Hillary Clinton said, a "right-wing conspiracy." Even after his Senate trial, Democrats applauded Clinton and portrayed him as the victim of “politics of personal destruction."

Even worse, the MSM and liberals sought to blame the young woman at the center of the mess. "Tapes reportedly portray Lewinsky as obsessed — magazine says she was fixated on creating romantic link with Clinton," Knight Ridder reported in June 1998. There were plenty more stories that portrayed Lewinsky as solely to blame for the affair.

What a difference a few years make.

A pornographic "actress" named Stormy Daniels appeared on "60 Minutes" on Sunday to allege an affair with Donald Trump back in 2006, 10 years before he ran for president. On the news program, she said the sexual encounter was consensual — "I'm not a victim," she said. But she also said she was threatened if she talked about the affair.

The MSM swooned. Everything Daniels said in the friendly interview with Trump-hater Anderson Cooper was taken as gospel (despite the three times she signed statements that asserted there was no affair). The response to her allegations were a far cry from that given to Clinton's victims: Juanita Broaddrick, who said he raped her in a Little Rock, Arkansas hotel room; Paula Jones, who said he sexually assaulted her; Kathleen Willey, who accused him of groping her in the Oval Office; Gennifer Flowers; who claimed she had a 12-year affair with him; and Dolly Kyle, who also claimed an affair with Clinton.

The media never believed any of them, and Hillary went after them in vicious ways. Jones, whom Clinton eventually paid $850,000, told The New York Times in 2017, “It’s like me and Juanita and Kathleen have been screaming for years for someone to pay attention to us on the liberal side, and it’s like no one would hear us. They made fun of me. They didn’t believe me. They said I was making it up.”

Back then, the media were intent on painting Clinton's affair as consensual and blasting the prurience of American society. Clinton played along, at one point saying, "I intend to reclaim my family life for my family. It’s nobody's business but ours. Even presidents have private lives." And yet the media kept reporting on the story, drawing angry rebukes from critics.

Feminists went along for the ride. In a New York Times op-ed, Gloria Steinem criticized “the media's obsession with sex qua sex,” which she considered “offensive to some, titillating to many and beside the point to almost everybody.”

Now, though, forget all that. Trump's alleged affair is the most important global issue, worthy of nonstop coverage of a pornographic "actress" who has thrice denied any sexual liaison with Trump. The press, and newspapers like The Washington Post, downplayed the fact that Daniels took $130,000 and pushed the new claim that she feared for the safety of her family — a claim for which she offered no proof.

The New York Times, too, hyped the new claim that Daniels took the money "because she was worried about her safety and that of her young daughter."

And now, Daniels, real name Stephanie Clifford, will return to her real job: She's cashing in on her fame by making appearances on the strip club circuit in what she calls her “Make America Horny Again” tour.

The irony is, of course, lost on the MSM.


03-26-2018, 02:06 PM
The allegation against Trump doesn't appear to be even getting out of the chute on all fours.

03-26-2018, 04:53 PM
But...But...But liberals are allowed to tell fibs, make excuses, lie, rationalize, and point fingers.
Isn't that what the MSM has trained them to do?

Clinton's dalliances happened when he was an elected official, for the most part. Most disgusting
was his little stunt in the White House, which is The People's House.

liberals and their lead-by-the-nose MSM are pathetic and disgusting. Adolescents in adult clothing.

03-26-2018, 05:02 PM
But...But...But liberals are allowed to tell fibs, make excuses, lie, rationalize, and point fingers.
Isn't that what the MSM has trained them to do?

Clinton's dalliances happened when he was an elected official, for the most part. Most disgusting
was his little stunt in the White House, which is The People's House.

liberals and their lead-by-the-nose MSM are pathetic and disgusting. Adolescents in adult clothing.Sorry, but I can NEVER follow that "but he did it in the WH!" argument.

Was a Marine I "knew" :halounplugged: who got stuck on SDNCO at HQMC on the same day his ex (then) active duty spouse got stuck on DNCO. Use WAS made of the Commandant of the Marine Corps' desk :happy0203:

Ahhh ... to be a young jarhead again :laugh:

03-26-2018, 05:27 PM
Sorry, but I can NEVER follow that "but he did it in the WH!" argument.

Was a Marine I "knew" :halounplugged: who got stuck on SDNCO at HQMC on the same day his ex (then) active duty spouse got stuck on DNCO. Use WAS made of the Commandant of the Marine Corps' desk :happy0203:

Ahhh ... to be a young jarhead again :laugh:


03-26-2018, 05:43 PM

I honestly didn't think a thing about Bill Clinton because honestly, I wasn't surprised at what he did. HOWEVER, as I stated THEN ... was it worth it? The Dems/left have tried to impeach both Bush and Trump for breathing ever since. It's their default stance when a Republican s in office.

They pulled the same crap with Reagan trying to make up for the fact Carter was rejected SOUNDLY for second term by the American people. They have a juvenile delinquent mentality that demands "payback".

I knew Clinton wasn't going to be removed from office, so what was the point? Same as with this "Russian investigation" BS. I mean for real. What a crock of shit.

What infuriates me the most about it? The Republican'ts had * years of Obama's "monarchy" to bust that jackass for REAL crimes and misdemeanors and not ONE peep out of the chickshits.

03-26-2018, 05:44 PM
What's the term again? Oh yeah... I remember now... "this is a NOTHING BURGER."

When the radical dems start playing these games, EVERYONE, which is basically the ENTIRE NATION, that knows EXACTLY what Clinton did and how the left DISMISSED IT, when they start rolling out this garbage, people go... yeah, right... whatever... :gives:

03-26-2018, 06:12 PM
I honestly didn't think a thing about Bill Clinton because honestly, I wasn't surprised at what he did. HOWEVER, as I stated THEN ... was it worth it? The Dems/left have tried to impeach both Bush and Trump for breathing ever since. It's their default stance when a Republican s in office.

They pulled the same crap with Reagan trying to make up for the fact Carter was rejected SOUNDLY for second term by the American people. They have a juvenile delinquent mentality that demands "payback".

I knew Clinton wasn't going to be removed from office, so what was the point? Same as with this "Russian investigation" BS. I mean for real. What a crock of shit.

What infuriates me the most about it? The Republican'ts had * years of Obama's "monarchy" to bust that jackass for REAL crimes and misdemeanors and not ONE peep out of the chickshits.

Oh, Hell.

These present pussy-willows started screaming for Impeachment even before Trump took the oath of office.
That is called pissing up a rope. Spoiled elitist brats!

03-26-2018, 08:50 PM
If a thread supposedly about Trump and some prostitute goes instantly to Bill Clinton's carry-on and stays there, you know this stuff is going nowhere.

Nobody cares. Not after all the bad creepazoid Dems.