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03-27-2018, 02:51 PM
Their goals are stupid, and wouldn't do a damn thing. And just like congress idiots, they ignore the fact that they were/are protected by folks with guns. :rolleyes:

Yeah, toss out the police and bodyguards and everyone else with a gun, since that's what you all want. Simply amazing that all these knuckleheads out there can knowingly be protected by guns and then complain about them.


The Most Hypocritical Thing I Saw At The March For Our Lives

I spent four hours at the March For Our Lives on Saturday and asked dozens of protesters what specific legislation they wanted to see passed to end gun violence.

They, to a person, wanted to see “assault weapons” banned and forcibly bought back from legal owners.

After filming, I wandered the march observing the signs and messages people were sending.

Some of the signs were profane. Some more bizarre. Others seemed ill-informed. However, the most peculiar and frankly hypocritical thing I saw at the march did not happen on stage or even in the audience. The most hypocritical thing happening at the March For Our Lives took place backstage.

Each celebrity speaker and high school activist who took the stage to give an impassioned speech condemning firearms was themselves protected by a wide arsenal firearms.

I personally witnessed multiple celebrities go to and from their limousines under the heavily armed guard of private security members and the Capitol Police. I watched Katie Couric, Cher, George Clooney and the student celebrities of Parkland all get escorted to safety by police officers who were visibly carrying holstered handguns. None of the speakers waived the protections of an armed officer. Every major movie star, singer or student leaving the rally rushed to the protective bubble of well armed security as they traveled from the gated backstage area to idling limousines and private cars.


I watch this happen again and again, as armed police held back screaming fans and teenagers from harassing some of their favorite advocate-celebrities. There wasn’t a moment of irony when Cher’s private security, who I assume we’re packing heat, pushed me out of the way as I attempted to ask her a question.

There was no irony when the same thing happened with Jennifer Hudson.

Emma Gonzalez was able to briskly walk to her waiting limousine with her hoodie on, indifferent to the rabid crowds calling for her attention thanks at least in part to the armed police who kept the screaming teens at bay.

George Clooney’s security, arguably the most massive force on scene that day, didn’t let a soul near him.

There were also many legitimate weapons of war protecting the marchers.

The point of this observation isn’t to put a stick in the eye of people who want to feel protected – especially when those people are famous and may have significant threats on their lives.

The point is if you feel safe being protected by a good guy with a gun – isn’t that a right we should all have?

Thank God, we still do.


03-27-2018, 04:44 PM
The point the author makes is as valid as the hypocrisy of all the anti-gun nuts being protected by guns. The bright-as-the-sun obviousness of it has ALWAYS left me amazed at the sheer stupidity of some people, as well as the elitism of many others.

03-27-2018, 05:00 PM
Perhaps the police and security should back off a ways and let these media darlings fend for themselves.

Then and only then will we see if the shoe is on the other foot.

03-27-2018, 05:57 PM
Perhaps the police and security should back off a ways and let these media darlings fend for themselves.

Then and only then will we see if the shoe is on the other foot.

Money talks...bullshit walks. Those "celebrities" have plenty of money. .... just saying

03-27-2018, 07:14 PM
Perhaps the police and security should back off a ways and let these media darlings fend for themselves.

Then and only then will we see if the shoe is on the other foot.The police are not there to protect celebrities. They are there to ensure order is maintained. You know, like they do in Berkeley. The PRIVATE security rivals the police.

What needs to happen is these celebrities need to lose that privileged status that rates any private security. They need to get the SAME number of cops in THEIR neighborhoods as you have in yours. In sort, they need to have to deal with reality not that fantasy bubble they hide out in and come out of only when they feel the need to tell us minions how we should live.

Give me $20M for play-acting I'm somebody I'm not once a year or so and I'll just go buy some more trucks and guns :)

03-28-2018, 09:45 AM
Just about everything the democrats do and say is hypocritical bull shit. These people are scummy, low life trash.

03-28-2018, 06:35 PM
Just about everything the democrats do and say is hypocritical bull shit. These people are scummy, low life trash.

Brain dead is what most are.

Cannot see the forest for the trees!