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View Full Version : Nolte: Trump Poll Bump Has Some in MSM Regretting CNN-ization of News

03-27-2018, 03:07 PM
This is absolutely fantastic! Millions of frothing liberals, once again, thought for an entire weekend that they hit the jackpot in trying to kill the 2nd amendment, along with going after the president and hoping he fails.

The Trump haters, the liberals, the democrat party - it must be a sucky day again! :coffee:


Nolte: Trump Poll Bump Has Some in MSM Regretting CNN-ization of News

Let’s face it — our elitist media had a very bad weekend. To fully delight in just how demoralized they all are today, we must first imagine their gleeful sense anticipation on Friday afternoon — like spoiled children on the day of their birthday party thinking only of ponies: “Stock market dives on Friday – yay! Anti-gun march Saturday – yessss! Stormy arrives Sunday – squeeel!! New polls on Trump’s job approval numbers Monday – whoo-hoo!”

And then…


Saturday’s attendance at the anti-gun march was, to say the least, quite underwhelming, especially when you consider all the energy our unbiased, objective media spent advertising it. The fallout from the march was even worse.

On Sunday, the super-hyped 60 Minutes interview with Stormy Daniels fizzled, landed with such a dud that is all anyone talked about Monday. The 21 million viewers might have delivered the newsmagazine its best night in a decade, but it was still way less than half of the 49 million who tuned in to see Monica Lewinsky’s 1999 interview.

Also on Monday came a huge bump for Trump’s job approval rating and…

A near-record day for the stock market.

To add insult to injury, last week, between the media’s porn-porn-porn-gungrab-gungrab-gungrab, they told us that President McStupidCrazyRacist had just launched a disastrous trade war and the apocalypse what nigh.

And then this and this happened.

Oh, and all the polls taken during the Stormy-era show the Republican Party in much better shape to house the House.


Rest - http://www.breitbart.com/big-journalism/2018/03/27/nolte-trump-poll-bump-msm-regretting-cnn-ization-news/

Trump Gets First Major Trade Deal as South Korea Looks to Avoid Tariffs

WASHINGTON — President Trump is on the verge of securing his first major trade deal, leveraging the threat of tariffs to gain concessions from South Korea on exports of steel and imports of American cars.

The deal, which the White House could announce on Tuesday, would come at a moment of heightened tension on the Korean Peninsula as the Trump administration prepares to hold talks with North Korea’s leader, Kim Jong-un. Ties between Washington and Seoul had become strained over disagreements about trade, including Mr. Trump’s steel tariffs, and threatened to further complicate the already fraught discussions with North Korea.

The finalization of a trade agreement with South Korea would hand Mr. Trump a victory in his “America First” approach to trade, in which he has threatened to take tough trade action unless other countries agree to concessions, including a reduction in the gap between what they export to the United States and what America exports to their shores. The blanket steel and aluminum tariffs announced by the White House earlier this month are the most recent example of that blunt approach, with the White House using exemptions and revisions as a carrot to avoid the tariff stick.

“I think the strategy has worked, quite frankly,” Steven Mnuchin, the Treasury secretary, told Fox News in an interview on Sunday. “We announced the tariff. We said we were going to proceed. But, again, we said we’d simultaneously negotiate.”

“I think this is an absolute win-win,” he added, referring to the agreement with South Korea.

The South Korean government announced the deal on Monday.

Rest - https://www.nytimes.com/2018/03/26/business/south-korea-us-tariffs.html

Trump's trade tactics may make China more willing to negotiate: Former Bush advisor Lindsey

-It's yet to be seen if Trump's tough trade talk will work but there have been some promising signs, says Larry Lindsey.
-"The Chinese response so far suggests that they're more willing to negotiate than they have in the past," he says.

It's yet to be seen if President Donald Trump's tough trade talk will work but there have been some promising signs, said Larry Lindsey, who served as a top economic advisor to President George W. Bush.

Trump signed an executive memorandum on Thursday that would impose tariffs on up to $60 billion in Chinese imports.

"Trump is trying something new. We won't know until it's tried whether it's going to work or not," Lindsey said on CNBC's "Closing Bell" Monday.

"The Chinese response so far suggests that they're more willing to negotiate then they have in the past."

On Monday, China Premier Li Keqian said the two countries should maintain negotiations and reiterated pledges to ease access for American businesses. And over the weekend, Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin said he is "hopeful" the United States can work out a trade agreement with China.

Rest - https://www.cnbc.com/2018/03/26/trumps-trade-talk-may-make-china-willing-to-negotiate-larry-lindsey.html

03-27-2018, 03:23 PM
`It's great that CNN has committed suicide. Couldn't have happened to a nicer group of scum bags....**BTW...CNN PAY`S..... to vomit their propaganda at the airports.

...CNN Isn't shown by popular consent....it's pushed by an agenda of some rich organization to brainwash honest folks stuck in airports. CNN is vile.`


Abbey Marie
03-27-2018, 04:21 PM

Oh man, they are positively fuming.

03-27-2018, 04:33 PM

Oh man, they are positively fuming.


Black Diamond
03-27-2018, 04:34 PM
I heard oreilly is looking for work. :cool: