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View Full Version : Trump’s Census Change Could Give the GOP an Advantage for Years to Come

03-27-2018, 03:51 PM
And of course the democrats/liberals are already going nuts.


Trump’s Census Change Could Give the GOP an Advantage for Years to Come

Several months ago, a Census Bureau researcher warned that test surveys ahead of the 2020 Census were already showing “unprecedented” levels of concern from immigrants, who fear that answering the survey could lead to deportation, though that would be an illegal use of the data.

On Monday night the Commerce Department announced a change that’s likely to make the problem much worse: in keeping with a request from the Justice Department, the next Census will include a question about citizenship status. Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross said in a statement that he has “determined that reinstatement of a citizenship question on the 2020 decennial Census questionnaire is necessary to provide complete and accurate Census block level data.”

While it might seem like the epitome of boring government bureaucracy, the count of every person living in America — which must take place every ten years, according to the Constitution — is extremely important, as the data is used to draw political districts and determine the distribution of federal funding. The Trump administration’s move is likely to give Republicans, who already have an edge in congressional and state legislative maps, an even greater advantage for years to come.

The citizenship question has not been included in the decennial Census since 1950, though it is included in some smaller population surveys. Adding the question is expected to discourage noncitizens — a population already difficult to count accurately — from responding to the Census. A majority of undocumented immigrants live in 20 metropolitan areas, so undercounting this population would shift power and resources away from more Democratic-leaning cities and toward Republican-leaning rural areas.

Rest - http://nymag.com/daily/intelligencer/2018/03/trumps-census-change-could-boost-the-gop-for-years-to-come.html

California Sues Trump Administration Over Census Citizenship Question

The state of California is suing the Trump administration for allegedly violating the Constitution by adding a question inquiring about citizenship to the 2020 census questionnaire, The Washington Post reported Tuesday.

The Department of Commerce, carrying out a request from the Department of Justice, announced Monday that a citizenship question will be included in the census to better enforce the Voting Rights Act, CNN reported. The relevant Commerce Department statement said Secretary of Commerce Wilbur Ross “has determined that reinstatement of a citizenship question on the 2020 decennial census questionnaire is necessary to provide complete and accurate census block level data,” Fox News reported.

“The decennial census is mandated in the Constitution and its data are relied on for a myriad of important government decisions, including apportionment of Congressional seats among states, enforcement of voting rights laws, and allocation of federal funds,” Ross said in a memo.

Rest - http://dailycaller.com/2018/03/27/california-sues-over-census-question/

Schumer: Courts should block Trump's census citizenship question

Senate Minority Leader Charles Schumer (D-N.Y.) ripped the Trump administration's decision to add a question on citizenship to the 2020 census and urged the courts to overturn the move.

“The census, written about and hallowed in the Constitution, is being distorted by this administration for political purposes. President Trump and Secretary Ross should be ashamed of themselves. Hopefully the courts will correct this glaring abuse," he said in a statement, referring to Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross.

The Commerce Department announced the decision on Monday evening over strong objections of Democrats, marking the first time it will be included in the census since 1950.

Democratic attorneys general in several states as well as progressive outside groups have pledged to bring legal action against the decision.

And Democratic lawmakers in Congress have condemned the decision as politically motivated and warned it will alienate immigrant communities after Trump's hardline rhetoric during the champaign.

Rest - http://thehill.com/blogs/floor-action/senate/380470-schumer-courts-should-block-trump-from-including-citizenship

03-27-2018, 03:56 PM
Trump wants to just Changed it back...after sneaky... obama changed it back in 2010