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View Full Version : WATCH: Bolton To Jumpstart President Trump’s Arab NATO Plan

03-27-2018, 08:13 PM

An "Arab NATO"? Saudi Arabia, Egypt and the UAE were mentioned. Probably a good idea if it works. Aren't they all? :)

I'm not making the stretch from Bolton to an "Arab NATO" though.

Bolton at least seems to have an appreciation for the current situation. And definitely on Iran's support for terrorism. Lots of guesswork.


03-27-2018, 08:58 PM

Another Fighter for America (John Bolton)....Puts an end to the weakness and Ignorance of "yes we can" Failed Obama and corrupt Hillary Liberalism....which put us in this mess to begin with...


03-28-2018, 07:33 AM
The real question in my mind is: Where does Israel fit into this? This "Middle East NATO" idea forces the Sunni nations to choose between Israel and Palestine or it gets no traction. I doubt seriously any plan put forward by Trump is going to leave out Israel.

In theory, it would screw Russia and Iran over, and the little crap-holes like Lebanon and Syria that would side with them. IF it responded with force. I mean, what has NATO done to Russia over Crimea? Call them "bad" and put "sanctions" on them? Hardly the intent of the treaty.