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View Full Version : Another statue gonna fall

03-29-2018, 12:01 PM
At times like this, ADULTS need to stand in, explain politely and calmly that America has a history, sometimes great, and sometimes not so great. But that either way, it cannot and should not be hidden, deleted or re-written.

IMO, this is a case of nitwits demanding or asking for change, simply because they can, because so many others are getting their way over retarded shit in the past decade. Adults need to stand up and tell them NO and teach them to grow up.


New York College Students Demand Removal of Thomas Jefferson Statue, Citing KKK, 'White Supremacy'

A group of students at Hofstra University outside New York City are demanding the removal of a statue of Thomas Jefferson, the main author of the Declaration of Independence, America's third president, and founder of the Democratic Party. In protesting Jefferson, the students cited white supremacy, eugenics, and the Ku Klux Klan, an organization founded 39 years after the president died.

"Jefferson Has Gotta Go!" declares the Facebook event scheduled for Friday. A large cadre of identity politics groups are co-sponsoring the event: Campus Feminist Collective, Collegiate Women of Color, Democrats of Hofstra University, Hofstra History Club, Hofstra NAACP Chapter, Peace Action Matters, Queer & Trans People of Color Coalition, Student Advocates of Safer Sex, The Gender Identity Federation, The Pride Network of Hofstra University, and Young Democratic Socialists of Hofstra. As of Wednesday night, 61 people said they would attend the protest, with 49 more "interested."

"While Jefferson’s architectural designs have gone on to inspire the designs of many American universities, Jefferson’s values aided in the construction of institutionalized racism and justified the subjugation of black people in the United States," JaLoni Owens declared in a petition on Change.org, which had 704 signatures on Wednesday.

In a Facebook post explaining the reasons behind her protest, Owens wrote, "He shouldn't be idolized or honored. He belongs in a museum. I'm more than happy to share additional info about Jefferson with ANYONE!"

Perhaps ironically, Hofstra University's Jefferson statue does not commemorate the third president's political leadership or his drafting of the Declaration of Independence. Instead, as the museum website explains, it commemorates his architecture. His architectural design, "the tradition of the quadrangle," emerges across Hofstra's campus.

Rest - https://pjmedia.com/trending/new-york-college-students-demand-removal-of-thomas-jefferson-statue-citing-kkk-white-supremacy/

03-29-2018, 12:29 PM
This crap gets stupider by the month.

If they do not like the statue, then they should just ignore it.

While we are at it, let's remove all statues of Civil Rights icons - level
the playing field, so to speak.

03-29-2018, 01:20 PM
They need to have to work for a living. Bet those "college students" aren't paying their own tuition. How about studying on momma and daddy's dimes and make them proud instead of wasting you free time worrying about what Thomas Jefferson did.

I think we should remove all statues of blacks because it reminds me of slavery:rolleyes:

03-29-2018, 01:22 PM
I think we should remove all statues of blacks because it reminds me of slavery:rolleyes:

Good point! Let's see what the board liberals think of that!

To be to the point....we cannot alter history. We did not live in the times of Washington,
Jefferson, Adams, and Hamilton.

This is a different era. Embrace the damned history and learn from it. Just taking away statues
does not mean a damned thing - just denial that the nation on the whole had growing pains.

People need to grow up...ignore symbols that you do not like (except Nazi images) and bless the
fact you live in a free, although somewhat controlled, Republic.

03-29-2018, 01:29 PM
Good point! Let's see what the board liberals think of that!Hey, they can all go back where their ancestors came from as far as I care.

I'd like to kick the crap out of the first slave owner that ever set foot on American soil. Not because I give a damn about people owning slaves 200+years ago, but for all the pure bullshit I have had to listen to all my life because they did. I'd just as soon pick my own f-ing cotton like my grandfather did. And sur-PRISE, sur-PRISE! He was as white as I am.

03-29-2018, 01:49 PM
Hey, they can all go back where their ancestors came from as far as I care.

I'd like to kick the crap out of the first slave owner that ever set foot on American soil. Not because I give a damn about people owning slaves 200+years ago, but for all the pure bullshit I have had to listen to all my life because they did. I'd just as soon pick my own f-ing cotton like my grandfather did. And sur-PRISE, sur-PRISE! He was as white as I am.

You got it! My grandpap's family farmed in the Potomac Valley near Moorefield WVA.

They did not have slaves. They were dirt farmers eking out a living. Manors close by had slaves,
But Great Grandpap Angus would have no attraction to that institution.

I agree with the bolded.

You lazy lay-about blacks want more free handouts? You street gangsters want more
"tough boy" reputation? Then go to Nigeria. According to the SPAM E-mails I get,
You should be rolling in the dough there!

03-29-2018, 02:13 PM
You got it! My grandpap's family farmed in the Potomac Valley near Moorefield WVA.

They did not have slaves. They were dirt farmers eking out a living. Manors close by had slaves,
But Great Grandpap Angus would have no attraction to that institution.

I agree with the bolded.

You lazy lay-about blacks want more free handouts? You street gangsters want more
"tough boy" reputation? Then go to Nigeria. According to the SPAM E-mails I get,
You should be rolling in the dough there!Are you kidding? I've been to Africa. American blacks wouldn't last 2 weeks there. There are lots of ways to die there and these pampered American blacks would find every one of them. They aren't tough enough to survive the place.

03-29-2018, 02:31 PM
Are you kidding? I've been to Africa. American blacks wouldn't last 2 weeks there. There are lots of ways to die there and these pampered American blacks would find every one of them. They aren't tough enough to survive the place.

No...not kidding.

If it were not for "Gang Rule", all of these supposed 'tough boy' black boys would be mincemeat.
They act so rough and tough, but go into a conservative enclave or town? Never gonna happen!
Send them back to Nigeria...see how tough they are. They cannot face a posse of conservatives,
so it would be a delight to see them in their suppoded 'home land". African-Americans! A foul joke!

They stay in their welfare communities, whining about oppression.

When it is up to the individual to elevate his/her self beyond that up-bringing.