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View Full Version : What The Laura Ingraham Boycott Is Really About

03-31-2018, 09:23 AM
Moving the goal post and influence from "others", no doubt in my mind. He wants an apology, but then he wants an apology and condemnation of the station and/or other hosts and guests. I would tell him to eat shit at that point.


What The Laura Ingraham Boycott Is Really About

Advertisers are dropping Fox News host Laura Ingraham after she made fun of Parkland survivor David Hogg this week.

On Wednesday, Ingraham tweeted a Daily Wire article mocking Hogg for whining about getting rejected by four different colleges. It was not a smart move for a cable news host to tease a high school student over such a matter, but it was hardly as offensive as Hogg claiming Sen. Marco Rubio makes money off of dead kids.

The Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School student soon got the upper hand in this feud when he called for a pressure campaign against Ingraham’s advertisers. His large fanbase quickly went into action and forced several companies — including TripAdvisor, Hulu and Jos. A. Bank — to cut ties with Ingraham’s Fox News program.

The conservative commentator herself capitulated to the pressure and issued an apology to Hogg, which he rejected. “I 100% agree an apology in an effort just to save your advertisers is not enough. I will only accept your apology only if you denounce the way your network has treated my friends and I in this fight. It’s time to love thy neighbor, not mudsling at children,” he tweeted, proudly boasting of his power over Ingraham.

That statement clarified that Hogg’s goal was not to seek an apology for taunting him about his college acceptance woes — it was to punish Fox News as a whole for daring to criticize the gun control movement.

Rest - http://dailycaller.com/2018/03/30/laura-ingraham-david-hogg-corporate-power/

03-31-2018, 09:27 AM
It would be great if millions got involved and advertisers everywhere pulled back.

But the truth is, that simply won't happen. Conservatives aren't like liberals. Sure, I'm confident that some calls will be made and many emails sent to advertisers. But the conservatives and the right as a whole, generally run on common sense and facts. Most don't even tune into their channel. Many will see all of this as games and won't get involved.


Parkland Student Calls For Boycott Of MSNBC Advertisers After Former Contributor Attacks Him

Parkland student David Hogg has led a boycott of advertisers on Laura Ingraham’s Fox News show after she criticized him for complaining about being rejected by certain colleges.

Now, MSNBC may get the same treatment over a tweet from former contributor Kurt Eichenwald.

Eichenwald attacked and insulted Parkland student Kyle Kashuv in a tweet: “You continue to disappoint.Trafficking in fantasies, fine. Your followers are infantile, your only form of debate is insult. And you wonder why I have no respect for you.”

The attack came after Eichenwald called for civility in the gun control conversation and to keep the harassment of the kids out of it.




In response, Kashuv sent out a list of advertisers on MSNBC to boycott.


Rest - http://dailycaller.com/2018/03/30/kurt-eichenwald-kyle-kashuv-msnbc-advertisers/

03-31-2018, 11:25 AM
Funny, they can ridicule others of a disagreeing mind-set,
but displace the opposite.

HOGG is NOT a survivor .
He admitted it on CNN, So why play him out as such an Icon?

Fucking weak child that has no world learning about him.

03-31-2018, 02:25 PM
​Americans are with Laura Ingram....Only the agenda driven leftist and Indoctrinated..spoon-fed young Marxist are not... Those "few" companies dropping Laura to `appease`....will find out soon enough what Americans think of them and their actions... I go to many news sites and twitter....read all the responses....they themselves are being Boycotted....and already they are feeling the "heat"...Hulu is offering a free month if customers who left and are boycotting them come back....:laugh:

03-31-2018, 02:25 PM
Or will he receive different treatment - since the kid he's responding to is all for the 2nd amendment and guns??

03-31-2018, 07:16 PM
https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSq9MFDKHmHoHpmdlnEyZZ_52j7EM7iU OrqYL1Nrr2uGvBCpsPW


03-31-2018, 07:32 PM
https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSq9MFDKHmHoHpmdlnEyZZ_52j7EM7iU OrqYL1Nrr2uGvBCpsPW


`He's so fake and giving him any coverage fuels his need for attention...his FB page and high school grad

friends say he wants to be an anchor on CNN and gee his daddy is a FBI agent (I question his daddy's

role.... was an dis he corrupt) where he learned to lie...

Stop giving him any attention unless it is to prove his hidden agenda. He is just a kid making trouble via

the opposition to Trump. he needs a time out, take away his cell, ground him and no media,

**David Hogg visited CNN in Atlanta a couple of weeks before the shooting. His father is retired FBI. CNN and the FBI got to the Crime scene before EMS and the local police.`

`Who Is David Hogg? Behind The CNN And FBI Connections Of The Trump-Hating School Shooting Survivor`


BUSTED: Trump-Hating School Shooting Survivor Visited CNN HQ Before the Shooting; Ranted Live on CNN After


Given the way the Left weaponized teenagers after the Florida shooting, it’s scarcely surprising to see that pro-Second Amendment Americans are striking back by taking a long, hard look at these same teenagers.


03-31-2018, 07:43 PM
What it's really about is simple...

Not satisfied in fighting to deny citizens their second amendment rights, and not seeing a response fast enough for their "instant gratification" mindset, they've turned to the one amendment they can deny people and garner instant results: the first...

04-01-2018, 07:12 PM
So, the punkass has gone after John McCain and Laura Ingraham and the second a girl pokes fun at him he starts crying ... What a little bitch :rolleyes:

Don't know about y'all's worlds, but in mine, when you strap on a set and proceed to think you have ADULT Rights, and can talk like an adult to an adult, then you get slammed like one. If you can't run with the big dogs, stay under the f-ing porch.

Bullying? Hounding someone for speaking her mind (which unlike Hogg's) is informed is bullying?

HERE is bullying:

No more Nestle

No more Allstate (switched to GEICO)

Daughter's got a contract with AT&T so I'm stuck there, but also have a direct line to the MFers who WILL get a voicemail.

The rest of that crap I don't use and won't. And I don't boycott like the UN. When you're done you're DONE.

And I don't even watch Fox nor Laura Ingraham. I just hate little penises with big mouths.

04-01-2018, 07:48 PM
We should all write to the little Hogg, and invite him to a week at PARIS ISLAND.

One week of this should make a PURE GELDING SNOWFLAKE out of him....YA THINK???




04-01-2018, 07:57 PM
We should all write to the little Hogg, and invite him to a week at PARIS ISLAND.

One week of this should make a PURE GELDING SNOWFLAKE out of him....YA THINK???



https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IgI5CMPWmXkHe wouldn't last a week. But I bet they'd take him :) I imagine he wouldn't "survive" the other recruits. NOBODY likes loose lips. And this clown can't help himself.

It REALLY irritates the crap out of me the leftwingnut media is giving this puke's mouth time. THIS is a perfect example of who REALLY hates this country and the ideals that make us free. He's jockeying for a job and watch, some leftwingtard media outlet will give him one.

04-01-2018, 08:11 PM
A decent article on Hot Air. Has the numbers and crap for you twitter bugs to support Ingraham if you wish. Also has a partial list of companies that dropped her show.


Black Diamond
04-01-2018, 08:12 PM
A decent article on Hot Air. Has the numbers and crap for you twitter bugs to support Ingraham if you wish. Also has a partial list of companies that dropped her show.

Time to bring oreilly back ?

04-01-2018, 08:41 PM
Time to bring oreilly back ?Not really. I didn't care too much for him. I do like Laura Ingraham, or whatever I've heard of her. I quit watching Fox News years ago because of Hannity and O'Reilly. I usually liked Ingraham's spots though. I didn't know she had a show.

It's the principle to me. This little bitch boy shouldn't be given the power over ANYONE or ANYTHING. He can't even get accepted by most-likely junior colleges. For obvious reasons. He's an idiot and a self-promoting shill. He can go after brain-dead McCain and a political pundit. Why doesn't he grow some REAL stones and go after Trump? He's got the limelight.

The boycott bullshit rolls both directions. So maybe none of these companies are getting rich off me alone. Just so long as they know they've lost any future consideration. If enough people take the time to let them know and at least try to live up to it, the companies will start weighing who is worth what to them.

Employed consumers or an unemployed wannabe journalist HS senior with apparently no future in it who just happens to be getting his 15 minutes of fame.

04-01-2018, 08:47 PM
You know who this punk whistle looks like?http://www.debatepolicy.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=11325&stc=1

04-02-2018, 08:39 AM
I'd just like to kick his ass.

04-02-2018, 11:56 AM
I'd just like to kick his ass.I'm not seeing the entertainment value. You know how hard it would be to drag it out just to make it last long enough to be worth anyone's wile? I got money says one good slap would drop him like a sack of potatoes.

I think if he apologizes to Laura publicly and admits he's a self-centered attention whore I might not boycott the companies supporting him.

04-02-2018, 12:21 PM
Give me 3 minutes with this "Hero".

Gonna be wasted very fast.