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04-06-2018, 08:56 PM
"He was driving his BMW and saw someone spit. That's when the violence began."

`Spitting is the universal sign of disgust.

And it reportedly caused a fatal confrontation between motorists in Tampa Wednesday, according to police.
The Tampa Bay Times (http://www.tampabay.com/news/publicsafety/crime/Tampa-police-arrest-BMW-driver-in-fatal-spit-turned-stabbing_167042702) reports an arrest was made the following day. Teddy Baltimore Smith Jr., 44, was charged with second degree murder in the death of Gilbert Serna, 56.`

`Newly released footage shows a dark BMW convertible and a Dodge Ram stop at a red traffic light at Florida Avenue in the northern Florida city.`



04-07-2018, 12:25 AM
Looks like the Parkland student's anti gun message is already having an impact in their home state. Thank God the streets of Florida are finally safe for knife attacks!

04-07-2018, 12:46 AM
​Pays to be armed..wise and Intelligent...for any stupid "yes we can" low-info rage attack

04-09-2018, 01:37 AM
our society is failing harder every day :(

04-10-2018, 12:17 PM
our society is failing harder every day :(
That's what the democrats like.