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View Full Version : GOP Leadership Looking To Rescind Portions Of Omnibus Spending Bill

04-07-2018, 05:57 PM
OAN NewsroomUPDATED 2:45 PM PT – Sat. April 7, 2018Many conservative fiscal-hawks are not pleased with the massive omnibus package passed last month, and are now looking to mitigate the damage.
Over the past week, President Trump and House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy have proposed clawing back the $1.3 trillion spending bill.
The bill passed the House less than 24 hours after being released to the public, once again in an effort to keep the government open.
Republicans want to change congressional rules to allow the chambers to make changes to the bill using only a simple majority.
The move has garnished praise from prominent congressional conservatives, who say the bill is irresponsible.

“Look the omnibus is a total mess, its $1.3 trillion in spending it grows, the debt (http://www.oann.com/gop-leadership-looking-to-rescind-portions-of-omnibus-spending-bill/#) it grows, the deficit it grows, just about every part of the federal government and it really is a product of the swamp.” – Sen. Ted Cruz, (R) TexasHowever, lawmakers looking to rescind portions of the bill say they’ll only move forward with the support of House Speaker Paul Ryan.
A spokeswoman for Ryan has since said the speaker’s office is engaged in talks with the White House, in hopes of solving the issue.


Good. I hope they get it done. ANYTHING is better than what we got.

04-07-2018, 06:47 PM
The ever skeptical me thinks they were probably thinking of doing this even before they passed it.

04-07-2018, 06:54 PM
The ever skeptical me thinks they were probably thinking of doing this even before they passed it.What I don'T like about it? It gives the Dems something to screw with when they get in control again, and they will, sooner or later. The Dems don't hesitate to abuse their authority. The Republicans, at least what I see of Trump, are trying to play by the book and the Dems have managed to stall every damned thing or tie it up in a court case they wouls lose now, but maybe not later by the time it gets through the courts, and by then, the damage is done anyway.

I'd process DACA eligible people alright. Right out the door. Look at he law, look at their qualifications. Here illegally. DENIED. Bye.

Anyway, they need to be careful that the power they give themselves doesn't bite us in the ass later.

Another question. If they can do it now, why couldn't they do it BEFORE the budget was due?

04-07-2018, 08:27 PM
Screw asking permission to change Congressional rules. This isn't a budget, it's an omnibus spending bill. The reason the Senate won't pass a budget, a REQUIREMENT under the Constitution, is that budget reconciliation only requires a simple majority to pass. Chucky Schumer & Co. don't want to hand over spending decisions to the Republicans so they only agree to an omnibus spending bill that they can filibuster. Since they didn't pass a formal budget, the spending decisions don't have the same force of law that a formal budget does. Trump should just start spending money on his priorities (boarder wall, INS, military, etc.) and slow walk or completely ignore other discretionary spending. Tell the damn sanctuary cities and states that the checks in the mail, fuck em. Let them bog down payments with lawsuits demonstrating how they have the historical right to nullify federal law just like their party ancestors in the Confederacy did 150 years ago.

It would also be fun to hear how the Dems in the Senate would fight the President's selective spending priorities while simultaneously violating their Constitutionally required duties of passing a budget. Trump could pass out WWOD (What Would Obama Do) bracelets for the White House Staff to wear during the ensuing media hemorrhaging just to send them over the edge. Trump could explain his actions by saying that since the Dems set the rules and chose to act in an unconstitutional manner and since they loved when Obama functioned in that manner as well, he is simply reaching across the aisle and giving the Dems what they want!

04-07-2018, 08:37 PM
Anyone remember when Nancy Pelosi told all of us about OBAMACARE?

She said: "We'll all see what's in the bill, after we vote for it!"

That's exactly what the REPUBLICANS did on this Omnibus/Continuing Resolution bill.

God forbid...the Dems, like Chucky, and Nancy get their power back...https://i.ytimg.com/vi/uoPi_SFJsOc/maxresdefault.jpg

WE THE PEOPLE are http://www.thebiganswer.info/books/getting-screwed.jpg

04-07-2018, 08:42 PM
Screw asking permission to change Congressional rules. This isn't a budget, it's an omnibus spending bill. The reason the Senate won't pass a budget, a REQUIREMENT under the Constitution, is that budget reconciliation only requires a simple majority to pass. Chucky Schumer & Co. don't want to hand over spending decisions to the Republicans so they only agree to an omnibus spending bill that they can filibuster. Since they didn't pass a formal budget, the spending decisions don't have the same force of law that a formal budget does. Trump should just start spending money on his priorities (boarder wall, INS, military, etc.) and slow walk or completely ignore other discretionary spending. Tell the damn sanctuary cities and states that the checks in the mail, fuck em. Let them bog down payments with lawsuits demonstrating how they have the historical right to nullify federal law just like their party ancestors in the Confederacy did 150 years ago.

It would also be fun to hear how the Dems in the Senate would fight the President's selective spending priorities while simultaneously violating their Constitutionally required duties of passing a budget. Trump could pass out WWOD (What Would Obama Do) bracelets for the White House Staff to wear during the ensuing media hemorrhaging just to send them over the edge. Trump could explain his actions by saying that since the Dems set the rules and chose to act in an unconstitutional manner and since they loved when Obama functioned in that manner as well, he is simply reaching across the aisle and giving the Dems what they want!Don't get me started on the US Civil War or we won't be talking budget anymore.

Let me make sure I got this right in simple terms ... they backdoored an actual budget with this spending bill? Is that even Constitutional? I was under the impression this Bill WAS the budget.

04-07-2018, 09:39 PM
Don't get me started on the US Civil War or we won't be talking budget anymore.

Let me make sure I got this right in simple terms ... they backdoored an actual budget with this spending bill? Is that even Constitutional? I was under the impression this Bill WAS the budget.

Sad thing is. With the increase in the MILITARY, which is why the president didn't veto it. All of this SAME THING will come up again in SEPTEMBER. Same arguments, same old repeated BS.

Congress has a 13 percent approval rating. Any wonder why?

Trump has to take what the RINO's present in the HOUSE, and the SENATE. We'll see if he keeps his word in September and REFUSES to sign this crap again. He should VETO the whole SHOOTIN' MATCH then. If it means shutting down Washington...That's the way it needs to be done.

04-07-2018, 09:49 PM
Sad thing is. With the increase in the MILITARY, which is why the president didn't veto it. All of this SAME THING will come up again in SEPTEMBER. Same arguments, same old repeated BS.

Congress has a 13 percent approval rating. Any wonder why?

Trump has to take what the RINO's present in the HOUSE, and the SENATE. We'll see if he keeps his word in September and REFUSES to sign this crap again. He should VETO the whole SHOOTIN' MATCH then. If it means shutting down Washington...That's the way it needs to be done.I'd say you can forget the Oct deadline. The Dems are going to stall it hoping they can take Congress back before another budget is signed.

Speaking of, it infuriates the Hell out of me the ONE F-ING THING Congress HAS TO DO each year is get a budget done. And never ONCE that I recall has it been on time.

And they had the nerve to give themselves a pay raise in the Omnibus Bill. For WHAT? Not doing their job? I wouldn't give you a nickel for all of them. I'd almost as son Trump declare martial law and fire the lot of them.

04-07-2018, 10:34 PM
The Goddamned Congress hasn't passed a budget since 2006! They've dicked around with Continuing Budget Resolutions as a way to avoid Budget Reconciliation and the simple majority vote that it carries. The thing that chaps my ass about this porkulus bill is that it was negotiated in private between Schumer, Pelosi, Ryan and McConnell then slapped down in front of the House and Senate with 24 hours to vote for it or shut down the government. The Constitution requires that the budget process be initiated in the House. The House debated, negotiated and passed all 12 Appropriations Bills which, of course, were deemed "dead on arrival" in the Senate. So an unconstitutional spending bill, one not initiated in the House, was drawn up by the Gang of Four. But of course all of this shenanigans is perfectly legal because the entrenched political elites of both parties deems it to be. This shit needs to stop. They are usurping the supremacy of the citizen voter. People they elected to represent their interests are being overridden. This crap needs to be challenged before the Constitution loses all meaning.

Rumor has it that a Congressional page walked into a bathroom on Capitol Hill a couple of years ago and overheard the following conversation, The voice of Sen. McConnell coming from stall one, "Damn, I knew we should have passed a budget. There isn't any toilet paper in here." The voice of Sen. Reid from stall two, "Here you go Mitch. Have a couple pages of the Constitution. They work great, I've been wiping my ass with it for quite some time now."

04-08-2018, 08:50 AM
The Goddamned Congress hasn't passed a budget since 2006! They've dicked around with Continuing Budget Resolutions as a way to avoid Budget Reconciliation and the simple majority vote that it carries. The thing that chaps my ass about this porkulus bill is that it was negotiated in private between Schumer, Pelosi, Ryan and McConnell then slapped down in front of the House and Senate with 24 hours to vote for it or shut down the government. The Constitution requires that the budget process be initiated in the House. The House debated, negotiated and passed all 12 Appropriations Bills which, of course, were deemed "dead on arrival" in the Senate. So an unconstitutional spending bill, one not initiated in the House, was drawn up by the Gang of Four. But of course all of this shenanigans is perfectly legal because the entrenched political elites of both parties deems it to be. This shit needs to stop. They are usurping the supremacy of the citizen voter. People they elected to represent their interests are being overridden. This crap needs to be challenged before the Constitution loses all meaning.

Rumor has it that a Congressional page walked into a bathroom on Capitol Hill a couple of years ago and overheard the following conversation, The voice of Sen. McConnell coming from stall one, "Damn, I knew we should have passed a budget. There isn't any toilet paper in here." The voice of Sen. Reid from stall two, "Here you go Mitch. Have a couple pages of the Constitution. They work great, I've been wiping my ass with it for quite some time now."Can't add much to that, I guess. I completely agree it needs to stop. Guess I haven't been paying attention. I was unaware we've been living off CRs sin 06. Completely unsat.

04-08-2018, 08:57 PM
I'd say you can forget the Oct deadline. The Dems are going to stall it hoping they can take Congress back before another budget is signed.

Speaking of, it infuriates the Hell out of me the ONE F-ING THING Congress HAS TO DO each year is get a budget done. And never ONCE that I recall has it been on time.

And they had the nerve to give themselves a pay raise in the Omnibus Bill. For WHAT? Not doing their job? I wouldn't give you a nickel for all of them. I'd almost as son Trump declare martial law and fire the lot of them.

Gunny. Congress doesn't need a bill to get a Pay Raise. If NOBODY in Congress brings it up on the floor of either house of Congress. PAY RAISES for Congress are...AUTOMATIC.
An automatic provision is made for this pay hike each year, and is self-implementing without any specific vote by Congress (i.e., passage of the overall Treasury appropriations bill enables the raise to occur). However, Members of Congress can, by majority vote, block the pay increase from taking place.
Do Members of Congress get Automatic Pay Hikes (COLAs)?


04-08-2018, 09:08 PM
Gunny. Congress doesn't need a bill to get a Pay Raise. If NOBODY in Congress brings it up on the floor of either house of Congress. PAY RAISES for Congress are...AUTOMATIC.
An automatic provision is made for this pay hike each year, and is self-implementing without any specific vote by Congress (i.e., passage of the overall Treasury appropriations bill enables the raise to occur). However, Members of Congress can, by majority vote, block the pay increase from taking place.
Do Members of Congress get Automatic Pay Hikes (COLAs)?

What a deal. Too bad we don't have National referendum votes like some states do. That is a government out of control.