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View Full Version : Our governments want to disarm us #fascism - London cracks down

04-09-2018, 02:59 AM
On knives. He will be banning fists and probably hammers soon.


"No excuses: there is never a reason to carry a knife. Anyone who does will be caught, and they will feel the full force of the law" - Mayor Khan

Strangely enough, Khan is responsible to decreasing the number of stop-and-searches, having previously declared the tactic racist and potentially Islamophobic. It's also not clear what local Londoners will now use to cut their food.

Parliament is also set to take up heavy "knife control" legislation when it resumes this week. The UK government is expected to introduce a ban on online knife sales and home knife deliveries, declare it "illegal to possess zombie knives and knuckledusters in private" -- "zombie knives" are those defined as being manufactured for the purpose of being used as a person-to-person weapon -- and ban sales of caustic materials to anyone under the age of 18, the Independent reports.

London has seen a dramatic uptick in murder rates, surpassing even New York City in number of homicides every month since the beginning of 2018. It has some of the strictest gun control laws in the world, and, technically, knives carried "without good reason" are off limits to anyone under the age of 18.

Look, People of london - you elected a guy who makes terrible, terrible polices. A guy who wants, by his deeds and words, the Government to control your transportation, your wallet, and your defense. You people are ruining your own society.

04-09-2018, 03:12 AM
On knives. He will be banning fists and probably hammers soon.


Look, People of london - you elected a guy who makes terrible, terrible polices. A guy who wants, by his deeds and words, the Government to control your transportation, your wallet, and your defense. You people are ruining your own society.

Typical Leftie uber-control tactics.

There's a logic of sorts at work. Because we have such strict anti-gun laws, it's very difficult to get a gun. That's even true for many of our criminals. Much to the embarrassment of those who'd insist that strict gun laws are good for us, all our criminals have done is to use the alternative ... knives. Safety as a result is no more assured than in a society hip-deep in guns, this totally ruining the anti-gun stance.

But this is, and never will be, acknowledged. So, so far from relaxing restrictions, the cult of enforcing them has gone into overdrive, to once more try & sell its 'just' reason for being. Result .... even more loss of freedom, with the Almighty State taking unto itself yet stricter powers.

There is indeed the obvious point to be made ... just how far do you go to rule everyone's actions ? What measure will ever be 'too far' ?

Anyone having an idea of what MUST be a step too far, let me know. Because, I'm seeing no sign that anyone can answer that.

04-09-2018, 08:12 AM
I have to wonder what will be proposed next.

Hammers? Rocks? Sharpened sticks? Boards with nails in them?

These 'ban' idiots cannot see the forest for the trees.

A person with INTENT will find some means to attack, hurt, and kill.

04-09-2018, 10:40 AM
I have to wonder what will be proposed next.

Hammers? Rocks? Sharpened sticks? Boards with nails in them?

These 'ban' idiots cannot see the forest for the trees.

A person with INTENT will find some means to attack, hurt, and kill.

You've prodded me into doing a (very) small bit of research on UK law when it comes to 'offensive weapons' ... and, here's the result ...


Possessing an offensive weapon in a public place is an offence contrary to s 1 of the Prevention of Crime Act 1953.

To satisfy the charge, the prosecution must prove each of the following elements:

has with him (possession); in any public place; any offensive weapon.

Having established all of the above, the charge would succeed, unless the accused proves that he had either:

lawful authority; or reasonable excuse.

What is an offensive weapon?

The term ‘offensive weapon’ is defined as: ‘any article made or adapted for use to causing injury to the person, or intended by the person having it with him for such use.’

To be considered an offensive weapon, the article must come within one of the following three categories:

1. An offensive weapon per se

The following have been held to be offensive weapons per se because they do not have any innocent quality: machete, sword, flick knife, truncheon. However, a lock knife, ordinary razor or a penknife have been held not to be offensive weapons per se, because they do have an innocent purpose.

2. Something adapted to cause injury

This could include a bottle that has been deliberately broken, a potato with a razor blade inserted into it, or an unscrewed pool cue.

3. Something that is not offensive per se, or adapted, but is intended to be used for the purpose of causing injury

For example, a work hammer or a stone etc.

So you see, all this was looked into long ago. We see the result.

Nanny-State Lefties are capable of efficiency (especially when they've had decades to work on it !) when it comes to restraining freedoms ... and trust me, give your own Lefties enough time in power, and enough chances to change your laws, and one day you'll see all this in America, too.

And - none of it does any actual GOOD. Criminals aren't going to think '... Oh dear, this is illegal to carry, therefore I'm too afraid to carry it'. Short of our police searching everybody, all the time (!) ... all this is unworkable.

But the Left doesn't much care. They want the culture of control, and universal acceptance of it.

Abbey Marie
04-09-2018, 11:58 AM
On knives. He will be banning fists and probably hammers soon.


Look, People of london - you elected a guy who makes terrible, terrible polices. A guy who wants, by his deeds and words, the Government to control your transportation, your wallet, and your defense. You people are ruining your own society.

Can you imagine how the Crusaders would feel if they knew the Mayor of London was Muslim?

04-09-2018, 02:32 PM
According (https://ucr.fbi.gov/crime-in-the-u.s/2016/crime-in-the-u.s.-2016/tables/table-12) to the FBI, 1,604 people were killed by “knives and cutting instruments” and 374 were killed by “rifles” in 2016.

04-09-2018, 02:52 PM
Ya'll screwed up big time when you elected a MUSLIM mayor. If I was a Londoner, I'd move.


04-09-2018, 04:54 PM
Knife control. Yup. :rolleyes:


London Mayor Sadiq Khan enacts ‘knife control’ policies to crack down on stabbing epidemic

Last week, TheBlaze reported the number of murders in London, a traditionally safe city, surpassed the number of murders in New York City in February and March for the first time in modern history. The murders were mostly carried out in stabbing attacks with knives.

Now, London Mayor Sadiq Khan is taking action — by implementing knife control.

What is Khan doing?

In response to the spike in crime, Khan deployed over 300 additional London police officers to the city’s most crime-ridden neighborhoods to stop and search anyone they suspect is carrying a knife. In the U.S., such policies are very controversial and possibly violate the Fourth Amendment, but in England, police are able to stop and search anyone they suspect is carrying a knife.

The “tough, immediate” measures also ban home deliveries of knives and acid, two of the most common weapons in London today.

Also, Khan has established a “violent crime task force” with 120 officers that will “focus solely on violent crime, weapon-enabled crime and serious criminality.” He’s also investing more than $150 million in London’s police department and $50 million in a youth program designed to steer youth away from violent crime.

“No excuses: there is never a reason to carry a knife. Anyone who does will be caught, and they will feel the full force of the law,” Khan wrote on Twitter, sharing his new policies.

What does UK law say about knives?
According to United Kingdom law, it is illegal for any U.K .resident to carry “without good reason” a knife with a folding blade larger than three inches. Using a knife in a “threatening way” is also illegal.

“Folding blades” do not include pocket knives and multi-tools, according to the law. Knives that have a lock are completely illegal to carry in public.

Adults found guilty of violating the knife laws are subject to four years in prison.

Rest - https://www.theblaze.com/news/2018/04/09/london-mayor-sadiq-khan-enacts-knife-control-policies-to-crack-down-on-stabbing-epidemic

04-09-2018, 06:13 PM
Drummond hit the nail on the head. That's going to be us. We've been heading down that same slope for years. The only reason we're behind the rest of Europe is because we're the youngest of the European offspring. We'll catch up. We already have in many ways.

Black Diamond
04-09-2018, 06:17 PM
Drummond hit the nail on the head. That's going to be us. We've been heading down that same slope for years. The only reason we're behind the rest of Europe is because we're the youngest of the European offspring. We'll catch up. We already have in many ways.
We aren't as enlightened as Europe. You know Europe. The continent that stuffed people in the oven.

04-09-2018, 06:22 PM
We aren't as enlightened as Europe. You know Europe. The continent that stuffed people in the oven.Who performs more abortions? Us or Europe?

Black Diamond
04-09-2018, 06:23 PM
Who performs more abortions? Us or Europe?
Hmmm. I am stumped. I don't know what to do. Not used to this.

04-09-2018, 06:56 PM
Hmmm. I am stumped. I don't know what to do. Not used to this.Just means we've taken the mess out of the ovens and murder our babies before they can scream. In some ways, we have surpassed Europe.

Black Diamond
04-09-2018, 07:09 PM
Just means we've taken the mess out of the ovens and murder our babies before they can scream. In some ways, we have surpassed Europe.
You won that one. :).

But I do get tired of hearing how enlightened Europe is when there are still branded Jews walking around.

04-09-2018, 07:20 PM
You won that one. :).

But I do get tired of hearing how enlightened Europe is when there are still branded Jews walking around.I wasn't aware they were "enlightened". That's usually code for "too smart to fight for what it ours because we're entitled to it".

04-09-2018, 07:46 PM
Who performs more abortions? Us or Europe?

I don't know.

Possibly with Ireland excepted (even that's becoming questionable) ... other than there, there is altogether less resistance to the whole idea of abortion. The US always struck me as maintaining a stronger traditionalist Christian outlook when it came to abortions than in my part of the world.

04-09-2018, 07:51 PM
Who performs more abortions? Us or Europe?

Though I am against abortion for abortion's sake anywhere.

It's obvious, with the growing number of really stupid, ignorant, hateful people increasing...

There weren't ENOUGH abortions to prevent the growing NUMBER of really stupid, ignorant, hateful people!

We should stop fighting to get rid of ROE V. WADE until the LEVEL INTELLIGENCE FIELD is reached???


Black Diamond
04-09-2018, 10:45 PM
I wasn't aware they were "enlightened". That's usually code for "too smart to fight for what it ours because we're entitled to it".
The left touts them as enlightened I think. They don't want anyone to have an identity.

04-09-2018, 10:50 PM
Drummond hit the nail on the head. That's going to be us. We've been heading down that same slope for years. The only reason we're behind the rest of Europe is because we're the youngest of the European offspring. We'll catch up. We already have in many ways.
Glad I'm just a couple months away from 63. I don't want to be around if that ever happens.

But you do have to keep in mind, that the Europeans here left Europe because they didn't like it, and then we kicked their asses out, twice, when they tried to come over here and make this the new Europe. We had a different way of doing things, and I don't think that's going to die off very quick, and if it ever does, it's going to take awhile. But then, maybe it won't. Maybe there'll be a second Civil War, and we all know who'll win that...


Black Diamond
04-09-2018, 10:53 PM
Glad I'm just a couple months away from 63. I don't want to be around if that ever happens.

But you do have to keep in mind, that the Europeans here left Europe because they didn't like it, and then we kicked their asses out, twice, when they tried to come over here and make this the new Europe. We had a different way of doing things, and I don't think that's going to die off very quick, and if it ever does, it's going to take awhile. But then, maybe it won't. Maybe there'll be a second Civil War, and we all know who'll win that...

Borrowed time....