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View Full Version : IRONIC>>De Blasio’s Staunch ‘Anti-Gun’ Aide Arrested on GUN CHARGES

04-09-2018, 05:28 PM

A top aide to New York Mayor Bill De Blasio was just arrested.
The staunch “anti-gun” activist was arrested for possessing a LOADED and illegal gun......gun with serial # scratch off...

Reagan Stevens, deputy director in the mayor’s office of criminal justice, was arrested for illegal weapons possessions while sitting in a double-parked car with two young men who had knives on them. Did we mention that de Blasio is an anti-gun zealot?

Stevens — who makes $90,000 a year — was suspended without pay, the NY Post (https://nypost.com/2018/04/08/director-of-citys-office-of-criminal-justice-busted-for-gun-possession/) reported. Ironically, Stevens’ primary job is to keep youth out of jail “by implementing a 2017 state law that will raise the age at which kids can be prosecuted as adults for non-violent crimes from 16 to 18.”

Reagan Stevens was arrested in Queens, New York, along with driver Caesar Forbes, 25, and passenger Montel Hughes, 24. The arrest came shortly after five gunshots were heard in the neighborhood. It doesn’t appear that Stevens had fired the shots.

Stevens, Hughes, and Forbes were each charged with two counts of criminal weapons possession, and Forbes got a ticket for double-parking. Both men had rap sheets. It’s unclear what the relationship is between Stevens and the two young men.

This is the latest in a long list of scandals Mayor Bill de Blasio has had since taking office in 2014. When de Blasio was voted into office, he ran on a platform to champion the poor, but his mayorship has been a disaster on every level.

Anecdotally, New Yorkers say the streets are dirtier, crime has spiked, infrastructure has crumbled, the subways are filthier and more crowded than ever before, and homelessness has skyrocketed to record highs under de Blasio.

Indeed, homelessness in New York — one of the richest cities in the world and home to a record 79 billionaires — is at its highest point since the Great Depression.

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