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View Full Version : Russia urges u.s.: Refrain from syria plans you are developing

04-10-2018, 05:40 PM
UNITED NATIONS - Russian UN Ambassador Vassily Nebenzia appealed to the United States on Tuesday to "refrain" from any action it might be planning against Syria over a suspected deadly chemical weapons attack.

"The threats you are proffering that you're stating vis-a-vis Syria should make us seriously worried, all of us, because we could find ourselves on the threshold of some very sad and serious events," Nebenzia told US Ambassador Nikki Haley.

"I would once again ask you, once again beseech you, to refrain from the plans that you’re currently developing for Syria," he said after the council failed to approve a third draft resolution on chemical weapons attacks in Syria.


Gee. Says a lot. Just a tweak to let us know where Russia stands.

04-10-2018, 07:47 PM
`This is a unveiled warning from Russia that an attack on Syria is an attack on Russia. First time

since WWII that U.S. and Russia would be in direct conflict, thus sparking WWIII, and the beginning

of the Battle of Armageddon`



Black Diamond
04-10-2018, 07:48 PM
Yeah. Time to grab Putin by the pussy.