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View Full Version : Study: 2/3rds of Millennials Do Not Know What Auschwitz Is

04-15-2018, 04:37 PM

The printed article goes on to say " The survey found a low awareness of other nations other than Germany where the Holocaust
occurred; Just 5 to 6 % of U.S. adults knew that Jews were killed in Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuanina, where 90 % of the local Jewish
populations were murdered. Just 37 % of U.S. adults knew the Jews from Poland were killed; Poland was home to 3.5 million
Jewish Holocaust victims.
Respondents indicated much more awarenss of modern-day bias against Jews, with 68% saying anti-Semitism is present in America today,
with 51% saying there are 'many' or 'a great deal of' neo-Nazis in the Untied States today.
Despite the lack of historical knowledge, the survey found a desire for Holocaust education - 93% said in response to a question
at the end of the survey that all students should learn about the Holocaust in School. Perhaps because respondents feel that lack of
knowledge is a real threat to the future: 58% said they believe something like the Holocaust could happen again.
The poll has a margin of sampling error of plus or minus three percentage points."

Something to think about when the world is faced with despots as in Syria, North Korea, Iran, and Putin's iron grasp on Russia.

Black Diamond
04-15-2018, 04:44 PM
Not surprised.

04-15-2018, 05:23 PM
Hate to admit it, but far too many American kids, or Millennials...also have no idea what, and when Our Civil War, and WW1, and WW2 took place...if at all. Four of our Grandkids are the recipients of FAILED History lessons too.

The Government schools today seem NOT to be teaching any American History...other than Gay Rights, Transgender tolerance, and GRAND THEFT AUTO versions of Games that can be played secretly in SCHOOL, while the teachers make sure they are signed up for Union meetings.

04-15-2018, 06:31 PM
But they know they're supposed to love moslems... they can't tell you why... they just know... and they're PASSIONATE about it... :rolleyes:

Black Diamond
04-15-2018, 06:34 PM
But they know they're supposed to love moslems... they can't tell you why... they just know... and they're PASSIONATE about it... :rolleyes:
I keep thinking of this. When 9/11 happened, the teachers turned the televisions off so they didn't have to see it. Can't help but think they wouldn't be this ignorant if they saw the stuff happen.

04-15-2018, 06:49 PM
I don't buy the results. Sure, I can see that people would get the numbers wrong, no methodology was given. If choosing between a few numbers, most picked 2 million? 6 million seems too many, 500k not enough for the coverage? I'd really like to see how the Camp question was worded, as I don't know how any kid in the past 20 years could get past Holocaust week without hearing Auschwitz.

I don't know about any schools other than the one I was teaching in and the ones my kids and others I know personally were attending at the time. All the grades above 5th, including some of the younger grades, had the tvs on, once the attack became clear. Even with people jumping off of buildings, the tvs were on in the classrooms.

04-15-2018, 06:49 PM
I keep thinking of this. When 9/11 happened, the teachers turned the televisions off so they didn't have to see it. Can't help but think they wouldn't be this ignorant if they saw the stuff happen.

Got to agree with that.

04-15-2018, 07:49 PM
"Originally posted by aboutime
Hate to admit it, but far too many American kids, or Millennials...also have no idea what, and when Our Civil War, and WW1, and WW2 took place...if at all. Four of our Grandkids are the recipients of FAILED History lessons too.

The Government schools today seem NOT to be teaching any American History...other than Gay Rights, Transgender tolerance, and GRAND THEFT AUTO versions of Games that can be played secretly in SCHOOL, while the teachers make sure they are signed up for Union meetings.

That seems to fit in well with the WAPO's tagline 'Democracy Dies in Darkness'. The leftist teacher unions keeping their students in the dark by not teaching history. The state needs future 'brown shirts" as opposed to free thinkers.

04-15-2018, 08:14 PM
"Originally posted by aboutime
Hate to admit it, but far too many American kids, or Millennials...also have no idea what, and when Our Civil War, and WW1, and WW2 took place...if at all. Four of our Grandkids are the recipients of FAILED History lessons too.

The Government schools today seem NOT to be teaching any American History...other than Gay Rights, Transgender tolerance, and GRAND THEFT AUTO versions of Games that can be played secretly in SCHOOL, while the teachers make sure they are signed up for Union meetings.

That seems to fit in well with the WAPO's tagline 'Democracy Dies in Darkness'. The leftist teacher unions keeping their students in the dark by not teaching history. The state needs future 'brown shirts" as opposed to free thinkers.

Thanks. My bottom line for what you have also said is....Democrats DO NOT WANT US TO HAVE KNOWLEDGEABLE, SMART CHILDREN. Which is why Dems, and Unions want control over the schools, and the agenda. Just like Dems keep Black people in poverty, ghetto cities, where the Dems run the show. They know...IF the people LEARN what the Dems are, and have been doing to them for more than half a century...since LBJ'S Great Society of LIES.
Teachers, and School Unions are BEHOLDEN to Democrats who promise them everything they want....BUT NOT THE CHILDREN. Federal dollars demanded by Dems...are not for the Children in most cases. Like in NYC. Where even BAD teachers can't be fired, so they are paid to sit around, play cards, watch tv, sleep, and collect their full pay....with benefits, and retirement THANKS TO THE DEMS who DO NOT WANT THE PEOPLE TO KNOW THE TRUTH.