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View Full Version : President Trump: Media Seizing On His Use Of ‘Mission Accomplished’

04-16-2018, 10:39 AM
OAN NewsroomUPDATED 9:55 AM PT — April 15, 2018President Trump calls out the fake news media for criticizing his use of the phrase ‘mission accomplished.’
In a tweet today, the president said the Syrian raid was perfectly carried out and the only way the media could demean its success was to focus on his choice of words.

https://pbs.twimg.com/profile_images/874276197357596672/kUuht00m_normal.jpg (https://twitter.com/realDonaldTrump)Donald J. Trump


The Syrian raid was so perfectly carried out, with such precision, that the only way the Fake News Media could demean was by my use of the term “Mission Accomplished.” I knew they would seize on this but felt it is such a great Military term, it should be brought back. Use often!
7:19 AM - Apr 15, 2018 (https://twitter.com/realDonaldTrump/status/985492862958698497)

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President trump added he knew the media would seize on the phrase, but said it’s a great military term and should be used often.
When asked about his use of the phrase, Chief Pentagon Spokeswoman Dana White said three Syrian chemical weapon sites were hit, adding what happens next is now up to Assad and his allies.

See? Papokarlo What did I tell you? The media couldn't find anything wrong so they dragged up some lame insult they failed at with Bush just to be bitching.

Anyone wanting to investigate collusion and vote tampering is missing a bet not looking at out media.

04-16-2018, 11:28 AM

See? Papokarlo What did I tell you? The media couldn't find anything wrong so they dragged up some lame insult they failed at with Bush just to be bitching.

Anyone wanting to investigate collusion and vote tampering is missing a bet not looking at out media.

Yeah, they sure dragged that one out for quite a while. The banner was for the crew and flight wings of the Aircraft Carrier
U.S.S. Abraham Lincoln.


04-16-2018, 11:46 AM
Yeah, they sure dragged that one out for quite a while. The banner was for the crew and flight wings of the Aircraft Carrier
U.S.S. Abraham Lincoln.

I remember. And I lt up some lefties. Remember gabosaurus? Back in the day? Your ass got so lit you looked like a firefly when I was done.

04-16-2018, 01:12 PM

See? @Papokarlo (http://www.debatepolicy.com/member.php?u=3890) What did I tell you? The media couldn't find anything wrong so they dragged up some lame insult they failed at with Bush just to be bitching.

Anyone wanting to investigate collusion and vote tampering is missing a bet not looking at out media.

if they destroyed a factory for chemical weapons that killed many thousands of people))
you surprise me again

04-16-2018, 01:14 PM
if they destroyed a factory for chemical weapons that killed many thousands of people))
you surprise me again

I saw VIDEO of MANY MANY MANY missiles landing. So your crap about 73 out of 103 or whatever being shot down - well, you're now in addition to PapaCommie, also PapaDumbass.

04-16-2018, 01:53 PM
I saw VIDEO of MANY MANY MANY missiles landing. So your crap about 73 out of 103 or whatever being shot down - well, you're now in addition to PapaCommie, also PapaDumbass.

Funny...there is no 'free world video' of any Allied missiles being intercepted or shot down.

If that had been FACT, our Lame Conspiracy Theory media would have been all over it.

04-16-2018, 01:54 PM
if they destroyed a factory for chemical weapons that killed many thousands of people))
you surprise me againWaitin' on me to give a f*ck? I'm not like the rest of these people that give a fuck whether or not you're breathting in the end.

Stupid. Yo do realize you are the bad guy, right? There's no justification for murdering noncombatants. Shit, pick on someone that can fight. I'll blow your loser ass all over the fucking map. And sleep on your dead body. Don't fuck with me. I will kill you all.

Feel free to ask where I stand.

04-16-2018, 01:55 PM
if they destroyed a factory for chemical weapons that killed many thousands of people))
you surprise me again

Stand by for more surprises, propaganda implant. You cannot think without being fed
a bunch of lies from the Kremlin.

04-16-2018, 02:15 PM
Stand by for more surprises, propaganda implant. You cannot think without being fed
a bunch of lies from the Kremlin.

this is the most expensive fireworks arranged by NATO countries Syria

you can call me whatever you want, I do it for free and am not an employee of the Kremlin


04-16-2018, 02:21 PM
they say that the world is not so afraid of America, time shows that America is not so strong
yelling at North Korea and then leaving
and so on

04-16-2018, 02:42 PM
they say that the world is not so afraid of America, time shows that America is not so strong
yelling at North Korea and then leaving
and so onCome get some.

We yelled at Russia then bombed your ass. Next?

04-16-2018, 02:53 PM
they say that the world is not so afraid of America, time shows that America is not so strong
yelling at North Korea and then leaving
and so on

Papo....Im trying to take a nap...But...I notice your comment...why you come here and shit like you do Lately? It only brings heat to you...**and things wont end well for you....Dont come here and stink up our house with really rotten comments .....Play Intelligently.....If you want to play...

04-16-2018, 02:55 PM
they say that the world is not so afraid of America, time shows that America is not so strong
yelling at North Korea and then leaving
and so on

One Russian military nitwit claimed they would sink one of our ships if we sent any missiles into Syria. What happened with that? While there are tons of videos, and a few posted here, of the many missiles landing in Syria ---- YOU claim that 73 were shot down. Can you post video proof of all of these being shot down?

As for being afraid - Putin blinked and chickened out, the very same as the Russian idiot that claimed they would sink one of our ships.

The world, and certainly not the USA, are not afraid of Russia.

04-16-2018, 03:01 PM
they say that the world is not so afraid of America, time shows that America is not so strong
yelling at North Korea and then leaving
and so on
Who cares? I don't give a shit if you're afraid. You're stupid not to be, but that's your problem. You DO realize that when we've been stuck on a boat for 4 months with a bunch of squids we will kill everything? You ain't shit. I can brave berthing.

But you wouldn't know about that, would you? What with that bottlenecked navy you got. All we got to do is blow up the strait and you ain't going any damned place on the water.

I'm injured and will destroy you. I'm bringing my squids (need a ride) and my rifle. Run. I will tag your ass on the run at 1000 klicks. Man up or shut up.

04-16-2018, 03:05 PM


04-16-2018, 05:11 PM
this is the most expensive fireworks arranged by NATO countries Syria

you can call me whatever you want, I do it for free and am not an employee of the Kremlin


I did not say you were an employee. I said you are fed a bunch of bullshit propaganda from
the Kremlin, to spread and spout lies that are easily over turned by FACT!

Let's see the video proof of 73 missiles shot down. The only video coming out of Damascus
is the Syrians panicking and launching after the attack was over; an attack that took less than
a minute.

Imagine what would happen if the USA, the UK, and France were really pissed off!
There would be no place to hide for your heroes and the oppressive regime you are allied to.

We know where 'you' are beyond any doubt.

04-16-2018, 05:59 PM
this is the most expensive fireworks arranged by NATO countries Syria

you can call me whatever you want, I do it for free and am not an employee of the Kremlin


You do WHAT for free ? Knowingly spread Kremlin-friendly propaganda ?

Here's a thought. Try being open to TRUTH and DECENCY.

When you're told the truth about ZERO missiles being shot down, believe it. Don't counter with a lie.

When you understand that you're on the side of powers who think they should get away with killings arranged by Governments, against helpless civilians ... try having the DECENCY to see this as something wrong, as something very rightly earning international revulsion.

Try thinking that world leaders should aspire to, be loyal to, CIVILISED conduct ... not the perpetration of BARBARISMS.

Black Diamond
04-16-2018, 06:12 PM
You do WHAT for free ? Knowingly spread Kremlin-friendly propaganda ?

Here's a thought. Try being open to TRUTH and DECENCY.

When you're told the truth about ZERO missiles being shot down, believe it. Don't counter with a lie.

When you understand that you're on the side of powers who think they should get away with killings arranged by Governments, against helpless civilians ... try having the DECENCY to see this as something wrong, as something very rightly earning international revulsion.

Try thinking that world leaders should aspire to, be loyal to, CIVILISED conduct ... not the perpetration of BARBARISMS.
It's kind of like when Stalin gave speeches, no one wanted to be the first person to quit clapping. For fear of death.

04-16-2018, 06:19 PM
It's kind of like when Stalin gave speeches, no one wanted to be the first person to quit clapping. For fear of death.

... or, like present-day North Korea.

Unless he actually IS being ordered to say his rot on this forum, though, that cannot apply to Papokarlo. He's choosing to spread his disinformation.

He can therefore choose to earn the responses he gets.

Or, he can choose the path which leads to decent humanity. The recognition that weapons-grade chemical agents, used against innocent people, IS wrong, IS a crime. A crime needing to be combatted.

04-17-2018, 06:17 AM
I'm still waiting for the evidence in the case Skripal, or have you forgotten?
on this and was calculation, all will be lowered on brakes