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04-16-2018, 12:04 PM
Of course they are, still many left overs and folks that want to see Trump fail. They also don't want any push back about the witch hunt. Likely also covering for one another, as obviously quite a few folks from the Obama era were involved in some shady shit, from the FBI to the DOJ.

Amazing that they can just ignore requests for so long. :rolleyes:


Is DOJ Obstructing Congress in the Trump Surveillance Case?

Did Rep. Devin Nunes (R-CA) really have to threaten to hold FBI Director Christopher Wray and Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein in contempt and to start impeachment proceedings? Apparently so.

Nunes chairs the House Intelligence Committee. For almost eight months, Wray and Rosenstein stalled his request for an unredacted copy of the memo that launched the Obama administration’s investigation/surveillance of the Trump campaign. Eight months.

But when Nunes threatened impeachment, he received the memo within 24 hours.

The Committee is investigating whether the Justice Department and the FBI (which is part of the Justice Department) had a credible, legal basis for opening their extraordinary investigation of a presidential candidate’s campaign. And the Justice Department has been trying to slow-walk the Committee’s investigation from the start.

But all the delaying tactics in the world can’t diminish the power of Congress to exercise oversight of a federal agency’s behavior -- or possible misbehavior.

In August 2017, the Committee subpoenaed Justice, demanding all documents associated with the opening of its “counterintelligence” operation examining Russian influence in the 2016 election. The subpoena covered the administration’s request, submitted to the FISA court, seeking surveillance warrants. The Justice Department, however, refused to provide an unredacted copy of the original FBI document that outlined its reasoning for opening the investigation.

Rest - https://pjmedia.com/trending/doj-obstructing-congress-trump-surveillance-case/