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04-16-2018, 04:20 PM
More intelligent folks thinking that legalizing all drugs across the board will solve problems and save lives. :rolleyes:

And prescribing heroin to an addict? WTF? How about putting them in a rehab? Put that person on one of the various other drugs that bring relief and help an addict quit? There are many ways to help a heroin addict without giving them heroin. Giving them or legalizing the drug will only assist with the addiction. Folks are fearful of quitting due to the ill feelings. Many will tell you they had enough, but can't quit due to the withdrawals. HELP these folks with other medications and ways to get off the drug, not help them get more.


Canada's Liberal party considers decriminalization of all illicit drugs

The push towards decriminalization comes as the opioid crisis continues to claim thousands of lives on both sides of the 49th parallel

With months left before Canada becomes the first country in the G7 to fully legalise marijuana, members of the country’s Liberal party, led federally by Justin Trudeau, are calling on their government to go one step further and decriminalise the possession and consumption of all illicit drugs.

The internal push to embrace the idea is one of more than two dozen resolutions set to be debated this week as the political party gathers for their national convention in the east coast city of Halifax. The resolution is one of three put forward by the national caucus, suggesting widespread support among Liberal MPs.

“It’s one of the few issues where we’re taught from a young age, that drugs are bad and that it’s normal to throw people in jail for using drugs,” said Nathaniel Erskine-Smith, a Liberal MP who has championed decriminalisation since he was elected in 2015.

“Yet when you actually start looking underneath those claims and at the actual evidence and hear from people who have study or lived this issue, this isn’t the right approach.”

Canadian province gambles future on marijuana's 'extreme growth potential'

Framing drug use as a criminal justice issue rather than one of health has simply served to fuel a lucrative black market, divert resources from law enforcement and marginalise those who are often already on the margins of society, he argued.

The push towards decriminalisation comes as the opioid crisis continues to claim thousands of lives on both sides of the 49th parallel. An estimated 4,000 Canadians died last year due to opioids, according to the Public Health Agency of Canada – more than the number of Canadians who died due to motor vehicle accidents and homicides combined.

In British Columbia, the western Canadian province where officials declared the opioid crisis a public health emergency in 2016, an average of four people die of overdoses each day.

The federal Liberal government has taken steps to address the crisis, expediting the approval of supervised injection sites and permitting physicians to prescribe heroin in cases of severe addiction. These are important steps, said Erskine-Smith. “But obviously if we want to save lives we need to do more.”

That could mean adopting an idea that is gaining steam across Canada as the number of opioid deaths continue to swell. Earlier this year, Canada’s New Democratic Party became the first major political party in Canada to officially champion the idea.

Rest - https://www.theguardian.com/world/2018/apr/16/canada-liberal-party-considers-decriminalization-all-illicit-drugs

04-16-2018, 05:15 PM
Intelligent thought and consideration does not abound in liberals...even in Canada
it seems.

04-16-2018, 07:17 PM
If we can convince Canada to accept all of the Pot Heads, Junkies, and Drug Dealers here in the U.S. to stay up there. That would help our OBIT PROBLEMS, and all of the GRASS Growers making a profit here...could move their businesses up there.
Let Canada handle all of their FREE MEDICAL services, paid for by HIGH ILLEGAL DRUG price.
What a theory???
P.S. While they are at it. Put in a SPECIAL MENTION for the California Loony Tunes living on the streets, peeing in the parks, and looking for a place to GET HIGH, without those lousy cops.

https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcR7w9SYH6H6SJF8eK4v8vSrbHiS7axUv wKARYRDbnDJiZ-mX9kY


04-16-2018, 07:21 PM
`Sex, drugs and Liberals: Members call for decriminalizing prostitution, illicit drugs at Liberal Party policy convention`


Screwed up Liberal minds.....>>look at that face...those eyes...oozing "liberalism"
Yes a pic is worth a 1000 words...


:cool:>>>>> we can only hope that Trudeau invites our homeless drug addicted "refugees" up there....

04-17-2018, 07:00 AM
I'm a libertarian myself so I've thought about the issue of decriminalizing all drugs.

I used to be for it, but that was maybe a failure of imagination --- I never thought of the new "designer drugs" like bath salts that make people want to strip naked and run around trying to eat people's faces.

Or PCP-angel dust that causes users to throw their children out of windows.

But neither of those are the worse problem. The worst problem is poisoning one drug of choice, say heroin, with fentanyl or worse or cutting it with meth so that users are quickly addicted to the new substance and don't even know what it is. And very often are frankly poisoned by it. The death rate has shot up in my county.

I'm not sympathetic to drug users: a lot of people think, let 'em die.

But if they are poisoned by stuff bad people slip to them, unaware? That seems like another kind of problem to me, and it might happen to anyone. I warned my granddaughter against poisoned drinks and food in the Big City -- she thinks she's going to go save everyone's souls there this summer. More likely to lose her own, I'm afraid.

04-17-2018, 07:10 AM
Canada's Liberal party considers decriminalization of all illicit drugs
Another BRILLIANT idea from the WARPED pea brains of LIBERALS... right up there with arming students with a bucket of ROCKS and teachers with miniature baseball bats.

I honestly can't figure out why SANE people even tolerate liberals and their MORONIC bull shit.

04-17-2018, 09:51 PM
Another BRILLIANT idea from the WARPED pea brains of LIBERALS... right up there with arming students with a bucket of ROCKS and teachers with miniature baseball bats.

I honestly can't figure out why SANE people even tolerate liberals and their MORONIC bull shit.
