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04-18-2018, 07:59 AM
Stonewalling, something they have done both in congress and now with the DOJ memos. If this were the republicans?

It's funny watching Holder talk about mistakes, and Obama talking about a scandal free administration. Do they really believe their own BS? They are each slowly starting to blame the other. Comey went after everyone in his book. Lynch then replies, and now Holder. Meanwhile, they are ALL criminals. And more proof will slowly come out about the surveillance methods, the FISA warrants and how they were obtained, and who they listened in on.


Eric Holder Hangs Comey Out To Dry: ‘Made Some Really Serious Mistakes’

Former Attorney General Eric Holder said former FBI Director James Comey is a “truthful” man but admitted he’s made a lot of mistakes, Tuesday on MSNBC’s “All In With Chris Hayes.”

“I think he is a truthful person. I think he’s a man of honor, a person of integrity,” Holder said. “I think he’s also a person who made some really serious mistakes.”

Holder disagreed with Comey’s release of information about former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton during the 2016 presidential election, but he still thinks his credibility is beyond reproach.

“I wrote an article after he held that after he released that material in which I said that good men can make mistakes,” Holder concluded. “I think that’s what happened to Jim in 2016. But in terms of his credibility, I think that that is a touchstone for him. He tells the truth.”


Freedom Caucus Leader Mark Meadows: Obama Admin Instructed DOJ and FBI to Surveil Donald Trump

On March 4, 2017, President Donald Trump accused his predecessor Barack Obama of spying on him during the 2016 election.


Trump was right!

Not only was the Obama White House spying on him but the Obama administration instructed the DOJ and FBI to surveil Trump.

Freedom Caucus leader Rep. Mark Meadows (R-NC) went on with Patrick Johnson on WPTF last week to discuss the latest developments in the Obama-Comey DOJ-FBI spying on Republican Donald Trump.

During the radio interview Rep. Mark Meadows dropped this bomb– The Obama Administration was aware and instructed the DOJ and FBI to surveil Donald Trump.

Rep. Mark Meadows: It now appears that the State Department and the White House at the very highest levels including the president himself were involved in this whole narrative in investigating Donald Trump. And much of that started with a fake dossier that was put together by Democratic opposition research firm as we now know, Fusion GPS that was paid $12 million to come up with this dirt that would suggest that the FBI and DOJ could surveil Donald Trump and spy on an American citizen. It’s just not the way we normally think of our FBI and DOJ officials in fact the mass majority of them are great patriots serving their country… We believe that contrary to his public statements that not only was President Obama aware but his Chief of Staff Denis McDonough had a briefing on August the 12th of 2016. And then there was another briefing in September. The text messages that I’ve had the privilege of reviewing and some of the other correlating information which strongly suggests that there was not only information given to the White House but indeed they were involved in drafting some of the action of the Department of Justice and FBI in the fall of 2016. That’s troubling when you see one president allowing their DOJ to get involved in a political campaign.

Rest - http://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2018/04/freedom-caucus-leader-mark-meadows-obama-admin-instructed-doj-and-fbi-to-surveil-donald-trump-audio/

Rep DeSantis Puts Rosenstein on Notice After Deadline Passes: Produce the Comey Memos – Stop Stonewalling!

On Sunday House Judiciary Chairman Rep. Bob Goodlatte (R-VA) told Maria Bartiromo on Sunday Morning Futures that the House was ready to take action against the DOJ if the requested Comey memos from the FBI.

The documents were already passed by Comey to the media but Congress does not have a copy yet.

Congress needs to impeach these DOJ crooks.

Rep Ron DeSantis (R-FL) put Rosenstein on notice Tuesday evening.

Congressman DeSantis joined Lou Dobbs Tuesday evening to discuss Rosenstein’s stonewalling of Comey’s memos.

“They’re gonna extend the deadline. They should also set at the deadline a contempt hearing for Rosenstein so that Rosenstein knows that if he doesn’t meet the deadline we will just hold him in contempt,” DeSantis said.

Comey leaked 4 out of the 7 memos he penned stemming from 9 private conversations he had with President Trump.

4 out of 7 memos contained classified information so at minimum Comey leaked 1 classified memo.

Rosenstein needs to be fired and investigated.

Rest - http://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2018/04/rep-desantis-puts-rosenstein-on-notice-after-deadline-passes-for-doj-to-turn-over-unredacted-comey-memos-to-congress-video/

04-18-2018, 11:15 AM
What is that old saying?

"There is no honor among Thieves"?