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View Full Version : Muslim Professor Cheers Death of Former First Lady Barbara Bush

04-18-2018, 08:01 AM
What a PIECE OF HUMAN GARBAGE. I truly hope karma strikes this fat bitch.


Muslim Professor Cheers Death of Former First Lady Barbara Bush “Happy the Witch is Dead”

Fresno State Associate Professor, Randa Jarrar cheered the death of former First Lady Barbara Bush on Tuesday from her verified, ‘blue checkmark’ Twitter account.

Earlier Tuesday, a spokesman for the family confirmed former First Lady Barbara Bush passed away at the age of 92.

People from all sides of the political spectrum set politics aside for a moment and offered condolences.

The hateful professor at Fresno State, however, cheered Mrs. Bush’s death then doubled down and wished for the ‘rest of the Bush family to fall to their demise.’

It is these types of vile leftists who are teaching the youth today.

The Gateway Pundit has provided screenshots of Randa Jarrar’s tweets in case of deletion.

Jarrar began with, “PSA: either you are against these pieces of shit and their genocidal ways or you’re part of the problem. that’s actually how simple this is. I’m happy the witch is dead. can’t wait for the rest of the family to fall to their demise the way 1.5 million iraqis have. byyyeeeeeee.”

Rest - http://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2018/04/muslim-professor-cheers-death-of-former-first-lady-barbara-bush-wishes-death-on-entire-bush-family/

04-18-2018, 08:33 AM
expected....from the left and "Muslim professor"
Vile and nasty...still teaching Kids.....

04-18-2018, 10:42 AM
expected....from the left and "Muslim professor"
Vile and nasty...still teaching Kids.....

Good Lord! You posted a picture of a water buffalo? No wonder she / it is so vile and hateful!:laugh:

Abbey Marie
04-18-2018, 01:29 PM
I suppose her job is still secure?


04-18-2018, 02:13 PM
Good Lord! You posted a picture of a water buffalo? No wonder she / it is so vile and hateful!:laugh:

Why you think she is so vile...nasty...disrespectful and bitchy and feels no one can touch her....Hopefully... "In Time"... they can do something (maybe deport her) with this muslim buffalo spewing such hate in our country and teaching our kids Garbage....:laugh:



04-18-2018, 02:22 PM

04-18-2018, 06:14 PM
What a PIECE OF HUMAN GARBAGE. I truly hope karma strikes this fat bitch.


Muslim Professor Cheers Death of Former First Lady Barbara Bush “Happy the Witch is Dead”

Fresno State Associate Professor, Randa Jarrar cheered the death of former First Lady Barbara Bush on Tuesday from her verified, ‘blue checkmark’ Twitter account.

Earlier Tuesday, a spokesman for the family confirmed former First Lady Barbara Bush passed away at the age of 92.

People from all sides of the political spectrum set politics aside for a moment and offered condolences.

The hateful professor at Fresno State, however, cheered Mrs. Bush’s death then doubled down and wished for the ‘rest of the Bush family to fall to their demise.’

It is these types of vile leftists who are teaching the youth today.

The Gateway Pundit has provided screenshots of Randa Jarrar’s tweets in case of deletion.

Jarrar began with, “PSA: either you are against these pieces of shit and their genocidal ways or you’re part of the problem. that’s actually how simple this is. I’m happy the witch is dead. can’t wait for the rest of the family to fall to their demise the way 1.5 million iraqis have. byyyeeeeeee.”

Rest - http://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2018/04/muslim-professor-cheers-death-of-former-first-lady-barbara-bush-wishes-death-on-entire-bush-family/

It's a pity that Russia is so intent upon becoming a pariah nation. Personally, I'd like to see them civilise themselves, so that when they do, we in the West can divert our attentions to the REAL enemy !

We have a 'good' example of that enemy at work, right here ...

04-18-2018, 07:41 PM
Good Lord! You posted a picture of a water buffalo? No wonder she / it is so vile and hateful!:laugh:

:laugh: Looks like another member of ROSY O's family has surfaced in the DUNG pile of Stoopid!


https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRucxUR40_Iion8VSOgegHF9eWyIQtk7 6H1galJWSOQ10rNN_qn

04-19-2018, 06:49 PM
Probably tenured, even.
(eyes looking up)

When is it go time, for the pitchforks and torches?

04-19-2018, 07:29 PM
This Muslim-Sisterhood Professor is in the land of Pretend...CALIFORNICATION.

We're giving her, and her stupid idea's too much attention...which is all they are good for while they look for HEADS to cut off.

I feel sorry for the FEW GOOD PEOPLE in California...trying to leave the WASTE of Stupidity behind with MOONBEAM, and his HOLLYWEIRD groopies of mental Deformations.
http://barenakedislam.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/10/muslim-hate-crime-hoax-009-01-800x416-800x416.jpgNO DIFFERENCE IN THEIR HATREDhttps://i0.wp.com/thepoliticalinsider.com/content/uploads/2018/04/Screen-Shot-2018-04-18-at-8.54.03-AM-1524056057-1024x452.png?resize=628%2C330&ssl=1http://img.youtube.com/vi/LvCL0rGiLxI/0.jpghttps://i.pinimg.com/736x/89/c8/b6/89c8b6dd171e48327fc901bf70843082--political-corruption-politics.jpghttp://i0.wp.com/www.equinoxpub.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2014/07/10570555_10154368602540198_6180812424332347841_n.j pg?resize=455%2C341