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View Full Version : "......Violence in Khan’s London ‘Like South Africa’, Predicts ‘Summer of Carnage’"

04-22-2018, 12:47 AM

Ah...Khan’s wonderland is just going to get that much more exciting for Londoners during summer, it seems! It looks like the Globalist experiment is working out perfectly to destroy western civilization! It’s sad what’s truly happening though....

Dr Martin Griffiths, a consultant surgeon at Barts Health NHS Trust, said soaring knife and gun crime has resulted

in London “looking more like South Africa, or inner-city U.S.” with regards to the rate of attacks.

“If it was hot weather right now, it would be carnage. When it gets a few degrees warmer, it’s going to be taxing.

It’s going to be difficult,” he told (https://www.thetimes.co.uk/edition/news/youth-violence-will-bring-a-summer-of-carnage-warns-surgeon-martin-griffiths-vsh5mc9pp) The Times.

The doctor, who earlier this month revealed (http://www.breitbart.com/london/2018/04/05/lead-surgeon-london-hospital-war-zone-two-slaughtered-overnight/) some of his military colleagues have likened the

situation seen in London trauma wards to hospitals in Middle East warzones, said that

treating young teenagers with life-threatening injuries had become “the bread and butter” of

his work at the Royal London Hospital.....

“Every day an ambulance rolls up with a kid who has been stabbed. That can’t be right. We’re

not at war,” said Griffiths, who has treated victims of gun and knife crime as young as nine.
“You’re sitting there in a [resuscitation] bay at 7.30 p.m. on a Thursday evening. It’s not even

dark but you’ve got four children in your bays and you’re thinking to yourself — this is not

what I trained for,” he said.
“I’m a trauma surgeon, not a paediatric surgeon. We’re having to use the skillset that we use

to look after adult trauma injuries for kids. That was never part of the deal. But we look after

children now — that’s what we do. Welcome to the new normal."



04-22-2018, 09:11 AM
There ya go... moslems... destroy a country without firing a shot. Just infiltrate using a nations own freedoms and crippling leftist political correctness against them, get in power and then destroy the country and take it over. Pretty simple process, and that's exactly what is happening.

We had a moslem shit stain here as president for 8 years, and he did his damnedest to destroy America too, oh yeah... "FUNDAMENTAL TRANSFORMATION"... but his problem was we have a CONSTITUTION, and America didn't want his change. He did plenty damage though, his administration was a CRIME SPREE, and we're dealing with the fall out of it now.

If the UK doesn't get it's head out of it's ass soon, and realize that the moslem they elected is actively working to DESTROY London, then I'm afraid it's too late for them. They've lost their country. It belongs to the moslems now. They WILL take it over, and if they think it looks like south africa now, give it another 10 years and you won't be able to tell them apart.

I'd say to all the GOOD Europeans like Drummond, GET A GUN, find one at all cost, and SCREW the LAW. Find one, hide it, and USE IT if you need to, and encourage your friends to do the same thing, arm yourselves, even start talking about getting your right to own firearms BACK.

04-24-2018, 07:30 AM

04-24-2018, 07:32 AM
And the rub is this -

Democrats/Progressives get almost UNLIMITED chances to fix what they fuck up...by fucking up harder.

Kahn is like...the Bizzaro world version of Midas - instead of gold, what he 'touches' turns to shit.

04-24-2018, 10:16 AM
Why would any Londoner in their right mind vote for this muslim dog turd again?