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View Full Version : School Paper Attacks Gun-Toting Trump Supporter

04-22-2018, 08:23 AM
Speaks for the whole school when others see it, or the town? Does she think the world is ignorant like she is? And disrespectful to a bridge, an inanimate object?

She simply is a leftist that hates and disagrees with guns and will try and write stupid shit to bring down the young lady.


School Paper Attacks Gun-Toting Trump Supporter For Giving University A ‘Bad Name’

The University of Tennessee-Chattanooga school newspaper recently attacked a Trump supporting student for giving the college a “bad name.”

In an editorial published Wednesday, the University Echo criticized UTC senior Brenna Spencer over her viral graduation photo in which she wore a “Women for Trump” shirt and showed off a gun in her waistband.


“As a staff, the Echo thinks that one of the biggest issue with the photo is that it speaks for the citizens of Chattanooga and students of UTC. She is what people who know nothing about UTC and Chattanooga, now associate with our school and city,” the editorial states.

Spencer, who is a field director for the conservative student group Turning Point USA, took her photo in front of Chattanooga’s Walnut Street Bridge, which gave great offense to the Echo.

“We think that the photo is disrespectful of the Walnut Street Bridge and the history behind the historic Chattanooga landmark that has been around since 1889,” the editorial argued.

The paper was also outraged that Spencer could claim to be an empowered woman and support President Trump. “In relation to giving the community and UTC a bad name, we think it’s contradicting that she’s approaching the situation from a feminist standpoint in support of Trump who has been known for his mistreatment and disrespect of women,” the Echo said.

The paper argued that students publicly showing support for Trump or other conservative positions makes UTC look bad.

“We think that this situation is very similar to ‘The Chalkening’ situation that happened on UTC’s campus in 2016 where a political stance for attention went viral,” the editorial said. “We feel like the photo not only makes the university look bad but also those students who go to UTC.”

“The Chalkening” incident at UTC involved a student government representative participating in a pro-Trump chalking on campus. That act brought tremendous left-wing backlash against the pro-Trump representative and student leaders demanded her removal from that position.

Rest - http://dailycaller.com/2018/04/21/brenna-spencer-university-of-tennessee-chattanooga/

04-22-2018, 08:58 AM
Time after time after time after time... we see where the VITRIOL comes from, the instant INSULTS, the BITCHING and WHINING and SCREAMING HELPLESSLY AT THE SKY, and it is ALWAYS, ALWAYS, coming from the FASCIST DEMOCRAPS.

They ARE what they accuse of others of BEING. If anyone is giving this college a "bad name," it's the CAUSTIC, BOMBASTIC, VITRIOLIC DEMOCRAT who wrote the article.

This is why I have almost ZERO patience for the left. They're not interested in discussion or hearing different opinions or tolerance of others. They couldn't care LESS about any of that. They are MILITANT, they are BIGOTS and they are FASCISTS, and I'd just as soon spit their trash right back in their face as look at them. They can't STAND it when they get a taste of their OWN MEDICINE.

The Trump girl with the gun is a flaming hottie also, so I wouldn't doubt for a second that there's a little JEALOUSLY in attacking her on top of everything else.