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View Full Version : Comey, Brennan and Clapper Are Proven as Leakers, Liars and Trump Haters

04-22-2018, 08:26 AM
Now that the entire Russian collusion crap has failed on them, and even turning on them, now it's time for them to file a lawsuit and change their tactics, in the hopes of it helping in the mid-terms.

I just hope that those who broke the law or assisted in some way, all get properly investigated and meet justice if found guilty.


Trouble Ahead for DNC: 2017 Russia Report Loses Luster as its Architects Comey, Brennan and Clapper Are Proven as Leakers, Liars and Trump Haters

It is looking more and more like Obama’s Former FBI Director James Comey, former CIA Director John Brennan and Former NSA Director James Clapper may have lied when they put together a report released in January 2017 about Russian influence in the 2016 election. This report was used to push the entire Russia narrative.

This past week the DNC announced that they are suing Russia, WikiLeaks and the Trump campaign –

for allegedly engaging in a conspiracy to damage the Democratic Party during the 2016 presidential race.

The DNC is seeking recompense for what it says was millions of dollars in damages from Russia’s hacking of its internal emails, which were then published by WikiLeaks, with the encouragement of then-candidate Trump and his campaign.

There are many problems that the DNC faces with their case –

1. Congressional investigations and the Special Counsel Mueller investigation have been going on for the past year and they haven’t uncovered any activities that support that the Trump campaign worked with Russia in any way to damage the DNC.

2. Wikileaks has a track record of not revealing its sources but it has repeatedly hinted that Russia was not the source of the emails of Clinton’s that it released during the campaign. It is more likely that the emails were provided to Wikileaks by DNC insider Seth Rich who was murdered in July 2016 in a still unsolved murder in Washington DC.

3. The DNC has not allowed investigators to review its IT systems and servers to determine how its emails landed in the hands of Wikileaks. To date the Mueller team has not reportedly even asked for this information. An inspection would provide evidence as to whether its servers were hacked by outsiders or if the emails were simply copied by an insider and provided to external parties.

Rest - http://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2018/04/january-2017-russia-report-lacking-luster-as-its-architects-comey-brennan-and-clapper-are-proven-as-leakers-and-liars/

04-22-2018, 08:34 AM
Will this ever end?

Thus far, nothing concrete has attached Trump's campaign to any underhanded tactics, but DO lean toward
the DNC creating this falsified situation.

Almost 2 years in the running and making of it,and all leads point back to the DNC.

Now the DNC is filing a suit? They should sue themselves first.

04-22-2018, 08:36 AM


04-22-2018, 10:26 AM


Excellent!....ah...yes opening up "Discovery" !! You liberals out there are stupid...:laugh:

Black Diamond
04-22-2018, 12:08 PM
Excellent!....ah...yes opening up "Discovery" !! You liberals out there are stupid...:laugh: