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04-22-2018, 08:33 AM
"Getting" desperate? They have been in that mode since election night. They couldn't win, so they went into obstruction mode & find any way possible to find dirt on anyone in the administration - only things about crooked democrats keep popping up.


Democrats are getting desperate as Mueller stalls

It’s not just Hillary Clinton who can’t quit Russia. The whole Democratic Party keeps going back to 2016.

In a move that reeks of desperation, the DNC filed a civil suit Friday against President Trump’s campaign, Russia and WikiLeaks, alleging a vast (right wing!) conspiracy to tip the election to Trump.

The suit’s flamboyant charges made headlines, but that only served to obscure the real meaning. Namely, that top Dems are giving up their fantasies that special counsel Robert Mueller will deliver them from political purgatory by getting the goods on Trump.

The trashy suit is their way of trying to keep impeachment and Russia, Russia, Russia alive for the midterms in case Mueller’s probe comes up empty.

Truth be told, party leaders are right to be disheartened by setbacks in the War against Trump. For the second time, the president was told he is not a target of Mueller, this time by Rod Rosenstein, the deputy assistant attorney general who created Mueller.

While Trump could still become a target, the odds of that happening decline by the day.

The probe started in the summer of 2016 by the FBI, and was taken over by Mueller nearly a year ago. Despite a large, secret budget and a squad of seasoned gunners, many of them Clinton supporters, Mueller hasn’t produced any evidence of a crime by the president.

If he had, Trump would be a target.

In a more reasonable era, Rosenstein would blow the whistle and declare, “Time’s up.” As I wrote two weeks ago, he or Mueller should at least end the guessing game and tell the public where the probe stands, where it is going and when it’s going to get there.

To keep it going endlessly suggests Mueller and Rosenstein have their jobs backwards. Instead of trying to find who committed a known crime, they put a target on Trump’s back and are going through his entire life with a fine-tooth comb, determined to find him guilty of something.

That’s why it was refreshing to hear Rudy Giuliani’s remarks when he signed on to the president’s team. “I’m going to join the legal team to try to bring this to a resolution,” Giuliani said. “The country deserves it.”

Rest - https://nypost.com/2018/04/21/democrats-are-getting-desperate-as-mueller-stalls/

04-22-2018, 10:16 AM
Yep...they are and its showing with their latest antics ....(Law-suit) :laugh:


04-23-2018, 03:35 PM
The Democratic party suing WikiLeaks for costing them the election is like an armed robber suing a security camera company for getting arrested.
