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View Full Version : Ivana: He doesn't need to run again

04-22-2018, 09:25 AM
A look at things other than all politics, from a woman that obviously knows him very well and still has a great relationship with him.

She is right, he doesn't need to. If I were him, and the attacks didn't stop, and he gets met with resistance from his own party, then I would let someone else run. This is far far from what I want. I think he is what the country needs, a tough bastard not afraid to set shit straight around the world, and to do much good for our own country. And he's succeeding on many levels.

If not him, we get a Kamala Harris, or Joe Biden - or someone that thinks and acts like Hillary Clinton, since she is the leader and idol of all democrats. Or a Mitt Romney, who has more than shown his true colors. Sure, folks can hate all they want, and have TDS all they want, but all I'm concerned about is the country succeeding, which it IS doing, outside of the fighting, which I think the majority is directed by the left.


Ivana Trump thinks Vanessa will ‘have a problem’ finding a new man

Ivana Trump doesn’t want Donald Trump to run for president again in 2020.

“I’ll tell you something, I don’t think it’s necessary,” she told The Post during an interview Wednesday at her Upper East Side townhouse.

“He has a good life and he has everything. Donald is going to be 74, 73 for the next [election] and maybe he should just go and play golf and enjoy his fortune,” the president’s ex-wife said.

Besides, she added, “I think he probably [misses] a little bit of freedom, I don’t think he probably knew how much is involved of being the president. It’s so [much] information — you have to know the whole world."

Despite having divorced Donald in 1992 after he infamously cheated on her with Marla Maples, Ivana and “The Donald,” as she affectionately calls him, have remained close.

“We speak every month,” said the 69-year-old whose book “Raising Trump,” is out in paperback May 1.

In fact, it was Ivana — the mother of Donald’s children Donald Jr., 40; Ivanka, 36; and Eric, 34 — who called the president in March to inform him that Donald Jr.’s wife, Vanessa, was filing for divorce.

“Of course, he was not happy,” said Ivana.

She, too, is “very sad” about the split, but thinks her son will be fine. “Donald Jr. is a good-looking guy. He is successful. He is not going to have a problem to find a girl,” she said. “Maybe Vanessa might have a little problem because she has five kids . . . who is going to date and marry the woman who has five children? Especially since she is young [40] and she might want to have more.”

Her son’s impending divorce hits close to home for Ivana, as Donald Jr. is rumored to have had an affair with former “Celebrity Apprentice” contestant Aubrey O’Day, whom he met while appearing on his father’s reality show.

“It’s always distressing, because I’ve been there,” said Ivana of the cheating allegations. “But who am I to judge and who knows what was the situation at that moment?

“It’s a long time ago now, so I think Vanessa knew it all along and maybe she just couldn’t get over the hurt to forgive him. But I honestly don’t know that many men who can keep their zippers up.”

Ivana’s sympathy for put-upon women extends to First Lady Melania Trump, in light of lawyer Michael Cohen’s admission that he paid porn star Stormy Daniels $130,000 to keep silent about her alleged affair with POTUS. Daniels claims the first time she and Donald had sex was in 2006, months after Melania gave birth to their son, Barron.

“I feel bad for [Melania] because I know how bad I did feel. It hurts a lot,” said Ivana.

“I divorced Donald immediately [after I discovered the Maples affair] because I told myself, ‘Am I going to live with the person [who] is going to say, ‘I’m going to go and play golf’ [leaving me to] think, ‘Is he really going to go and play golf?’ I cannot do it.

“I have pride and I have dignity and stuff like that, but so many women, around the world, they live with the men knowing that they are cheating and stuff like that. Everybody handles their situation their own way.”

Rest - https://pagesix.com/2018/04/21/ivana-trump-says-donald-should-just-go-and-play-golf/