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04-22-2018, 01:40 PM
So now they are all gathering together and coming up with a plan to help with the mid-terms, and keep the Russian collusion BS going. And hopefully, Republicans will use air time and ads to continue to push the truth in return, about the Democrats involvement, and in much more.

And now we're supposed to believe Brazile, who has lied with CNN and helped Hillary CHEAT in the primaries. She's full of shit is what she is. With all of the cheating and defaming they performed, she has the laughable audacity to talk about an intrusion on democracy. :rolleyes:


Democrats were crime victims. If Trump won't protect elections, we will: Donna Brazile

Donald Trump refuses to lead on protecting U.S. elections, but somebody has to. That's why Democrats filed a lawsuit against him, Russia and WikiLeaks.

While President Trump and his allies like to dismiss the idea of Russian interference in our elections as a “hoax,” those of us who were at the Democratic National Committee know better. We were the victims of a very real crime.

Now the DNC has filed a civil lawsuit to address this outrage, and to bring attention to the crying need to protect the 2018 midterm elections.

I wholeheartedly endorse this action by DNC chair Tom Perez and the party to refocus attention on this frightening attack on our democracy. House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi has called it an “electronic Watergate,” and that's exactly right. While no adversaries broke down a door to the DNC headquarters, what they did was even more of an intrusion on our democracy.

They burrowed into our computer system and lurked there undetected for more than a year, siphoning off our private emails for later distribution via WikiLeaks, to undermine Hillary Clinton's campaign. They sought to destroy the party by sowing discord and division, discrediting our nominee with salacious lies and disinformation, and forcing us to spend untold millions to protect our data, remedy the hacking, and set up a firewall against additional hacking.

The U.S. intelligence community agrees that the Russians interfered in our elections to favor Donald Trump. While the Russians hacked the DNC computers, the Trump campaign had multiple clandestine communications with Russian agents and with WikiLeaks. The Russians offered them stolen emails. And Roger Stone, Trump’s close adviser, sent clear signals that he had advance knowledge of the release of those stolen records.

It’s a conspiracy I described in my book Hacks: The Inside Story of the Break-ins and Breakdowns That Put Donald Trump in the White House. Along with others of every political stripe, including members of the Trump administration, I have pressured the president to take his leadership role seriously and address these issues. His adamant refusal to do so has made this lawsuit necessary. As Perez said, “If the occupant of the Oval Office refuses to protect our democracy, it's up to us.”

The DNC’s lawsuit names the Russian government, WikiLeaks, and the Trump campaign as co-conspirators who “shared their goal of damaging the Democratic Party and helping elect Donald Trump.”

But this lawsuit is aimed at equity, not damages. The same was true of a similar lawsuit the DNC filed against Richard Nixon's campaign that was successfully settled in the era of Watergate. As before, all we want is accountability and a consent decree to take steps to protect our elections and preserve our democracy. The Russians tried to penetrate or hack into the election system in 21 states. The Department of Homeland Security is now working with state lawmakers to try and protect our voting infrastructure by establishing better safeguards, but with a budget of just $380 million. Will that be enough?

Rest - https://www.usatoday.com/story/opinion/2018/04/21/democratic-lawsuit-protect-our-elections-donald-trump-column/538031002/

04-22-2018, 03:09 PM
They burrowed into our computer system and lurked there undetected for more than a year, siphoning off our private emails for later distribution via WikiLeaks, to undermine Hillary Clinton's campaign.

So far the Dems, CNN, and a Bobby Mueller have been making accusations of Trump/Russia/WikiLeaks collusion for about 18 months. They have all spent millions of dollars and man-hours "investigating" the case, and in Mueller's case essentially threatening and extorting former Trump campaign people. And after all that I haven't heard a single bit of actual evidence.

Let's just suppose it were all true though - it just means that Russian hacker exposed true facts and real emails from the Clinton campaign. So this lawsuit is just an admission by the DNC that Hillary is a lying, cheating crook.

04-22-2018, 07:26 PM
The DNC is nearly BROKE. So..being the good Liberal, Liars they are...like all of the other Americans who have learned to CHEAT UNCLE SAM, Fed, State, and Local. These law suits are nothing but an effort to INCREASE the EMPTY DNC coffers..

Why is the Democratic party broke?
6 Answers
Austin Lewis
Austin Lewis
Answered Dec 1 2017 · Author has 445 answers and 183.5k answer views
I think a better question is ‘with the outbreak of repeated sexual assault scandals in the DNC and among their larger donor base, will they get money for the 2020 cycle?’
Nancy Pelosi, after damning Roy Moore for allegations against him, has defended both Conyers and Franken, even as claims against them began to pile up. This is a shocking reversal from her prior ideas on believing women who claim they’ve been assaulted, but it does point out that the DNC doesn’t really have a moral standard they evenly apply. Oh, and it is also helping make the Roy Moore candidacy viable again.

Watch the DNC Chairman....skip actually answering the question Honestly.


04-22-2018, 10:05 PM
Sounds like the DNC screwed the pooch with this lawsuit:


04-22-2018, 10:45 PM
Like EVERYTHING else the MORON democraps have been trying lately... Americans aren't buying it and it'll backfire.

These people are fucking STUPID... how else can you put it?

I think even our board pool toy Pete would admit, if he could find a moment of coherence, that this crap is PATHETIC, and you can SMELL the DESPERATION.

There is no BLUE WAVE in November... there is no BLUE WAVE AT ALL... it's FICTIONAL just like Hitlery going to be president.