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View Full Version : More Joy Reid Anti-Gay Writings Discovered — MSNBC Host Claims Site was Hacked

04-23-2018, 02:11 PM
Almost as good as the twit last week busted for cocaine, and claiming the wind must have blew it into her pocketbook. :rolleyes:

This woman is a known racist, and has already been busted for anti-gay crap, from the same location. But she wants to claim that hackers went and placed the posts on her site. :rolleyes:

Sure would love to see this piece of garbage get shitcanned.


More Joy Reid Anti-Gay Writings Discovered — MSNBC Host Claims Site was Hacked

Joy Reid’s old blog, The Reid Report (2000-2014), is littered with even more anti-gay posts than were originally discovered, reports the far-left blog Mediate. The MSNBC host is claiming these latest discoveries were not written by her, but by hackers as a means “to taint my character.”

Earlier this year, Reid admitted to authoring a number of posts on her old site that mercilessly ridiculed then-Republican Florida Governor Charlie Crist as a homosexual (even after he married a woman). Reid was clearly using homosexuality as a pejorative, as a weapon of ridicule, so the left-wing MSNBC anchor’s homophobia has already been well- established.

Nevertheless, after she apologized for this (and because she is not a conservative), Reid was allowed to resume a media career that traffics in conspiracy theories, race-baiting, and uninformed Trump-bashing.

Here are some the new finds on Reid’s old site that she claims she did not write:

Keeping it real … most straight men feel exactly the same way, and would have the exact same reaction to the idea of stripping naked in a sweaty locker room in close quarters with a gay teammate. Most straight people cringe at the sight of two men kissing… Most straight people had a hard time being convinced to watch ‘Broke Back Mountain.’ (I admit that I couldn’t go see the movie either, despite my sister’s ringing endorsement, because I didn’t want to watch the two male characters having sex.)

Does that make me homophobic? Probably. And I’m not exactly proud of it. But part of the intrinsic nature of “Straightness” is that the idea of homosexual sex is … well … gross … even if you think that gay people are perfectly lovely individuals. For the record I’m sure gay people think straight sex is gross, too, it’s the that the nature of political correctness is that gay people are allowed to say straight sex is gross but the reverse is considered to be patently homophobic.

Rest - http://www.breitbart.com/big-journalism/2018/04/23/more-joy-reid-anti-gay-writings-discovered-msnbc-host-claims-site-was-hacked/

04-24-2018, 11:32 AM
I KNEW she lied. I checked the Wayback website yesterday myself, but she had it deleted. But the FACTS are, they were up there for YEARS. This "machine" takes snapshots of websites at regular intervals, and you can see old data and older versions of website.

She outright LIED and was busted. Now lets watch the liberals complain about one of their own on a major news media agency. :rolleyes:

Once again - a PROVEN liar and racist scumbag.



MSBNC crank Joy Reid claims her recently discovered homophobic posts were fabricated by internet hackers.

And my dog ate my homework.

The hateful posts were recently discovered on her website “The Reid Report” before she became a host on far left MSNBC.

Twitter user Jamie_Maz tweeted:


Mediaite has obtained a series of homophobic posts from Joy Ann Reid’s old blog that she denies were actually written by her.

In an exclusive statement to Mediaite, the MSNBC host claims these posts from The Reid Report — which include defending homophobia, gay jokes, and the outright mocking of gay people and homosexuality — were somehow put in by an “external party” that “manipulated material from my now-defunct blog.”

While Reid apologized in December for writing homophobic contenton a blog she ran long before her days as an icon of the #Resistance movement, she claims these new posts opposing gay marriage and cringing “at the sight of two men kissing” were part of a “fabricated” outside effort to paint her as “offensive and hateful.”

These anti-gay articles from The Reid Report, a site that pre-dated Reid’s former MSNBC show of the same name, were originally shared on Twitter by user Jamie_Maz who found them using the Wayback Machine — an Internet archiving service that takes periodic screenshots of popular web pages to preserve them.

MSNBC’s Reid attacked GOP Whip Steve Scalise after he was shot by a raging Democrat last year on an Alexandria ballfield.


UPDATE: Joy Reid lied.

Joy Reid said hackers put the content on her website but a look back on The Wayback Machine shows the original text included the controversial anti-gay screed.

TGP reader John sent this in:

Joy’s old blog was removed waybackmachine, but they didnt remove the xml feed for her blog which contains the original text of her blog posts here by clicking on different dates

The original text for the “Or, what about the totally not gay celebrities of the year” mentioned in your article is in this feed.

The phrase “Or, what about the totally not gay celebrities of the year” appears in the original text code.

