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View Full Version : Report: McCabe Issued Stand-Down Order on Clinton Email Investigation

04-25-2018, 11:21 AM
I've been saying for a few years now that I had lost trust in the FBI and the DOJ, and daily things are coming out to show that my suspicions were correct.

One tries to help Hillary by shutting down any attempts at investigating her crimes. The other was going out of his way to avoid any special prosecution of Hillary and her email server. This is the FBI, they are supposed to be blind to justice - yet they made decisions that obviously helped Hillary avoid not only any criminal charges, but also anyone looking into it the way it should have been. :rolleyes:


Report: McCabe Issued Stand-Down Order on Clinton Email Investigation

Multiple former FBI officials are alleging that fired FBI deputy director Andrew McCabe tried to steer agents off the investigation into Hillary Clinton's private email server, and there may be evidence to prove it, investigative journalist Sara Carter reported Tuesday.

McCabe is already facing potential criminal charges for lying under oath about leaks he made to the Wall Street Journal in 2016 regarding the FBI’s investigation into the Clinton Foundation.

The stand-down order allegedly came after the New York Times first reported that Hillary Clinton had used an unsecure personal email account for State Department business in March of 2015, but before the official investigation was requested by the Justice Department in July 2015.

According to Carter's sources, McCabe was overseas when the story broke and sent electronic communications to underlings "voicing his displeasure."

“McCabe tried to steer people off the private email investigation and that appears to be obstruction and should be investigated,” a former FBI official with knowledge of the investigation told Carter. “Now if the information on the ‘stand-down’ order is obtained by the IG that could bring a whole lot of other troubles to McCabe.”

Rest - https://pjmedia.com/trending/report-mccabe-issued-stand-order-clinton-email-investigation/

James Comey: Special Prosecutor in Email Probe ‘Would Have Been Unfair to Hillary’

Former FBI Director James Comey wrote in his recently released memoir that appointing a special counsel to handle the Hillary Clinton email probe due to concerns over Attorney General Loretta Lynch’s impartiality “would have been unfair to Hillary Clinton.”

Comey, however, had no problem taking actions to ensure a special prosecutor in the case of Donald Trump and unsubstantiated claims of Russian collusion based in part on charges made inside a largely-discredited dossier financed by Clinton’s 2016 presidential campaign and the Democratic National Committee (DNC).

In testimony before the Senate Intelligence Committee last June, Comey said he shared memos memorializing his private conversations with Donald Trump “with a friend” to in turn provide the contents to a reporter “because I thought that might prompt the appointment of a special counsel.” Comey’s leak of memos, portions of which were later classified, reportedly prompted the Justice Department’s watchdog to review the issue.

In the case of Clinton’s email probe, Comey relates numerous issues with Lynch’s actions that he says may have tainted the public perception that the Justice Department could oversee the case in an unbiased manner.

Yet Comey relates why he decided against pushing for a special counsel:

A different FBI director might have called for the appointment of a special prosecutor in late June, after Bill Clinton’s visit to the attorney general’s plane. I still think that would have been unfair to Hillary Clinton, but I can imagine another director doing it that way rather than trying to protect the institutions in the way I did.

Rest - http://www.breitbart.com/big-government/2018/04/25/james-comey-special-prosecutor-email-probe-unfair-hillary/

04-25-2018, 11:32 AM
Sad to think that in just 8 years of incompetence and corruption in 0bama's administration, the FBI & DOJ so quickly tossed aside the notion of blind justice.

Perhaps I was naive, but I was confident that those agencies would have resisted fiercely such tampering from political appointees like Holder and Lynch and an unethical President.

04-25-2018, 05:01 PM
Sad to think that in just 8 years of incompetence and corruption in 0bama's administration, the FBI & DOJ so quickly tossed aside the notion of blind justice.

Perhaps I was naive, but I was confident that those agencies would have resisted fiercely such tampering from political appointees like Holder and Lynch and an unethical President.

I am cannot speak for the rest of the forum, but I am getting sick of this comical chess match.

Bring the involved in to face the music - once and for all!

04-25-2018, 10:18 PM
I think we need to bring back HANGING IN THE PUBLIC SQUARE, and maybe a little VIGILANTE JUSTICE.

See how willing these SHIT STAIN DEMOCRATS are NEXT time to pull this shit.

And you can bet it's STILL GOING ON. They will NOT QUIT until they're GONE... as in IN JAIL.

04-26-2018, 12:17 AM
"Originally posted by Elessar
I am cannot speak for the rest of the forum, but I am getting sick of this comical chess match.

Bring the involved in to face the music - once and for all!

Please feel free to speak! I, as well as a damn significant portion of the voting population of this country, had become sick and tired of the pantywaists it the GOP refusing to fight back against scurrilous attacks by the leftists. Especially GW Bush and his bullshit attitude of having such respect for the Office of the President that he didn't want to sully it by engaging in petty partisan battles. So he'd rather allow any piece of shit lefty call the holder of that Office everything but a child of God and that somehow enhanced the integrity of the Office?

I'm starting to hear the same type of crap about AG Sessions and his overwhelming respect for the law and Constitution that he won't abuse them to carry out partisan revenge attacks. How about standing up to the principle of Equality Under the Law! Do your damn job, quit being such a pussy, file some charges, stand up for America! You would think that Pres Trump's example of fighting back for what is right would stiffen the spines of these weasels.

04-26-2018, 01:12 PM
Did McCabe issue ‘Stand-Down’ order on FBI Clinton Email Investigation?

"McCabe tried to steer people off the private email investigation..."

Former FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe is now facing possible criminal charges for lying under oath about leaks he made to The Wall Street Journal in 2016, in an effort to salvage his reputation and give his account to journalists who were questioning whether he gave a “stand-down” order to FBI agents investigating the Clinton Foundation.

Multiple former FBI officials, along with a Congressional official, say that while there may have been internal squabbling over the FBI’s investigation into the Clinton Foundation at the time, there was allegedly another “stand-down” order by McCabe regarding the opening of the investigation into Hillary Clinton’s use of her private email for official government business.

McCabe’s stand-down order regarding Clinton’s private email use happened after The New York Times first reported Hillary Clinton Used Personal Email Account at State Dept., Possibly Breaking Rules in March 2015 and before the official investigation was requested by the Justice Department toward the end of July 2015.

After The New York Times publication, the FBI Washington Field Office began investigating Clinton’s use of private emails and whether she was using her personal email account to transmit classified information. According to sources, McCabe was overseas when he became aware of the investigation and sent electronic communications voicing his displeasure with the agents.

“McCabe tried to steer people off the private email investigation and that appears to be obstruction and should be investigated,” said one former FBI official with knowledge of the circumstances surrounding the investigation. “Now if the information on the ‘stand-down’ order is obtained by the IG that could bring a whole lot of other troubles to McCabe.”

Inspector General Michael Horowitz released the report on McCabe earlier this month and is continuing to investigate the FBI’s role in the investigation into Clinton’s use of a private server to conduct government business. Horowitz’s team of investigators have been sifting through more than 1.2 million documents, of which 46,000 are connected to the ongoing investigations, according to several Congressional officials who spoke to this reporter. Of those documents, Congress has received a tiny fraction of the emails pertaining to their oversight investigations.

Rest - https://saraacarter.com/did-mccabe-issue-stand-down-order-on-fbi-clinton-email-investigation/

Black Diamond
04-26-2018, 01:28 PM
I thought that was lynch. :)

04-26-2018, 02:39 PM
I thought that was lynch. :)I know I said this somewhere else where the lynch mod wasn't listening. He's a nobody. Just another Ollie. The fall guy.

04-27-2018, 07:06 AM
I, as well as a damn significant portion of the voting population of this country, had become sick and tired of the pantywaists it the GOP refusing to fight back against scurrilous attacks by the leftists.
That's because there's plenty of establishment, good ole boys club, never Trumper RINOS. They'd rather be PW'd by the democrats and be the minority again than have a true fighter conservative republican in the White House like Trump. He's not a politician, he's not one of them so they hate him. Bunch of absolutely disgusting, worthless, gutless, greedy POS hacks. They make me wanna vomit.

I heard McConnell won't even allow this bill that PROTECTS the MUELLER WITCH HUNT to reach the floor for debate. I about fell over when I heard that because McConnell has acted more like a never Trumper than a supporter. Grassley on the other hand I have lost ALL respect for, and I damn sure let him know it on twitter, along with a few hundred thousand others.

Black Diamond
04-27-2018, 08:08 AM
That's because there's plenty of establishment, good ole boys club, never Trumper RINOS. They'd rather be PW'd by the democrats and be the minority again than have a true fighter conservative republican in the White House like Trump. He's not a politician, he's not one of them so they hate him. Bunch of absolutely disgusting, worthless, gutless, greedy POS hacks. They make me wanna vomit.

I heard McConnell won't even allow this bill that PROTECTS the MUELLER WITCH HUNT to reach the floor for debate. I about fell over when I heard that because McConnell has acted more like a never Trumper than a supporter. Grassley on the other hand I have lost ALL respect for, and I damn sure let him know it on twitter, along with a few hundred thousand others.
Well said. McConnell isn't as bad as the likes of McCain.