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View Full Version : In spite of all the blame, Hillary knows who really cost her the election

04-25-2018, 11:26 AM
Speaking of retarded people. When will she realize she is looking more and more pathetic with each excuse. Move on, witch!


In spite of all the blame, Hillary knows who really cost her the election

Imagine, if you would, that a Republican presidential candidate, say Mitt Romney or John McCain, had spent the next 18 months after his loss moaning and groaning and blaming everything from the FBI to Russian bots to xenophobia for the loss — and the mainstream media covered the pity party.

That’s Hillary Clinton in a nutshell. The election was a year and a half ago, and Hillary is still on TV and selling out venues to hawk her pathetic book, “What Happened,” in which she blames everything and everybody but herself for her humiliating loss.

If you’re not keeping track at home, so far she’s blamed FBI Director James Comey, Russia, computer bots, WikiLeaks, Bernie Sanders, Facebook, Joe Biden, fake news, Twitter, voter ID laws, the vast right-wing conspiracy, sexism, Barack Obama, ageism, child sex pervert Anthony Weiner, white women, xenophobia, black people, the Electoral College, the DNC, misogyny, women cowed by their husbands — even former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani (your guess is as good as ours).

And she’s still at it. On Monday, two days ago, Mrs. Clinton blamed her loss on the media — yes, the media that bent over backward (and often forward) to push her throughout the campaign. At the Pen America World Voices Festival, she said that “the mainstream political coverage was influenced by the right-wing media ecosystem.”

Rest - https://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2018/apr/24/hillary-clinton-knows-why-she-really-lost-the-elec/

04-25-2018, 05:06 PM
Speaking of retarded people. When will she realize she is looking more and more pathetic with each excuse. Move on, witch!


In spite of all the blame, Hillary knows who really cost her the election

Imagine, if you would, that a Republican presidential candidate, say Mitt Romney or John McCain, had spent the next 18 months after his loss moaning and groaning and blaming everything from the FBI to Russian bots to xenophobia for the loss — and the mainstream media covered the pity party.

That’s Hillary Clinton in a nutshell. The election was a year and a half ago, and Hillary is still on TV and selling out venues to hawk her pathetic book, “What Happened,” in which she blames everything and everybody but herself for her humiliating loss.

If you’re not keeping track at home, so far she’s blamed FBI Director James Comey, Russia, computer bots, WikiLeaks, Bernie Sanders, Facebook, Joe Biden, fake news, Twitter, voter ID laws, the vast right-wing conspiracy, sexism, Barack Obama, ageism, child sex pervert Anthony Weiner, white women, xenophobia, black people, the Electoral College, the DNC, misogyny, women cowed by their husbands — even former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani (your guess is as good as ours).

And she’s still at it. On Monday, two days ago, Mrs. Clinton blamed her loss on the media — yes, the media that bent over backward (and often forward) to push her throughout the campaign. At the Pen America World Voices Festival, she said that “the mainstream political coverage was influenced by the right-wing media ecosystem.”

Rest - https://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2018/apr/24/hillary-clinton-knows-why-she-really-lost-the-elec/

If she isn't one egg short of a dozen, then I have never seen it.

Her massive ego and self-promotion, exaggerations, outright lies, and looking down her
nose at those she feels to be 'inferior' all balled up into a waddling, pant-suited, cankle legged
harpy is what did her in.