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04-26-2018, 05:05 PM
And this is why so many started labeling their crap fake news, because they like to make news out of things that aren't there, or report in a way to cover for "their own".

They report on Stzrok and Page texts as if they're nothing to be concerned about. Sure, don't report the actual texts, and the entire scandal behind them and others to discredit Trump in any way, and protect Hillary at all costs. They consider this an agenda of republicans, but ignore and make excuses for the witch hunt taking place.

Then in the 2nd story, they continue, as if flowers and a card isn't good enough for the 1st lady, as if they asked and condemned what Obama did on Michelle's birthday's. As if this is even a story to begin with. Anything to trash Trump, even if it's something positive. :rolleyes:


Recovered text messages between FBI officials sent to Congress

(CNN)A batch of recovered text messages exchanged between two top FBI employees who have come under scrutiny for criticizing then-presidential candidate Donald Trump were delivered Thursday to lawmakers on Capitol Hill, according to a source with knowledge of the matter.

The texts, between FBI special agent Peter Strzok and FBI lawyer Lisa Page, have captured the attention of certain Republicans and allies of Trump who've raised concerns about political bias at the nation's top law enforcement agency.

Strzok, who led the investigation of former secretary of state Hillary Clinton's private email server as the No. 2 official in the FBI's counterintelligence division, was later involved in opening the investigation into ties between Trump campaign associates and suspected Russian operatives.

He briefly served on special counsel Robert Mueller's team last year, but was removed shortly after the Justice Department inspector general's office stumbled upon the text messages. Page was also on Mueller's team for a short time before returning to the FBI, but she completed her detail before the special counsel's office was made aware of the texts.

The previous sets of texts show Strzok and Page mocking politicians on both sides of the aisle, but their unvarnished disdain for Trump has been repeatedly cited as evidence that the Mueller team is out to get the President.

Rest - https://www.cnn.com/2018/04/26/politics/missing-strzok-page-text-messages/index.html

Trump says he's been too busy to get Melania a birthday present

Washington (CNN)President Donald Trump admitted on Fox News that he's been too busy to get a birthday gift for his wife, first lady Melania Trump, who turned 48 years old Thursday.

When asked during a telephone interview on Fox & Friends what Trump bought the first lady for her birthday he responded with a laugh," Well, I better not get into that 'cause I may get in trouble. Maybe I didn't get her so much."

Trump added that he did get the first lady "a beautiful card and some beautiful flowers."

"You know, I'm very busy to be running out looking for presents, OK?" Trump said.

Trump also hailed the first lady's work on planning this week's state dinner honoring France, saying she did a "fantastic job."
