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View Full Version : CNN’s Chris Cuomo Thinks Trump Could Win The Nobel Peace Prize For North Korea

04-27-2018, 10:05 AM
I agree with him. But he is still a dickhead, and still a partisan hack of epic proportions. One can be a hack, lean towards a side, tell the FACTS, but still lean. He tends to lean with hi facts towards making shit up, too often IMO.


CNN’s Chris Cuomo Thinks Trump Could Win The Nobel Peace Prize For North Korea Efforts

Chris Cuomo, host of CNN’s “New Day,” thinks President Donald Trump may receive the Nobel Peace Prize for his efforts to broker peace between North and South Korea, and said he may deserve the award more than former President Barack Obama.

“Politics. We have to deal with the policy, obviously,” Cuomo said Friday. “There are so many what IFS and conditions and all that. But if you take it at its best possible result — President Obama got a Nobel peace award for a lot less than bringing actual peace, instead of armistice to the Korean peninsula.”

North Korean leader Kim Jong Un and South Korean President Moon Jae-in released a joint statement Friday promising “a new era of peace” in Korea. The announcement is seen as unprecedented, as Trump’s predecessors made little progress in dealing with the rogue nation.

Rest - http://dailycaller.com/2018/04/27/cuomo-trump-nobel-peace-prize/

04-27-2018, 10:39 AM
I agree with him. But he is still a dickhead, and still a partisan hack of epic proportions. One can be a hack, lean towards a side, tell the FACTS, but still lean. He tends to lean with hi facts towards making shit up, too often IMO.


CNN’s Chris Cuomo Thinks Trump Could Win The Nobel Peace Prize For North Korea Efforts

Chris Cuomo, host of CNN’s “New Day,” thinks President Donald Trump may receive the Nobel Peace Prize for his efforts to broker peace between North and South Korea, and said he may deserve the award more than former President Barack Obama.

“Politics. We have to deal with the policy, obviously,” Cuomo said Friday. “There are so many what IFS and conditions and all that. But if you take it at its best possible result — President Obama got a Nobel peace award for a lot less than bringing actual peace, instead of armistice to the Korean peninsula.”

North Korean leader Kim Jong Un and South Korean President Moon Jae-in released a joint statement Friday promising “a new era of peace” in Korea. The announcement is seen as unprecedented, as Trump’s predecessors made little progress in dealing with the rogue nation.

Rest - http://dailycaller.com/2018/04/27/cuomo-trump-nobel-peace-prize/

Finally saw the light, did he?

Obama did not do jack shit to be presented that award.

In my eyes and mind, Obama being given that cheapened the meaning behind it and made it
a worthless gesture.

04-27-2018, 02:41 PM
The social justice theory of white male privilege would disqualify Pres. Trump from receiving the Nobel Peace Prize. To demonstrate their racial wokeness, the Nobel Committee would award the prize to Messers Moon, Kim & Xi.

04-28-2018, 07:08 AM
The social justice theory of white male privilege would disqualify Pres. Trump from receiving the Nobel Peace Prize. To demonstrate their racial wokeness, the Nobel Committee would award the prize to Messers Moon, Kim & Xi.

Thank you. That's what I think, too. There is no WAY anyone would give Trump any prize, certainly not the Nobel Peace Prize.

Also that it's not done till it's over: I expect trouble with these talks and a lot of carrying on. Same as with the long Palestinians/Israeli talks --- every time there have been talks. They never work, and there is always a lot of sound and fury before they break up again.