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View Full Version : Liberals say not in my back yard

04-28-2018, 10:47 AM
This isn't about black kids as the title states - but all underprivileged kids for various reasons, and all districts are to open the books up and allow them in. So the plan is to I guess divvy them up into various schools, and bringing them into new districts.

But the parents say no way jose! They think their kids will suffer as a result. I LOVE the reply of the principal at like the 1:20 mark

So much for tolerance, diversity and inclusion.


Upper West Side Liberals Lose Their Sh*t When School Announces Plans to Bring in More Black Kids

Leftists LOVE diversity.
They preach it ALL the time at their rallies and on Facebook.
Just as long as you keep it out of their neighborhood.

Parents at Upper West Side schools in New York City angrily protested the latest plans by school administrators to bus in lower income minority students into their local schools.
The administrator lectured the parents and told them how offended he was by their comments.

The Upper West Side went to Hillary Clinton by 89% in 2016.




04-28-2018, 11:28 AM
"Not in My Back Yard" is a pretty common comeback from liberals when faced with something new
that could actually be advantageous or of benefit to a neighborhood or entire town / city.

In theory, they are all for this new 'change' as long as they do not have it in 'their back yard'.

Case in point:

In the early 2000's, Humboldt County Office of Emergency Services (OES) proposed the installation of
tsunami warning sirens in populated, low-laying areas and recreation sites along the coastal regions
of the County.

liberals liked the idea but did not want the expense of obtaining them though. That was quashed when
Pacific Gas and Electric (PGE) donated 256 obsolete sirens that were hunkered down in a warehouse.
All that needed done was repair some by interchanging parts to make some functional. PGE even offered
to help install them.

liberals were then all for it until it was announced that monthly testing of the system would be done. liberals cried
"foul" and said install them but "Not in My Back Yard" or install but do not test them "In My Back Yard".
Monthly testing is vital to ensure the system functions when needed. OES relented, testing all but one annually
during Tsunami Preparedness Week in March. Only the one at the PGE plant in King Salmon is tested monthly
and the residents are glad to hear it sound off as scheduled.

Funny how liberals can be so against something that can be of mutual benefit due to their inherent selfishness.

04-28-2018, 11:32 AM
Or complaining and demanding guns be taken away, and assault weapons banned - and they get to decide what constitutes "assault", which they pretty much say about any cool looking gun. Meanwhile - they will have 40 folks with guns protecting their perimeter. :rolleyes:

04-28-2018, 11:39 AM
Or complaining and demanding guns be taken away, and assault weapons banned - and they get to decide what constitutes "assault", which they pretty much say about any cool looking gun. Meanwhile - they will have 40 folks with guns protecting their perimeter. :rolleyes:

I have said it before and will continue to say it: "Assault Weapons" are NOT allowed to be legally sold according to ATF laws and regulations.
Writing another 'law' to ban something that is strictly controlled already will not prevent a criminal from obtaining it illegally.

A waste of time trying to foist an unenforceable new "law" onto the existing regulations.