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View Full Version : James Woods Destroys Gutter ‘Comedian’ Michelle Wolf in Epic Tweetstorm

04-29-2018, 08:16 PM
I just read another article where they defended her comments, saying it was ok because Trump makes shitty comments about people. So they don't like what Trump may have said - so take it out on Sarah Sanders? How pathetic and low class to do right to her face. I love James Woods!!


James Woods Destroys Gutter ‘Comedian’ Michelle Wolf in Epic Tweetstorm

Nearly everyone was appalled over the nasty, vile insults ‘comedienne’ Michelle Wolf hurled at Sarah Huckabee Sanders during the annual White House Correspondents’ Dinner Saturday night.

The gutter ‘comedian’ even cracked a joke about abortion as the audience of liberal snakes laughed.

Pure evil.

James Woods went off on the foul-mouthed ‘comedian’ and liberal reporters at the WHCD in an epic tweetstorm.

The annual White House Correspondents’ Dinner on Saturday night was an utter disgrace.

President Trump did not attend, rather he held a rally in Michigan to connect with the citizens of middle America.

Michelle Wolf said this about Vice President Mike Pence’s pro-life stance on abortion:

“He thinks abortion is murder, which, first of all, don’t knock it ‘til you try it–and when you do try it, really knock it. You know, you’ve got to get that baby out of there. And yeah, sure, you can groan all you want. I know a lot of you are very anti-abortion. You know, unless it’s the one you got for your secret mistress.”

Michelle Wolf also mocked Sarah Sanders as Aunt Lydia in the Handmaiden’s Tale, a bull-dyke gym teacher and attacked Sanders over her ‘smoky eye’ look. Wolf concluded with the racist, sexist attack in which she called Sanders a traitor to ‘white women.’

Social media was set ablaze Saturday night and the shock spilled over into Sunday after Michelle Wolf trashed Sarah Sanders and laughed about murdering unborn babies.

Patriotic actor James Woods gave this gutter comedian a piece of his mind on Sunday.

James Woods tweeted called Michelle Wolf “low class trash” in response to Matt Drudge asking why Sarah Sanders and Kellyanne Conway didn’t walk out as Wolf trashed them:


Woods blasted the WHCD Association President:


James Woods says Republican women running for office should use the clip of Wolf trashing Sarah Sanders in their campaigns:


James Woods then blasted lefty New York Times crank Maggie Haberman:


And in the grand finale, James Woods tweeted out a picture of Michelle Wolf without makeup on…YIKES



Black Diamond
04-29-2018, 08:19 PM
Didn't Obama make some comment about Sarah Palin and lipstick on a pig?

04-29-2018, 08:26 PM
I seem to remember some pretty nasty stuff on women, right here. A few may have even been political in nature and come from some of the same folks speaking of how this type of behavior is just wrong. It is.

04-29-2018, 08:39 PM
I watched the whole clip this morning, and it was a struggle to finish it. It was putrid.

Never heard of her before, and I'll never watch her again in anything.

Black Diamond
04-29-2018, 08:40 PM
Maybe no one from the administration should attend next year.

Black Diamond
04-29-2018, 08:42 PM
I watched the whole clip this morning, and it was a struggle to finish it. It was putrid.

Never heard of her before, and I'll never watch her again in anything.
Sorry you lost that portion of your life.

04-29-2018, 08:42 PM
I seem to remember some pretty nasty stuff on women, right here. A few may have even been political in nature and come from some of the same folks speaking of how this type of behavior is just wrong. It is.

There is no doubt that everyone should strive to be better, and lay off the women stuff.

But the story about the WHC Dinner is different than us, that's the public eye, that's the democrats and someone they brought in to tell jokes. And then humiliating Sarah right in front of her. That's a little different than one of us talking smack about a woman political candidate from afar.

It as well should be corrected. But it's got no comparison to the article and speaking publicly as such. And talk of others talking smack is just not addressing the article and what Wolf stated. That's like the others supporting her and stating it was ok because Trump made nasty comments in the past.

04-29-2018, 09:42 PM
There is no doubt that everyone should strive to be better, and lay off the women stuff.

But the story about the WHC Dinner is different than us, that's the public eye, that's the democrats and someone they brought in to tell jokes. And then humiliating Sarah right in front of her. That's a little different than one of us talking smack about a woman political candidate from afar.

It as well should be corrected. But it's got no comparison to the article and speaking publicly as such. And talk of others talking smack is just not addressing the article and what Wolf stated. That's like the others supporting her and stating it was ok because Trump made nasty comments in the past.

I loathe the Obama's, always have. I never did find humor in the pics constantly put up about her, last I knew she never has run for office. Hillary is a crook, liar, and has done more to harm women than most men. Still it's not her looks that turned me off, obviously.

I think Sarah Huckabee is a nice looking woman. I don't know if she wants to lose a few pounds, but that's not really anyone's business but hers. She is in the public light though, like Trump and Christie, there are those that go for the obvious.

I do think folks should be called out for attacking spouses, children, etc., rather than the big dogs themselves. I really do believe though that going after how attractive or not someone is, whether on looks or weight or whatever, just shows how shallow the person commenting upon such is.

04-29-2018, 10:02 PM
Do you guys have amnesia? Have you forgotten Trump's constant name calling, bullying and insults?

04-29-2018, 10:07 PM
Do you guys have amnesia? Have you forgotten Trump's constant name calling, bullying and insults?

No, I believe I said plenty at the time. I've found though that without television and not reading his tweets, my blood pressure has come down from it's high point.

I found his behavior unacceptable, still do. None of it excuses anyone else though.

04-29-2018, 10:08 PM
No, I believe I said plenty at the time. I've found though that without television and not reading his tweets, my blood pressure has come down from it's high point.

I found his behavior unacceptable, still do. None of it excuses anyone else though.

That's fine, but plenty here champion Trump's behavior and then condemn this comedian. One is the president of the free world and one is... a comedian.

04-30-2018, 03:12 AM

Make a joke about Michelle Obama that could in the farthest stretch of the imagination be slightly insulting:



Make direct, vulgar and disgusting personal attacks against a conservative woman:


04-30-2018, 03:13 AM
P.S. Skittles are the worst candy, ever.

04-30-2018, 08:52 AM
Leftist democrats are just vile people, they're quick to spew the trash, more so than anyone else... we see it here from the only few liberals we have. They spew little one liners and insults, and the only time they post it's something they figure will piss off the conservatives here. This is indicative to leftists, the screaming helplessly at the sky, their leaders like Madonna going to BLOW UP THE WHITE HOUSE, the kathy griffins holding up a BLOODY SEVERED HEAD of our president, and the list of garbage and unhinged hysteria from these people seems absolutely endless. You DON'T see this from conservatives. Protests, CONSTANTLY done by the left, they PROTEST at the drop of a hat, and some in attendance don't even know what they're doing there, they just march because it's been programmed into them. LOOK... A BUNCH OF PEOPLE MARCHING WITH SIGNS... I BETTER JOIN IN. Stupid people, followers, sheeple, and VILE, full of HATE, BIGOTRY and JEALOUSLY, that's your modern day DEMOCRAT, a militant bunch of human filth.


04-30-2018, 08:54 AM
That's fine, but plenty here champion Trump's behavior and then condemn this comedian. One is the president of the free world and one is... a comedian.
This is a PATHETIC comparison of what that BITCH said THINKING it was FUNNY, practically to Sarah's FACE, ON AND ON, and you want to compare it to president Trump calling someone a little two syllable name like Lyin Ted or something? What wolf said was NEVER meant to be FUNNY. She knew EXACTLY what she was doing. She was INSULTING Sarah, and there was NOTHING COMEDIC ABOUT IT, or was there anything INTENDED to be FUNNY about it. It was intended to HURT and belittle, PERIOD.

Give me a fuckin' break... :rolleyes:

04-30-2018, 09:27 AM
This is a PATHETIC comparison of what that BITCH said THINKING it was FUNNY, practically to Sarah's FACE, ON AND ON, and you want to compare it to president Trump calling someone a little two syllable name like Lyin Ted or something? What wolf said was NEVER meant to be FUNNY. She knew EXACTLY what she was doing. She was INSULTING Sarah, and there was NOTHING COMEDIC ABOUT IT, or was there anything INTENDED to be FUNNY about it. It was intended to HURT and belittle, PERIOD.

Give me a fuckin' break... :rolleyes:

Don't make me break out a highlight reel of Trump's insults. Are you ready to condemn Trump's insults or are you going to hold steady on your fanboy partisan hack cult agenda position?

04-30-2018, 09:37 AM
Don't make me break out a highlight reel of Trump's insults. Are you ready to condemn Trump's insults or are you going to hold steady on your fanboy partisan hack cult agenda position?
First of all, you're DEFLECTING, AGAIN, attempting to take the attention off the the person and event the THREAD WAS STARTED FOR, and you're doing it APPARENTLY because you want to PROTECT the total PIECE OF SHIT the thread is ABOUT.

WHY is that, pete? WHY do you ALWAYS DERAIL threads? WHY don't you address the THREAD TOPIC and the PERSON MENTIONED IN THE THREAD? Hmmm? WHY do you IMMEDIATELY REVERT to DEFLECTING?

Black Diamond
04-30-2018, 09:43 AM
First of all, you're DEFLECTING, AGAIN, attempting to take the attention off the the person and event the THREAD WAS STARTED FOR, and you're doing it APPARENTLY because you want to PROTECT the total PIECE OF SHIT the thread is ABOUT.

WHY is that, pete? WHY do you ALWAYS DERAIL threads? WHY don't you address the THREAD TOPIC and the PERSON MENTIONED IN THE THREAD? Hmmm? WHY do you IMMEDIATELY REVERT to DEFLECTING?
He's in favor of her being insulted and ridiculed. She and every other person who is part of trumps administration.

04-30-2018, 10:00 AM
He's in favor of her being insulted and ridiculed. She and every other person who is part of trumps administration.
Absolutely... he loved every minute of it.

04-30-2018, 10:04 AM
Do you guys have amnesia? Have you forgotten Trump's constant name calling, bullying and insults?


Trump doesn't have anything to do with this. Try to focus, Speedy.

This vile, unfunny woman who labels herself as a Comedian shamelessly powered through a 5-minute profane rant like she was in a back-alley speakeasy on Amateur Night.

Actually watch the event before you knee-jerk your way to defend another despicable liberal desperately trying to get her 15 minutes.

Abbey Marie
04-30-2018, 10:07 AM
Anyone who knows me knows that I have consistently refrained from comments about womens' looks, no matter how much I despise the woman. It's mean and juvenile. I didn't like when Trump did it, and I don't like it when folks on the board do it. We had a female member who used to do it constantly, and it drove me bananas. And you guys have to admit, you do it, too. It's part of human nature apparently. And there is the subtext that women are supposed to be pleasing to the male eye, or they lose value. March all you want, but that sadly isn't going to change.
But- what this comedienne said, publicly, and right to Sarah's and Kelly Ann's face is beyond any of this. And the fact that it came from another woman just makes a trifecta of awfulness.

The abortion 'joke' alone should be more than enough to condemn this sad excuse of a woman, and separate her from the average insults of politics today.

Pete, how can you possibly see Trump's previous remarks as anywhere similar to that? And you know very well that many, many men do the same type of talk as Trump. NO EXCUSE, JUST FACT.

ETA: The folks who hired this embarrassment knew exactly how far she'd go- make no mistake, and let's not let them off the hook.

Black Diamond
04-30-2018, 10:10 AM

Trump doesn't have anything to do with this. Try to focus, Speedy.

This vile, unfunny woman who labels herself as a Comedian shamelessly powered through a 5-minute profane rant like she was in a back-alley speakeasy on Amateur Night.

Actually watch the event before you knee-jerk your way to defend another despicable liberal desperately trying to get her 15 minutes.
Actually he does. It's trumps fault for winning the election and triggering this woman into a vile rant. :laugh:

04-30-2018, 10:25 AM
Actually he does. It's trumps fault for winning the election and triggering this woman into a vile rant. :laugh:

You're right! I forgot about that.

My bad.

05-01-2018, 03:41 PM
Maybe no one from the administration should attend next year.

True...just a waste of time...just catch it on video...see "who" is attacking "who"....then go from there...and fire back...

05-01-2018, 03:47 PM
Seems NYT doesn't go, but The Hill just wrote they no longer will attend.

Abbey Marie
05-01-2018, 06:27 PM
Maybe there is hope that this extreme ugliness against anyone associated with Trump will bottom out?

Yes, and unicorns will frolic in our cul de sac tonight.

05-01-2018, 06:33 PM
Maybe there is hope that this extreme ugliness against anyone associated with Trump will bottom out?

Yes, and unicorns will frolic in our cul de sac tonight.

I thought that after the first week or so after the election. Oh my, what was I thinking? LOL

Abbey Marie
05-01-2018, 06:36 PM
I thought that after the first week or so after the election. Oh my, what was I thinking? LOL

Hope and Change- they Hope Trump will be impeached, so they can Change this whole country into Detroit.