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View Full Version : Deputy Foreign Minister Appears To Signal Iran’s Imminent Withdrawal From Nuke Deal

04-30-2018, 02:52 PM
Well, if they do this, then that will make Trump's decision of whether or not to withdraw a helluva lot easier. And worse than them just bailing - but likely so it has been helped because Israel has found out about their untruthfulness.


Deputy Foreign Minister Appears To Signal Iran’s Imminent Withdrawal From Nuclear Deal

Iranian deputy foreign minister Abbas Araghchi appeared to signal Monday the country’s imminent withdrawal from the nuclear deal negotiated by the Obama administration in 2015.

“The Iran nuclear deal is no longer sustainable for Iran in its present form, without regard to a US exit,” Araghchi stated Monday, according to the Iranian Students News Agency.


Araghci added that Iran is “preparing all necessary options for any scenario.”

Rest - http://dailycaller.com/2018/04/30/iran-deputy-foreign-minister-withdraw-nuclear-deal/

Netanyahu: 'Iran Lied — Big Time'

JERUSALEM — Israel's prime minister on Monday unveiled what he said was a "half ton" of Iranian nuclear documents collected by Israeli intelligence, claiming the trove of information proved that Iranian leaders covered up a nuclear weapons program before signing a deal with the international community in 2015.

In a speech delivered in English and relying on his trademark use of visual aids, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu claimed that the material showed that Iran cannot be trusted, and encouraged President Donald Trump to withdraw from the deal next month.

"Iran lied — big time," Netanyahu declared.

Netanyahu's presentation, delivered on live TV from Israeli military headquarters in Tel Aviv, was his latest attempt to sway international opinion on the nuclear deal. The agreement offered Iran relief from crippling sanctions in exchange for curbs on its nuclear program.

Netanyahu furiously fought the deal while President Barack Obama was negotiating it, and he has been a leading critic since it was signed. He says it does not provide sufficient safeguards to prevent Iran from reaching a nuclear weapons capability.

Netanyahu has found a welcome partner in Trump, who has called the agreement "the worst deal ever."

Trump has signaled he will pull out of the agreement by May 12 unless it is revised, but he faces intense pressure from European allies not to do so. Netanyahu said he would share the newly uncovered information with Western allies and the international nuclear agency.

Rest - https://www.newsmax.com/newsfront/netanyahu-iran-announcement/2018/04/30/id/857399/

Netanyahu: Evidence proves Iran deal 'based on lies and Iranian deception'

Tens of thousands of secret files and other evidence proves the 2015 Iran nuclear deal is "based on lies and Iranian deception" and should be thrown out, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said Monday.

Netanyahu, in an address televised across Israel, said Iran lied when it said it never sought to develop nuclear weapons, then cheated by failing to reveal all its weapons program information to an international watchdog group charged with monitoring the deal.

"Even after the deal was made, Iran continued to preserve and expand its nuclear know-how for use at a later date," Netanyahu said.

President Trump has said he will announce within the next two weeks the fate of the deal. He has repeatedly blasted the pact, demanding that changes be made to tighten rules governing Iran.

Trump, speaking at a White House news conference minutes after Netanyahu spoke, expressed solidarity with the Israeli leader. He also would not dismiss the possibility of negotiating a new deal — an option Iran has flatly rejected.

"In seven years that deal will have expired and Iran is free to go ahead and develop nuclear weapons. Seven years is tomorrow," Trump said. "I am not saying what I am doing, (but) it's a horrible agreement."

Rest - https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/world/2018/04/30/netanyahu-evidence-proves-iran-deal-based-lies-and-iranian-deception/565347002/

04-30-2018, 03:30 PM
This is a set of interesting developments --- thanks for posting them.

I'm in favor of Trump leaving the Iran agreement. I never liked it, and I followed it closely at the time.

Anyone here want to stay in?

04-30-2018, 03:56 PM
This is a set of interesting developments --- thanks for posting them.

I'm in favor of Trump leaving the Iran agreement. I never liked it, and I followed it closely at the time.

Anyone here want to stay in?

I feel the same as you. I never liked this agreement from day one. And now finding out that they have lied about much?

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
04-30-2018, 04:51 PM
Of course they lied, they are damn muslims.. Folks, that is what they do to infidels..
The damn entire deal brokered by their brother muzzy obama was for us to give them 5 billion dollars and time to get their damn nukes.
Who here actually thought this wasn't about, USA GIVING THEM EVERYTHING AND GETTING NOTHING IN RETURN????
Yet again we get to see how the ffing traitor obama fkked us...
While that piece of shit prances around like a hero and continues to work against this nation , while he aids Islam!-Tyr