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View Full Version : Conservative Audience Rejected #NeverTrump Website

04-30-2018, 02:55 PM
And this writer can't understand why. :rolleyes:


Fired Redstate Writer Can’t Understand Why Conservative Audience Rejected #NeverTrump Website?

#NeverTrump troll website Redstate suffered mass layoffs on Friday.

Guess there’s just not a market in the conservative media for Trump-bashing lunacy?

Redstate founder Erick Erickson tweeted this out after the news broke:


RedState famously called for protesters to bring guns to Trump rallies.

On Monday a fired Redstate writer complained about the mass firings.

She can’t understand why conservative audiences and her corporate owners would reject their #NeverTrump website?
It’s a real head-scratcher.

Hopefully Daily Kos or Huffington Post has openings for a few more Trump haters.
She contributed this to far left website Mediaite.

Rest - http://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2018/04/fired-redstate-writer-cant-understand-why-conservative-audience-rejected-nevertrump-website/

04-30-2018, 05:11 PM
More and more Americans are rejecting the RABID LEFT DEMOCRATS and their VILE UNHINGED HATRED of our president, when the VAST MAJORITY of Americans can SEE the GOOD things he's done and is doing for America.

Let 'em keep it up. It's a free campaign bonus.

Blue wave my ASS.

04-30-2018, 05:17 PM
This is another of those Gunny is amazed moments. A hate Trump website? i know I'll not go down as his biggest fan but for real? An entire website just to hate a person?

I could keep an Obama hate site in business single-handedly I guess.

04-30-2018, 05:39 PM
I could keep an Obama hate site in business single-handedly I guess.
I'd help... :beer: ... :laugh: