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View Full Version : WHCA dinner will turn Americans tired of the hate to Trump's side

05-02-2018, 02:23 PM
I don't think the dinner alone will have accomplished this. If anything, at most, some will be turned in the mid-terms, they will have been turned off by the non-stop negativity and obstruction displayed, not the dinner at the end of all of this. The non-stop talk of impeachment. The non-stop talk of Russian collusion that has thus far yielded zero results against Trump. It's just never-ending of the same 'ol same 'ol. The democrats like a Pit Bull with a bone that they simply won't let go off. Even if the bone is making them sick. :)


Matt Schlapp: WHCA dinner will turn Americans tired of the hate to Trump's side

The White House Correspondents’ Association dinner has come and gone and for that we are all very thankful. But the political overhang of the dinner is adding momentum to President Trump’s favorite theme, that the D.C. swamp can only be reformed if additional conservative voices are elected in November. A dinner is just an evening, but this dinner could actually help cement even more independent-minded Americans to the Trump cause.

To remind you, a so-called comic and her profanity-laced, vulgar monologue was the main “entertainment” at the dinner.

Jokes about abortion were just the appetizer for jokes about apparent physical harm to Kellyanne Conway and of course the public bullying of Sarah Huckabee Sanders. All of this was simply not funny, and for my wife Mercedes and me it warranted an early exit and an immediate GPS search for the closest bar.

Our decision to vote against the entertainment with our feet, earned us a Sunday full of threats, postings of the location of our home and other nastiness. Bearing the brunt of the left’s anger isn’t fun, but it pales in comparison to the plight of so many Americans whose lives suffered with the implementation of progressive policies that doubled their health care premiums, stagnated their wages, and endangered their energy and manufacturing jobs.

What I realized during the dinner and its aftermath is that many Americans can no longer take a timeout from politics because for too many everything is all about politics. When the cutthroat nature of raw politics is on the menu, don’t be surprised if Americans feel sick.

Humor is a wonderful gift and during these political times, when friendships seem to end over a presidential vote, it is in desperate need. But humor turned to ridicule and moral condemnation, especially when the preacher of hate has the microphone and the world is the stage, is ugly. Make no mistake, this dinner did not unify Americans across the political divide by reminding us we have more in common than not. Instead, this dinner attempted to make an unmistakable and very sober point, that Trump is a lying, malignant mouthpiece of hate, and it is the D.C. press corps that is literally fighting him to save the country. Don’t laugh at that sentence; please understand many in the national media desperately cling to that delusion.

Rest - http://thehill.com/opinion/white-house/385742-matt-schlapp-whca-dinner-will-turn-americans-tired-of-the-hate-to-trumps

05-02-2018, 04:16 PM
The democrat party has been hijacked by a very vile, militant, radical bunch. What used to be the democrat party is now hostage to these radicals. They either do the radicals bidding, or they eat their own. Just ask Kanye West. If you try and leave the plantation, you will be destroyed, and the modern day democrat party has no choice but to back these radicals now. They created them, and now they're reaping what they sowed... and it ain't good... and I'm soooo sad... pfft... :laugh: