View Full Version : Islam is the truth: US soldiers discover how deluded they were !

Great warrior
05-03-2018, 04:21 AM
Islam will be the top religion by 2070.This is not just words. This is reality
*This story was produced by the American Homefront Project, a public media collaboration that reports on American military life and veterans.


Shabazz hasn’t always been Muslim. He grew up Lutheran in Louisiana.
“We were just really devout people trying to find an experience with God and balance it in our daily lives,” Shabazz recounted.
Shabazz joined the Army at twenty-three. He felt like it would give him the discipline he craved. But he had a hard time following orders, and almost got kicked out.
Then he met a Muslim soldier, and they got into a public debate about their two religions. When the soldier explained that Muslims believe Jesus was a prophet, Shabazz was flummoxed.


05-03-2018, 04:37 AM
I wish Muslims would stop murdering people and focus more on 'not being global assholes'.

The Army has had Muslim Soldiers - including Chaplains like the guy in this story - since about about 1993. This is a non-story insofar as nobody cares, debates or is angry about Muslims - as a whole - serving in the Armed Forces. In fact, our previous Commander-in-Chief was arguably muslim :)

And this story is a year old.


05-03-2018, 04:55 AM
And one more thing...

Islam as practiced by those who would kill non-converts is vile. It's evil. And there are probably 100 million Americans with 300 Million guns who will fight to the end to resist fascism and totalitarianism that IS states like Iran...and others.

Islam will die eventually. Because it's - as it's practiced by the 500 million extremist Muslims - evil.

05-03-2018, 05:16 AM
And one more thing...

Islam as practiced by those who would kill non-converts is vile. It's evil. And there are probably 100 million Americans with 300 Million guns who will fight to the end to resist fascism and totalitarianism that IS states like Iran...and others.

Islam will die eventually. Because it's - as it's practiced by the 500 million extremist Muslims - evil.
Damn... gotta spread rep around before I can give it to you again... I hate to miss giving you rep for this comment, it's spot on.

islam, as practiced by the majority of moslems in the ME is as a stone age cult, and the only way they can gain converts is through brutality, subversion, terrorism and senseless killing of innocent people. If moslems think that they can use those tactics the world over to convert every person on earth to islam by 2070, then I'd have to say any moslem believing that is retarded.

The article posted is pure islamic PROPAGANDA. It also demonstrates that islam is not a religion, it's an ideological fascist cult.

05-03-2018, 06:17 AM
Islam will be the top religion by 2070.This is not just words. This is reality
*This story was produced by the American Homefront Project, a public media collaboration that reports on American military life and veterans.


Shabazz hasn’t always been Muslim. He grew up Lutheran in Louisiana.
“We were just really devout people trying to find an experience with God and balance it in our daily lives,” Shabazz recounted.
Shabazz joined the Army at twenty-three. He felt like it would give him the discipline he craved. But he had a hard time following orders, and almost got kicked out.
Then he met a Muslim soldier, and they got into a public debate about their two religions. When the soldier explained that Muslims believe Jesus was a prophet, Shabazz was flummoxed.


H'm. You're a fan of Islam. Yes ?

What is it that appeals to you ?

Is it the Prophet Mohammed's fondness for (as we'd regard them today, in any CIVILISED country !) underage brides ? As in, marrying CHILDREN ?

Is it the way Islam support and encourages JIHAD ?

How about honour killings ? Do they appeal to you ?

ISIS, Al Qaeda, Hamas -- 'decent' people, or subhuman scum ? Do tell ....

The world's terrorism ... how much comes from Christianity ? How much from supporters of Islam ?

You think Islam deserves supportive propaganda ? WHY ?

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
05-03-2018, 06:44 AM
Islam will be the top religion by 2070.This is not just words. This is reality
*This story was produced by the American Homefront Project, a public media collaboration that reports on American military life and veterans.


Shabazz hasn’t always been Muslim. He grew up Lutheran in Louisiana.
“We were just really devout people trying to find an experience with God and balance it in our daily lives,” Shabazz recounted.
Shabazz joined the Army at twenty-three. He felt like it would give him the discipline he craved. But he had a hard time following orders, and almost got kicked out.
Then he met a Muslim soldier, and they got into a public debate about their two religions. When the soldier explained that Muslims believe Jesus was a prophet, Shabazz was flummoxed.


Shabazz is a maggot(*same as are you*). Just another muslim that worships Satan and calls Satan , Allah...

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
05-03-2018, 07:01 AM
And one more thing...

Islam as practiced by those who would kill non-converts is vile. It's evil. And there are probably 100 million Americans with 300 Million guns who will fight to the end to resist fascism and totalitarianism that IS states like Iran...and others.

Islam will die eventually. Because it's - as it's practiced by the 500 million extremist Muslims - evil.

That would be 500 million and growing, they reproduce like rabbits with the goal of winning with numbers, IMHO..

All "true muslims" practice the same my friend(some are told to hide it, so as to be able to support the jihadists murderers). Those that are viewed as , "tolerant", "peaceful", "enlightened", "friendly", "wiser", "more civilized", "nicer", etc are practicing, Taqiyya......
No group on this earth is more intolerant than is Islam, a fact.. And none are more dedicated to murdering all that do not bend to their will...
Thus Islam is by far the greatest threat and evil in this world-- as its goal is to conquer the world by killing--ALL- THAT DO NOT SUBMIT.



What Does Islam Teach About...

Deception, Lying
and Taqiyya
Does Islam permit Muslims to lie?

Muslim scholars teach that Muslims should generally be truthful to each other, unless the purpose of lying is to "smooth over differences" or "gain the upper-hand over an enemy"
There are several forms of lying to non-believers that are permitted under certain circumstances, the best known being taqiyya (the Shia name). These circumstances are typically those that advance the cause of Islam - in some cases by gaining the trust of non-believers in order to draw out their vulnerability and defeat them.
Quran (16:106) - Establishes that there are circumstances that can "compel" a Muslim to tell a lie.
Quran (3:28) - This verse tells Muslims not to take those outside the faith as friends, unless it is to "guard themselves" against danger, meaning that there are times when a Muslim may appear friendly to non-Muslims, even though they should not feel friendly.

Quran (9:3) - "...Allah and His Messenger are free from liability to the idolaters..." The dissolution of oaths is with pagans who remained at Mecca following its capture. They did nothing wrong, but were evicted anyway. (The next verse refers only to those who have a personal agreement with Muhammad as individuals - see Ibn Kathir vol 4, p 49)

Quran (66:2) - "Allah has already ordained for you the dissolution of your oaths..."

Quran (40:28) - A man is introduced as a believer, but one who had to "hide his faith" among those who are not believers.

Quran (2:225) - "Allah will not call you to account for thoughtlessness in your oaths, but for the intention in your hearts"

Quran (3:54) - "And they (the disbelievers) schemed, and Allah schemed (against them): and Allah is the best of schemers." The Arabic word used here for scheme (or plot) is makara, which literally means 'deceit'. If Allah is supremely deceitful toward unbelievers, then there is little basis for denying that Muslims are allowed to do the same. (See also 8:30 and 10:21)

Taken collectively these verses are interpreted to mean that there are circumstances when a Muslim may be "compelled" to deceive others for a greater purpose.
Hadith and Sira
Sahih Bukhari (52:269) - "The Prophet said, 'War is deceit.'" The context of this is thought to be the murder of Usayr ibn Zarim and his thirty unarmed companions by Muhammad's men after they were "guaranteed" safe passage (see Additional Notes below).

Sahih Bukhari (49:857) - "He who makes peace between the people by inventing good information or saying good things, is not a liar." Lying is permitted when the end justifies the means.

Sahih Bukhari (84:64-65) - Speaking from a position of power at the time, Ali confirms that lying is permitted in order to deceive an "enemy." The Quran defines the 'enemy' as "disbelievers" (4:101).

Sahih Muslim (32:6303) - "...he did not hear that exemption was granted in anything what the people speak as lie but in three cases: in battle, for bringing reconciliation amongst persons and the narration of the words of the husband to his wife, and the narration of the words of a wife to her husband (in a twisted form in order to bring reconciliation between them)."

Sahih Bukhari (50:369) - Recounts the murder of a poet, Ka'b bin al-Ashraf, at Muhammad's insistence. The men who volunteered for the assassination used dishonesty to gain Ka'b's trust, pretending that they had turned against Muhammad. This drew the victim out of his fortress, whereupon he was brutally slaughtered.

From Islamic Law:

Reliance of the Traveler (p. 746 - 8.2) - "Speaking is a means to achieve objectives. If a praiseworthy aim is attainable through both telling the truth and lying, it is unlawful to accomplish through lying because there is no need for it. When it is possible to achieve such an aim by lying but not by telling the truth, it is permissible to lie if attaining the goal is permissible (N:i.e. when the purpose of lying is to circumvent someone who is preventing one from doing something permissible), and obligatory to lie if the goal is obligatory... it is religiously precautionary in all cases to employ words that give a misleading impression... (See the Permissible Lying section on the Sharia page for more)

"One should compare the bad consequences entailed by lying to those entailed by telling the truth, and if the consequences of telling the truth are more damaging, one is entitled to lie."
The Hadith makes it clear that Muslims are allowed to lie to unbelievers in order to defeat them or protect themselves. There are several forms:

Taqiyya - Saying something that isn't true as it relates to the Muslim identity. (This is a Shiite term).

Kitman - Lying by omission. An example would be when Muslim apologists quote only a fragment of verse 5:32 (that if anyone kills "it shall be as if he had killed all mankind") while neglecting to mention that the rest of the verse (and the next) mandate murder in undefined cases of "corruption" and "mischief."

Tawriya - Intentionally creating a false impression.

Muruna - 'Blending in' by setting aside some practices of Islam or Sharia in order to advance others.

Though not called taqiyya by name, Muhammad clearly used deception when he signed a 10-year treaty with the Meccans (known as Hudaibiya) which allowed him access to their city while he secretly prepared his own forces for a takeover. The unsuspecting residents were conquered in easy fashion after he broke the treaty two years later. Some of the people in the city who had trusted him at his word were executed.

Another example of lying is when Muhammad used deception to trick his personal enemies into letting down their guard and exposing themselves to slaughter by pretending to seek peace. This happened in the case of Ka'b bin al-Ashraf (as previously noted) and later against Usayr ibn Zarim, a surviving leader of the Banu Nadir tribe, which had been evicted from their home in Medina by the Muslims.

At the time, Usayr ibn Zarim was attempting to gather an armed force against the Muslims from among a tribe allied with the Quraish (against which Muhammad had already declared war). Muhammad's "emissaries" went to ibn Zarim and persuaded him to leave his safe haven on the pretext of meeting with the prophet of Islam in Medina to discuss peace. Once vulnerable, the leader and his thirty companions were massacred by the Muslims with ease, probably because they were unarmed - having been given a guarantee of safe passage (Ibn Ishaq 981, Ibn Kathir v.4 p.300).

Such was the reputation of early Muslims for lying and killing that even those who "accepted Islam" did not feel entirely safe. Consider the fate of the Jadhima. When Muslim "missionaries" approached their tribe, one of the members insisted that they would be slaughtered even though they had already "converted" to Islam (to avoid just such a demise). However, the others believed they could trust the Muslim leader's promise that they would not be harmed if they simply offered no resistance. (After convincing the skeptic to lay down his arms, the unarmed men of the tribe were tied up and beheaded by the missionaries - Ibn Ishaq 834 & 837).

Today's apologists often rationalize Muhammad's murder of poets and others who criticized him at Medina by falsely claiming that they broke a treaty with their actions. Yet, these same apologists place little value on treaties broken by Muslims. From Muhammad to Saddam Hussein, promises made to non-Muslim are distinctly non-binding in the Muslim mindset.

Leaders in the Arab world sometimes say one thing to English-speaking audiences and then something entirely different to their own people in Arabic. Palestinian leaders routinely tell Westerners about their desire for peace with Israel, even as they whip Palestinians into a hateful and violent frenzy against Jews. Yassir Arafat even referenced "Hudaibiya" - an admission to conning guillible non-Muslims.

The 9/11 hijackers practiced deception by going into bars and drinking alcohol, thus throwing off potential suspicion that they were fundamentalists plotting jihad. This effort worked so well that John Walsh, the host of a popular American television show, claimed well after the fact that their bar trips were evidence of 'hypocrisy.'

The transmission from Flight 93 records the hijackers telling their doomed passengers that there is "a bomb on board" but that everyone will "be safe" as long as "their demands are met." Obviously none of this was true, but these men, who were so intensely devoted to Islam that they were willing to "slay and be slain for the cause of Allah" (as the Quran puts it) saw nothing wrong with employing taqiyya to facilitate their mission of mass murder.

The Islamic Society of North America (ISNA) insists that it "has not now or ever been involved with the Muslim Brotherhood, or supported any covert, illegal, or terrorist activity or organization." In fact, it was created by the Muslim Brotherhood and has bankrolled Hamas. At least nine founders or board members of ISNA have been accused by prosecutors of supporting terrorism.

The notorious Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR) is so well known for shamelessly lying about its ties to terror and extremism that books have been written on the subject. They take seriously the part of Sharia that says "it is permissible to lie if attaining the goal is permissible and obligatory to lie if the goal is obligatory". The goal being the ascendency of Islam (and Sharia itself) on the American landscape.

In 2007, CAIR's Ibrahim Hooper published an op-ed with a fabricated story about Muhammad that portrayed him as a forgiving man:
There was a lady who threw garbage in the path of the prophet on a daily basis. One day, she didn‘t do it. The prophet went to inquire about her health, because he thought she might be sick. This lady ended up converting to Islam. So, that‘s how you respond to people who attack you, with forgiveness and with kindness.
Hooper is not ignorant, of course, and knew what he was doing. After getting caught, he changed the wording slightly to say that it is a tradition "Muslims are taught," but he continues to promote the story without qualifying it as untrue - thus causing others to unwittingly repeat a lie.

Prior to engineering several deadly terror plots, such as the Fort Hood massacre and the attempt to blow up a Detroit-bound airliner, American cleric Anwar al-Awlaki was regularly sought out by NPR, PBS and even government leaders to expound on the peaceful nature of Islam.

In 2013, a scholar at the prestigious al-Azhar university decreed that Muslims may wear the cross in order to deceive Christians into thinking they are friendly. He cited 3:28 which says not to be friends with non-Muslims unless it is a way of "guarding" yourself against them.

"Hiding faith" can mean deceiving others about Islam in order to make it appear more attractive. For example, a prominent Muslim activist in the United States, Linda Sarsour, bills herself as a "progressive" and says that gays, women and religious minorities need not worry about Sharia being imposed. She even says that money is lent free of charge under Islamic law (more about that here).

The Quran says in several places that Allah is the best at deceiving people.

The near absence of Quranic verses that encourage truthfulness is somewhat surprising, given that many Muslims are convinced their religion teaches honesty. In fact, many Muslims are honest because of this. But when lying is addressed in the Quran, it is nearly always in reference to the "lies against Allah" - referring to the Jews and Christians who rejected Muhammad's claim to being a prophet.

Finally, the circumstances by which Muhammad allowed a believer to lie to a non-spouse are limited to those that either advance the cause of Islam or enable a Muslim to avoid harm to his well-being (and presumably that of other Muslims as well). Although this should be kept very much in mind when dealing with matters of global security, such as Iran's nuclear intentions, it is not grounds for assuming that the Muslim one might personally encounter on the street or in the workplace is any less honest than anyone else.

Additional Reading:
Taqiyya: TROP's Response to the Apologists
Taqiyya about Taqiyya (Raymond Ibrahim)
Knowing the Four Forms of Lying
Muruna: Violating Sharia to Fool the West

05-03-2018, 07:07 AM
Shabazz is a maggot(*same as are you*). Just another muslim that worships Satan and calls Satan , Allah...

I disagree 10000%. That LTC is a warrior a Soldier and does valuable work to minister to Soldiers.

05-03-2018, 07:10 AM
I only have one other thing to say to "Fag Warrior"... FUCK OFF, because islam with NEVER, RULE, AMERICA. Not now, not in 2070, not EVER.

Get that through your pedophile worshiping skull, dumbass mother fucker.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
05-03-2018, 07:22 AM
I disagree 10000%. That LTC is a warrior a Soldier and does valuable work to minister to Soldiers.

No problem my friend. Disagreement is a part of life. I walk my path and it is your right to walk yours...
You have your convictions and I have mine but we both are American and believe in this nation, and its freedoms.
Religion is the most controversial subject to ever discuss, yet if friends do so, tis best to remember that if both speak from their heart-then no cause to get angry or dismissive of the other.
I disagree with you on this but respect your right to disagree vehemently with my views.
Did you read the link I posted?--Tyr

05-03-2018, 08:18 AM
No problem my friend. Disagreement is a part of life. I walk my path and it is your right to walk yours...
You have your convictions and I have mine but we both are American and believe in this nation, and its freedoms.
Religion is the most controversial subject to ever discuss, yet if friends do so, tis best to remember that if both speak from their heart-then no cause to get angry or dismissive of the other.
I disagree with you on this but respect your right to disagree vehemently with my views.
Did you read the link I posted?--Tyr
Now if you were a DEMOCRAT... God forbid... you'd just want to SHUT DARIN UP.

And there is one MAJOR difference between patriotic, constitution supporting conservatives and democraps.

05-03-2018, 10:07 AM
Islam will be the top religion by 2070.This is not just words. This is reality

Great, a world full of idiots and radicals.

Great warrior
05-03-2018, 04:26 PM
US Marine Corps General Robert Neller:

"We Are the Mujahideen"


Islamic culture infiltrated the old school of the army.

05-03-2018, 04:29 PM
US Marine Corps General Robert Neller:

"We Are the Mujahideen"


Islamic culture infiltrated the old school of the army.

Do you sniff glue or inhale aerosol propellants?

It sure seems like you do, not-so 'Great Warrior'

05-03-2018, 07:29 PM
Islam will be the top religion by 2070.This is not just words. This is reality
*This story was produced by the American Homefront Project, a public media collaboration that reports on American military life and veterans.


Shabazz hasn’t always been Muslim. He grew up Lutheran in Louisiana.
“We were just really devout people trying to find an experience with God and balance it in our daily lives,” Shabazz recounted.
Shabazz joined the Army at twenty-three. He felt like it would give him the discipline he craved. But he had a hard time following orders, and almost got kicked out.
Then he met a Muslim soldier, and they got into a public debate about their two religions. When the soldier explained that Muslims believe Jesus was a prophet, Shabazz was flummoxed.


Dedicated to Great (Idiot) Warrior who loves Sharia's Headless, Brainless Hatred..


05-03-2018, 07:31 PM
US Marine Corps General Robert Neller:

"We Are the Mujahideen"


Islamic culture infiltrated the old school of the army.
Moron --------------------------- http://www.sherv.net/cm/emo/laughing/crying-with-laughter.gif (http://www.sherv.net/)

05-03-2018, 07:31 PM
Islam will be the top religion by 2070.This is not just words. This is reality

We haven't played Cowboys and Muzzies yet.

05-03-2018, 07:34 PM

05-03-2018, 09:05 PM
US Marine Corps General Robert Neller:

"We Are the Mujahideen"


Islamic culture infiltrated the old school of the army.

The US Marine Corps is ... ISLAMIC ?

Do you claim that it was the US Marine Corps that was fighting in Afghanistan against the Soviet occupation, then ... and with Osama bin Laden as one of its chief backers ???

'Great Warrior', thanks for one of the nuttiest posts I've seen here in a very long time !!

Abbey Marie
05-03-2018, 09:46 PM
Great, a world full of idiots and radicals.

At least I won't be here to see it. And my daughter will be around 80.

05-03-2018, 09:53 PM
If Great Warrior is right about 2070. All of the Virgins will be gone, and they will have to replace their FAVORITE GOATS with PIGGIES....PORKY for life.


05-04-2018, 12:48 AM




Great warrior
05-04-2018, 03:21 AM

The only way to believe in true Jesus is to believe in Islam.

05-04-2018, 03:31 AM
The religion of "peace"... more like the cult from HELL...


05-04-2018, 03:32 AM

05-04-2018, 03:35 AM

05-04-2018, 03:47 AM
Sick islamic shit...


05-04-2018, 06:38 AM

The only way to believe in true Jesus is to believe in Islam.

Your approach to this subject is purely propagandist.

Here's a thought. Why not answer posts aimed at you DIRECTLY, with comments ? If you have confidence in your so-called 'case', then, what's stopping you ?

Two possibilities come to mind, as to why you haven't ...

1. You're just trolling. Purely that.

2. You totally lack both the confidence and competence to answer anything which challenges your propaganda .. this because your position is ultimately indefensible. And, you know it.

Great warrior
05-05-2018, 04:23 PM
Your approach to this subject is purely propagandist.

Here's a thought. Why not answer posts aimed at you DIRECTLY, with comments ? If you have confidence in your so-called 'case', then, what's stopping you ?

Two possibilities come to mind, as to why you haven't ...

1. You're just trolling. Purely that.

2. You totally lack both the confidence and competence to answer anything which challenges your propaganda .. this because your position is ultimately indefensible. And, you know it.

The flood of conversions speak for itself.


Even Trump and WWE now are asking for friendship of Saudis.


05-05-2018, 06:08 PM
Islam will be the top religion by 2070. This is not just words. This is reality

TRANSLATION: This is just words. :slap:

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
05-05-2018, 06:09 PM
The flood of conversions speak for itself.


Even Trump and WWE now are asking for friendship of Saudis.


Jarrod can now kiss my ass too.
I do not give a damn what he was.. What training he ever had.
If he is muslim he has now sworn to be enemy of this nation (Islam demands total fidelity, obedience and loyalty) , turned his back on this nation and is a fkkng traitor, IMHO..
I just as soon spit in his face as look at the SOB...
You too, lying want to be warrior... FFKK YOU AND THAT GOAT FFKING CULT YOU BELONG TO.... --------Tyr

05-05-2018, 07:41 PM
But, I do have a huge problem with RADICAL MUSLIMS who demand their members CUT OFF EVERY AMERICAN'S HEAD, kill their children, and bring TERRORISM to rid everyone who ISN'T a Muslim from the Earth. WE ARE NOT AT WAR WITH ISLAM...just the hard core Jihadists who distort the religion to meet their HATRED.

Remember how OBAMA forbid anyone from using the words RADICAL MUSLIM, RADICAL ISLAM, RADICAL TERRORISTS?
He didn't want the American people to know...HE WANTED TO DESTROY AMERICA TOO!

Great warrior
05-06-2018, 07:08 AM
TRANSLATION: This is just words. :slap:

Not according to daily life.


05-06-2018, 07:19 AM
The flood of conversions speak for itself.


Even Trump and WWE now are asking for friendship of Saudis.


No direct reply OF YOUR OWN, then ? No attempt to engage in a debate, explaining your own views, 'defending' them in your OWN words ?

Says it all. You're a propagandist. Maybe just a troll. But, it seems, certainly scared of direct debate.

That, of course, is highly understandable !!

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
05-06-2018, 09:56 AM
No direct reply OF YOUR OWN, then ? No attempt to engage in a debate, explaining your own views, 'defending' them in your OWN words ?

Says it all. You're a propagandist. Maybe just a troll. But, it seems, certainly scared of direct debate.

That, of course, is highly understandable !!

This so-called, "warrior", is a typical muzzy-a damn coward at heart that as they all are prefer to bomb, innocent women and children but never wants to face off against real men.
None of them know the meaning of being a true warrior and fighting man to man with death being the likely result.
They hide within that lie about 72 virgins if the blow themselves up.
Sacrificing their life , if and only if, eternal sex with 72 virgins is promised! What a laugh-
And sad that so many Americans are so damn blind as to think that way of dying is heroic.
When it represents a bartering with their true god, SATAN....
Yes, Allah is Satan by another name, that is the damn truth. Their "Allah" teaches those cowardly maggots to murder, steal, lie, rape, torture, etc.
This so-called "warrior" spouting out this propaganda is a damn coward- can not even discuss his/her(?) lies presented......
Lies are impossible to defend against the truth when it comes forth to shine light upon them , muzzy vermin know this all too well..
That is why this ffing, cowardly, muslim maggot makes no attempt to do so, IMHO.-Tyr

05-06-2018, 06:47 PM
Sponsored by: https://static.businessinsider.com/image/54e5f6a869bedd53143cbd85/image.jpg




Great warrior
05-11-2018, 03:18 AM
In other religions, females are told to remain silent in the church. The only option is to go to the mosque !


05-11-2018, 08:51 AM
In other religions, females are told to remain silent in the church. The only option is to go to the mosque !

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OiAHl-OmVG8That is just a stupid comment, period from an idiot that believes it's okay to rape women, then kill them for being raped. Can't speak without the man's permission and can be beaten if she does.

Oh yeah. Wonderful religion. Ever wonder what 72 virgins look like while they're burning in Hell? Guess you'll find out, troll.

05-11-2018, 08:54 AM
Can we trade this fuckwit for our Russian trolls back? I don't hate them as much.

05-11-2018, 09:22 AM
Can we trade this fuckwit for our Russian trolls back? I don't hate them as much.
NO SHIT... this moslem tool contributes less than PETE to the board. Everything this idiot shits on the board is ISLAMIC PROPAGANDA. HE/IT never RESPONDS, they just drop their islamic garbage and leave.

I'd ban the fucker in a heart beat. If you're going to troll the board with your garbage, you better engage with responses supporting it. This place shouldn't be a DUMP for ISLAMIC PROPAGANDA.

05-11-2018, 09:25 AM
NO SHIT... this moslem tool contributes less than PETE to the board. Everything this idiot shits on the board is ISLAMIC PROPAGANDA. HE/IT never RESPONDS, they just drop their islamic garbage and leave.

I'd ban the fucker in a heart beat. If you're going to troll the board with your garbage, you better engage with responses supporting it. This place shouldn't be a DUMP for ISLAMIC PROPAGANDA.He actually hasn't done anything to be banned for. And he does usually hand around a bit to argue before he's off to prayer with is little piece of leftover sample carpet from Home Depot.

Black Diamond
05-11-2018, 09:30 AM
He actually hasn't done anything to be banned for. And he does usually hand around a bit to argue before he's off to prayer with is little piece of leftover sample carpet from Home Depot.

05-11-2018, 09:40 AM
He actually hasn't done anything to be banned for. And he does usually hand around a bit to argue before he's off to prayer with is little piece of leftover sample carpet from Home Depot.
I've never seen him engage anyone in debate. All is see is islamic propaganda being dumped.

Maybe I don't pay close enough attention to the piece of dog shit, but then that's a good thing. I have nothing but utter disdain for moslems and islam.

If moslems bought the property next to mine, I'd put in a PIG PEN along that entire property line and jam as many PIGS in there that I could, then constantly have huge loud drunken parties and invite as many homos and hookers as I could find.

05-11-2018, 09:45 AM
I've never seen him engage anyone in debate. All is see is islamic propaganda being dumped.

Maybe I don't pay close enough attention to the piece of dog shit, but then that's a good thing. I have nothing but utter disdain for moslems and islam.

If moslems bought the property next to mine, I'd put in a PIG PEN along that entire property line and jam as many PIGS in there that I could, then constantly have huge loud drunken parties and invite as many homos and hookers as I could find.He's a propagandist, for sure. Same time, he stays within the rules. I thought the same as you but I have actually argued with him a time or two so he can't be nailed for just spamming. As long as he's following the rules, he's like the rest of us, regardless his popularity.

05-11-2018, 09:53 AM
The good news is that he's Egyptian, so you're getting legit muzzie propaganda straight from the heart of the beast.

I don't know about you guys, but I like seeing his posts because he demonstrates how unsophisticated and childlike the effort is. To me, it's pretty funny stuff.

05-11-2018, 09:53 AM
He's a propagandist, for sure. Same time, he stays within the rules. I thought the same as you but I have actually argued with him a time or two so he can't be nailed for just spamming. As long as he's following the rules, he's like the rest of us, regardless his popularity.
I guarantee you, he ain't like the rest of us, brother, least of all ME.

05-11-2018, 09:55 AM
The good news is that he's Egyptian, so you're getting legit muzzie propaganda straight from the heart of the beast.

I don't know about you guys, but I like seeing his posts because he demonstrates how unsophisticated and childlike the effort is. To me, it's pretty funny stuff.
Saying what I truly think would probably be illegal.

05-11-2018, 09:56 AM
I guarantee you, he ain't like the rest of us, brother, least of all ME.Point is, if you kick everyone off the board you don't agree with you run out of board. You didn't see any warm, fuzzy welcome from me. My personal preferences have nothing to do with the rules.

05-11-2018, 10:02 AM
Point is, if you kick everyone off the board you don't agree with you run out of board. You didn't see any warm, fuzzy welcome from me. My personal preferences have nothing to do with the rules.
I wouldn't ban him because I disagreed with him. I said because he was dumping islamic propaganda, which he does, and then not engaging anyone with debate. You made it clear he has debated so... he stays. Got nothing to do with disagreeing, and everything to do with using the board as an islamist propaganda dump.

I just hate moslems and islam, with a passion, so I have a very short fuse when it comes to their shit is all.

05-11-2018, 10:07 AM
I wouldn't ban him because I disagreed with him. I said because he was dumping islamic propaganda, which he does, and then not engaging anyone with debate. You made it clear he has debated so... he stays. Got nothing to do with disagreeing, and everything to do with using the board as an islamist propaganda dump.

I just hate moslems and islam, with a passion, so I have a very short fuse when it comes to their shit is all.

It's healthier and more productive to laugh at him and mock his efforts.

I guarantee you he's stalked away from his keyboard in a blinding rage. His poor goats.

05-11-2018, 10:10 AM
I wouldn't ban him because I disagreed with him. I said because he was dumping islamic propaganda, which he does, and then not engaging anyone with debate. You made it clear he has debated so... he stays. Got nothing to do with disagreeing, and everything to do with using the board as an islamist propaganda dump.

I just hate moslems and islam, with a passion, so I have a very short fuse when it comes to their shit is all.Of course he's dumping propaganda. But, depending on one's POV, aren't we all?

I'm a military propaganda machine. Everything I look at is through the eyes of a Marine. I drive people nuts. Especially the more sensitive types. I DO try to sleep with it :laugh:

05-11-2018, 10:22 AM
Of course he's dumping propaganda. But, depending on one's POV, aren't we all?

I'm a military propaganda machine. Everything I look at is through the eyes of a Marine. I drive people nuts. Especially the more sensitive types. I DO try to sleep with it :laugh:
Honestly... my greatest regret from my 8 years of AF is that I never got to see my birds in action, and believe me, I WANTED TO. I wanted to go and see them BLOW UP some MUSLIM SHIT. The closest we ever got was after they bombed the "MARINE" barracks in Lebanon. We were all called to the base theater at Nellis AFB for an emergency Commanders Call, briefed on what happened and all put on alert to drag our bags within an hour. I was excited, I was ready to go, I wanted to go, that's what we were all about, but, ultimately we stood down. I was disappointed.

I should have been a Marine... :laugh:

(I actually tried to join the Marines. A friend and I actually joined six months before we graduated HS on a buddy program. Time to go active came, he lied on a form and I told the truth, about smoking a little grass, they took the liar, they told the one that told the truth to go home, that was it for the Marines. I mean, the Marines recruiting moto was, "we're looking for a few good men." Well they can't hardly claim that when they took the liar and told the person that told the truth to go back home. My Dad was fucking LIVID. He contacted congressman, senators, the governor, threatened to go public and call radio shows and tv, finally the Marines contacted me and said they'd forget the whole thing ever happened and I could join up. I declined. 6 years later I enlisted in the AF. I think I've told that story to you before.)

05-11-2018, 10:33 AM
I told the truth, about smoking a little grass



05-11-2018, 10:40 AM

I think it was for the best. I'm heavy into high tech. I love it and eat it up, and the AF was all high tech with their jets. I enjoyed just about every minute of it.

05-11-2018, 10:47 AM
I think it was for the best. I'm heavy into high tech. I love it and eat it up, and the AF was all high tech with their jets. I enjoyed just about every minute of it.

Yeah, I was just giving you shit for the pot smoking.

The AF was where I was going to go, but then life happened. One of my biggest regrets that I didn't do it, in truth.

05-11-2018, 11:09 AM
Honestly... my greatest regret from my 8 years of AF is that I never got to see my birds in action, and believe me, I WANTED TO. I wanted to go and see them BLOW UP some MUSLIM SHIT. The closest we ever got was after they bombed the "MARINE" barracks in Lebanon. We were all called to the base theater at Nellis AFB for an emergency Commanders Call, briefed on what happened and all put on alert to drag our bags within an hour. I was excited, I was ready to go, I wanted to go, that's what we were all about, but, ultimately we stood down. I was disappointed.

I should have been a Marine... :laugh:

(I actually tried to join the Marines. A friend and I actually joined six months before we graduated HS on a buddy program. Time to go active came, he lied on a form and I told the truth, about smoking a little grass, they took the liar, they told the one that told the truth to go home, that was it for the Marines. I mean, the Marines recruiting moto was, "we're looking for a few good men." Well they can't hardly claim that when they took the liar and told the person that told the truth to go back home. My Dad was fucking LIVID. He contacted congressman, senators, the governor, threatened to go public and call radio shows and tv, finally the Marines contacted me and said they'd forget the whole thing ever happened and I could join up. I declined. 6 years later I enlisted in the AF. I think I've told that story to you before.)My recruiter had me re-fill out the form with a "no" in the "Ever smoked weed?" box. I learned in recruiting it's all about who needs what and when to make mission for the month. If you need 1 1A and sign up 6 1Bs but no 1A, you didn't make mission.

Too funny. I was too much of a criminal for the Air Force :laugh: When I was walking out the Marine recruiter said "Right this way, son". :laugh:

Abbey Marie
05-11-2018, 11:28 AM
In other religions, females are told to remain silent in the church. The only option is to go to the mosque !


She probably just wants to cover up her bad hair.


05-11-2018, 11:40 AM
She probably just wants to cover up her bad hair.

:laugh2:I didn't make it past 30 seconds of "who gives a flip?" S- for brains, airhead troop wanting some attention. If that was a Marine in MY unit? The second I saw this video I'd write her ass up for improperly wearing her uniform. That getup she's got on top does not go with being in uniform on the bottom.

05-11-2018, 08:36 PM
Posting such negative information just to get a rise of negativity Warrior wanted...isn't working.

Unlike the Sloppy Warrior. None of us really care that U.S. Military people become Muslims, or any other Religion. That's what is so great about our 1st Amendment, and Constitution.

IF ANY AMERICAN wants to worship...even DUMB SHITHEADS like a Warrior. We have no problem with that as long as they don't try to convert us to their ways...using TERROR tactics like SCREAMING DEATH TO ALL AMERICANS, or CUTTING OFF CHRISTIAN HEADS to pacify the LIAR called Moe-Ham-Mud!
In other words WARRIOR....you are pissing into the wind with your mouth open.:laugh:

05-11-2018, 09:11 PM
Posting such negative information just to get a rise of negativity Warrior wanted...isn't working.

Unlike the Sloppy Warrior. None of us really care that U.S. Military people become Muslims, or any other Religion. That's what is so great about our 1st Amendment, and Constitution.

IF ANY AMERICAN wants to worship...even DUMB SHITHEADS like a Warrior. We have no problem with that as long as they don't try to convert us to their ways...using TERROR tactics like SCREAMING DEATH TO ALL AMERICANS, or CUTTING OFF CHRISTIAN HEADS to pacify the LIAR called Moe-Ham-Mud!
In other words WARRIOR....you are pissing into the wind with your mouth open.:laugh:

You know he's talking from a position of weakness. He's having to lie.

05-12-2018, 10:32 AM
Point is, if you kick everyone off the board you don't agree with you run out of board. You didn't see any warm, fuzzy welcome from me. My personal preferences have nothing to do with the rules.

You make a good point, but I also see High Plains Drifter's point of view. As I see it ... this character is dumping propaganda of a kind, a nature, that makes it enemy propaganda, which takes the issue beyond a simple 'do I agree or disagree' discussion (and you don't get discussion from him, anyway !). To what extent should such material be tolerated ?

There are certain forms of expression that no reputable forum would tolerate on grounds of decency. What makes propaganda designed to further the cause of enemies forces, any MORE decent than that ?

05-12-2018, 10:40 AM
Of course he's dumping propaganda. But, depending on one's POV, aren't we all?

I'm a military propaganda machine. Everything I look at is through the eyes of a Marine. I drive people nuts. Especially the more sensitive types. I DO try to sleep with it :laugh:

Dumping propaganda is one thing. Dumping propaganda which, if taken up, would lead to harm ... is that as tolerable ?

Tolerating it all in the name of freedom of speech is fine in theory. But - unless this has changed ? - those who'd have an interest in pushing such material upon us do so not because they want to encourage an expression just of another point of view, BUT, actual subversion of your country's values is intended. Subversive activity is, and is designed to be, harmful to national security considerations ... I suggest.

05-12-2018, 11:32 AM
You make a good point, but I also see High Plains Drifter's point of view. As I see it ... this character is dumping propaganda of a kind, a nature, that makes it enemy propaganda, which takes the issue beyond a simple 'do I agree or disagree' discussion (and you don't get discussion from him, anyway !). To what extent should such material be tolerated ?

There are certain forms of expression that no reputable forum would tolerate on grounds of decency. What makes propaganda designed to further the cause of enemies forces, any MORE decent than that ?I didn't say I didn't see Tom's POV. However, we ALL post propaganda, depending on one's point of view.

Personally? I have no problem with it for one big reason: One less enemy to identify. He did it for me. His POV isn't going anywhere on this board. Let him rant. Don't read it.

Again, I go back to the rules which on occasion I have to get off my deadbeat a$$ and enforce. He isn't violating any. If he was, he'd be gone.

Abbey Marie
05-12-2018, 11:33 AM
TBH, and unofficially, it does not sit well with me when someone comes here, dumps a bunch of propaganda on the board, and almost always leaves it at that.

It reminds me of when a bird decides to relieve itself on my windshield and keeps flying.

05-12-2018, 11:40 AM
TBH, and unofficially, it does not sit well with me when someone comes here, dumps a bunch of propaganda on the board, and almost always leaves it at that.

It reminds me of when a bird decides to relieve itself on my windshield and keeps flying.I get it. I've argued withthe guy on more than one occasion. granted, he doesn't stay long and won't come back for months.

I like his crap. He's a PERFECT example of his lies. We can bash Muslim extremists all we want and it's not the same as hearing from the horse's mouth. He puts himself right out there, center stage, for all to see.

If we shut him up, we're acting just as he is accusing, and just as he acts and believes.

Abbey Marie
05-12-2018, 11:45 AM
I get it. I've argued withthe guy on more than one occasion. granted, he doesn't stay long and won't come back for months.

I like his crap. He's a PERFECT example of his lies. We can bash Muslim extremists all we want and it's not the same as hearing from the horse's mouth. He puts himself right out there, center stage, for all to see.

If we shut him up, we're acting just as he is accusing, and just as he acts and believes.

We will have to just disagree. I think he tries to wrap Islam in a pretty bow, which we all know is a big fat lie. Then when someone brings up the many ugly truths in rebuttal, the ”warrior” is nowhere to be found.

I say this just as a member. I am usually one for keeping members here, but in this case, I just feel used.

05-12-2018, 12:17 PM
We will have to just disagree. I think he tries to wrap Islam in a pretty bow, which we all know is a big fat lie. Then when someone brings up the many ugly truths in rebuttal, the ”warrior” is nowhere to be found.

I say this just as a member. I am usually one for keeping members here, but in this case, I just feel used.He should hang around more if he wants to post here, I give you that. Like I said, I've argued with him before, but it's limited. He drops a post, hangs around a little while and will argue then, but then he'll disappear for 3-4 months and come back and do the same thing.

He's not the only one that does it. I saw somebody's name this morning (of course I don't remember who now :) ) that I haven't seen in years do a one-off. If that person returns to participate, I'll stand corrected. Hah! And you disappear a lot too, young lady ;)

Abbey Marie
05-12-2018, 12:25 PM
He should hang around more if he wants to post here, I give you that. Like I said, I've argued with him before, but it's limited. He drops a post, hangs around a little while and will argue then, but then he'll disappear for 3-4 months and come back and do the same thing.

He's not the only one that does it. I saw somebody's name this morning (of course I don't remember who now :) ) that I haven't seen in years do a one-off. If that person returns to participate, I'll stand corrected. Hah! And you disappear a lot too, young lady ;)

What? I’m here about every day.

05-12-2018, 01:25 PM
Yeah this warrior faggot has ONE objective here, and that's to spread islamic propaganda, and don't tell me it isn't.

I'm just saying that if this was my board, he wouldn't be allowed to do that, because islam is a shitty, stone age, bloody, murdering, pedophile worshiping, terrorist cancer on the world, and I wouldn't allow a one of the sons a bitches to use my board to spread their shit.

That's my two cents.

05-12-2018, 07:22 PM
Yeah this warrior faggot has ONE objective here, and that's to spread islamic propaganda, and don't tell me it isn't.

I'm just saying that if this was my board, he wouldn't be allowed to do that, because islam is a shitty, stone age, bloody, murdering, pedophile worshiping, terrorist cancer on the world, and I wouldn't allow a one of the sons a bitches to use my board to spread their shit.

That's my two cents.And I respect your Right to have your two cents. Even when I don't agree with it. I afford him the same. It's called freedom of speech.

Honestly, I don't care if you drag him through the desert tied to the hitch. I don't even remember he exists until he makes his whenever appearance. Then I destroy his argument and when he does argue I beat him up with his own words. Something to do.

If he never comes back I'll probably forget he exists. Just another raghead.

I despise the ground Turks walk on. But I never banned the one that was on USMB. I used him for a punching bag every time he uttered a word, but I let him lake a fool of his own self before I helped him into the abyss.

Either way, decision's not solely mine unless he DOES violate a rule and I beat Rick and/or Kathianne to him which is a pretty rare event :laugh:

05-12-2018, 07:33 PM
This shows how dangerous, and contagious Radio, Television...and now Youtube on the Internet really can be. And today's Pretend, Wannabe Journalists who are just Proxies for the Democrat party...prove it...

Introducing Hanoi Hannah. A close relative of Hanoi Jane (notso)Fonda Jane.
If you've never heard her. She was the 60's version of Tokyo Rose.



05-12-2018, 07:54 PM


05-12-2018, 07:59 PM
Back to the OP ... I WAS deluded. Here I was all dressed up for a fight with "the world's third largest army with 8 years experience fighting Iranians" and I was ready to go. And what did I get? A bunch of towel heads that murdered a bunch of women, children and old people then ran like fucking rats.

I gyess Allah wasn't looking their way that day because it sure as f- looked to me like we infidels ran their asses all the way back to Baghdad.

Black Diamond
05-12-2018, 08:07 PM
Super power of al Capone. Lol.

05-12-2018, 08:23 PM
Super power of al Capone. Lol.So if Islam is the truth and God is on their side, why do they keep getting their asses kicked? Sure is a funny way for their God to show "love".

Black Diamond
05-12-2018, 08:57 PM
So if Islam is the truth and God is on their side, why do they keep getting their asses kicked? Sure is a funny way for their God to show "love".
Yeah. How come Israel wins ?

05-12-2018, 09:14 PM
Yeah. How come Israel wins ?

​Because they are intelligent...high-tech...`defend themselves` and are righteous

05-13-2018, 02:16 PM
Yeah. How come Israel wins ?Religion and morality aside? They don't confuse their military action with a bunch of politics. Survivial is funny like that.

Remember after 9/11 the left letting out a collective whine at Bush to "do something", "protect us"? Their little world was threatened. Nobody cared about GTMO. Nobody cared about the Patriot Act or wiretaps. ANYTHING was okay so long as the wimps felt protected.

As soon as they got comfortable and complacent again, they turned against everything they demanded.

Israeli's don't have the luxury of that option. Even so, it DOES have its peaceniks. "Pretend those Iranian and Palestinian missiles you can see from your front portch aren't there, Abraham. ":rolleyes: Israel's survival depends on EVERYONE being on the same sheet of music.

Try THAT here. The idiots on the left will want to ban guns because that'll solve the problem :rolleyes:

05-13-2018, 02:33 PM
@Great warrior (http://www.debatepolicy.com/member.php?u=2026)

After careful consideration, and the complaints posted this is how this is going to work with ME. If you have a problem with it, contact an admin.

I understand your religion and some of the various sects for one reason: your religion is a weakness to be exploited because it makes you an easy target. I think your religion is evil and hateful and totally against the FOS I am arguing on behalf of a poster, regardless belief. Hope we're clear on that.

From this point forward, if you do not defend your posts, I'm moving them where the people they offend won't have to look at them. You can be a contributing member or not. Your choice. But I agree with the others it is unfair for you to just dump propagandist, one-sided crap on the board where everyone has to look at it and not even discuss it

Hope we're clear on that too.

05-13-2018, 05:25 PM
@Great warrior (http://www.debatepolicy.com/member.php?u=2026)

After careful consideration, and the complaints posted this is how this is going to work with ME. If you have a problem with it, contact an admin.

I understand your religion and some of the various sects for one reason: your religion is a weakness to be exploited because it makes you an easy target. I think your religion is evil and hateful and totally against the FOS I am arguing on behalf of a poster, regardless belief. Hope we're clear on that.

From this point forward, if you do not defend your posts, I'm moving them where the people they offend won't have to look at them. You can be a contributing member or not. Your choice. But I agree with the others it is unfair for you to just dump propagandist, one-sided crap on the board where everyone has to look at it and not even discuss it

Hope we're clear on that too.

Oiling the hinges on the door to The Steel Cage?:laugh:

05-14-2018, 03:09 AM
What troubles me from moral standpoint is not this guy's muslim bs - it's how to handle it. I can't lash out at him or insult him or whatever - because that's a departure from my faith.

I wonder if the guy would answer questions about in-breeding and Terrorism, though?


The concept of Islamic terror does not need any introduction. Not everyone might know, however, that seventy percent of Pakistanis and forty percent of Turks are inbred (Jyllands-Posten, 27/2 2009 a�?More stillbirths among immigrantsa�?). Research shows that the same goes for close to half of all Arabs (Reproductive Health Journal, 2009 a�?Consanguinity and reproductive health among Arabsa�?).

First cousin marriages have been the tradition in many Muslim families for innumerable generations. Such marriages increase the risk of negative mental and physical consequences. My article a�?Muslim inbreeding: Impacts on intelligence, sanity, health and societya�? details extensive research data on the subject. In brief, inbreeding through consanguineous marriages increases the risk of depression (Indian Journal of Psychiatry, 2009 a�?Relationship between consanguinity and depression in a south Indian populationa�?) and schizophrenia (American Psychiatric Press, 1982 a�?The role of genetic factors in the etiology of the schizophrenic disordersa�?).

The risk of serious illnesses or handicaps increases by up to 1800 percent (BMJ, 1994a�?Infant death and consanguineous marriagea�?). Risk of mental retardation increases with 400 percent (Proceedings of the National Academy of Science, 1978 a�?Effect of inbreeding on IQ and mental retardationa�?). Research shows that the IQ is 10-16 points lower in children born from blood related parents and that abilities related to social behavior and empathy develops slower in inbred babies (Indian National Science Academy, 1983 a�?Consanguinity Effects on Intelligence Quotient and Neonatal Behaviours of nsari Muslim Childrena�? [pdf]). Such facts might make several pieces fall into place for many people.

Here comes another eye opener:

Research published in The Journal of Aggression and Violent Behaviour has proven a connection between suicide bombers and depression and physical handicaps (BT, December 15th 2010 a�?Why most terrorists are uselessa�?). Research suggests that many suicide bombers are suffering from depression, and their actions are just a socially accepted (among Muslims) way of committing suicide in order to end their mental torment.


Recently I was discussing culture with an educated person whom I respect. Over bourbon, we talked about various matters, including religion. The conversation was interesting but uneventful until he dropped this line.

“You do know half of the Arab world is inbred, right?”

It was a jarring line. It sounded both coarse and false. I politely answered that, no, I was not aware of this particular fact. I must have been smirking, because he persisted. “It’s true. Look it up.”

It was at this point I expressed skepticism. Perhaps he meant some villages in the Arab or Muslim world? Nope, he said.


About 40 percent of the population marries a cousin in Egypt, according to a 2016 report in The Economist, while the percentage in Jordan is 32 percent.

05-14-2018, 10:36 AM
What troubles me from moral standpoint is not this guy's muslim bs - it's how to handle it. I can't lash out at him or insult him or whatever - because that's a departure from my faith.

I wonder if the guy would answer questions about in-breeding and Terrorism, though?



Or why he worships a pedophile, and if he thinks pedophilia is ok...(?)

05-14-2018, 10:54 AM
I'd like him to explain how Egypt got utterly destroyed by Israel every time it tried to face off on the battlefield.

A quick look at the numbers shows who's side God is on. And it damn sure wasn't the muzzies.

I'm still laughing about how Egypt started the war, then went begging to the UN to stop Israel from taking Cairo. Priceless!

Abbey Marie
05-14-2018, 02:28 PM
I’m not sure if you guys are asking rhetorically, but you will not receive any honest answers, if you receive any answers at all. I’m fine never hearing his bs again.

05-14-2018, 05:50 PM
Moved via mod request.

05-14-2018, 06:01 PM
What troubles me from moral standpoint is not this guy's muslim bs - it's how to handle it. I can't lash out at him or insult him or whatever - because that's a departure from my faith.

I wonder if the guy would answer questions about in-breeding and Terrorism, though?

That might be an amazing reply.

Just do not let your meters tick, between You and Gunny, got him on the wall darin.

Black Diamond
05-14-2018, 06:25 PM
What troubles me from moral standpoint is not this guy's muslim bs - it's how to handle it. I can't lash out at him or insult him or whatever - because that's a departure from my faith.

I wonder if the guy would answer questions about in-breeding and Terrorism, though?


If I was gonna break your balls, I'd tell ya to go get your shinebox. :laugh: