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05-07-2018, 04:41 PM
For one to get a brain injury from discussing things with others. And that's a double edge sword of questioning, as it can go either way. I'm of the belief, that I sometimes get a very temporary "brain injury" from listening to the opinions and reasoning of others. This goes to events that transpired over the weekend off the board...

A headache of sorts, a searing pain that doesn't actually hurt, but one you know is there and that injury leaves you suddenly amazed and almost at a loss for words.

And I suppose, similar can be said of others. I wonder often, when I see someone get angry over the truth, and I see the veins come out in their throat as the voice rises with anger. I wonder if temporary injury leaves them with such responses, which obviously isn't normal.

This is in no way meant to minimize or joke about true brain injuries that many suffer in life. I have a cousin that had a traumatic brain injury, so I wouldn't joke realistically about such a thing.

But when the veins come out in the forehead? Gotta wonder.

05-07-2018, 08:16 PM
Sounds like HIGH BLOOD PRESSURE symptoms to me. I had to stop watching ALL news about Washington a few weeks ago. When certain people came on the tube....My pulse increased, and I knew it was time to either shut it off, or find something to laugh at.
No Joke. High BP can be controlled...or it will give you a STROKE....You don't want to wait for that.

Abbey Marie
05-07-2018, 10:03 PM
I agree with AT. Your blood pressure rises and you get a headache. I limit my news-watching for the same reason.

05-08-2018, 01:42 AM
check your hydration too. You can do a little test. Check your seated, resting pulse. Then stand and check your pulse immediately. The bigger teh difference the worse the hydration.