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05-07-2018, 08:01 PM
Four days and four nights at the luxurious resort otherwise known as Brooke Army Medical Center Ft Sam Houston, San Antonio. Compliments of the US Armand it's "wise" medical staff. All expenses paid by Uncle Sam. Who can complain?:rolleyes:

First hysterical in hindsight event was I'd LOVE to have a pic of my face when they wheeled in that IV rack-thingy. first thought: Do I bolt now? Or wait and see WTF is up?:laugh:

So this Cpl started getting all set up and I'm playing Bugs Bunny. Whatcha got there? Whatcha gonna do with that? Says he's got 3 IVs just for me. That a fact? Gunny clicked in at that point. You ain't putting no damned dope in me. I already seen that movie and didn't like the ending. If there's anything stronger than tylenol in that shit you just tool right on back to your NCOIC or LT and bring them back here.

Two antibiotics and saline. Oh. Then he proceeds to use the back of my hand for a bayonet course (BAMC is a Medic training hospital).

And my daughter thinks all this shit's funny.

I'm stuck in the room with some retired Army MSG who is whining about everything. This hurts. That ain't right. I need my pain meds and you're late. I was thinking at that point God hates me, and wondering what part of the freakin Army he was in. Geez.

Food was .... ummmm ..... yeah.:rolleyes: Got caught up on my TV.

Oh, was food poisoning and they were concerned I might also be getting pneumonia again. Figured better this than a repeat. One thing about the military: they aren't sucking off your insurance dollars, YOU are taking up bed space. So they sent me home with some horse pills and a "come back if you feel any symptoms coming back"

05-07-2018, 08:09 PM
Only the GOOD die young!:laugh: You had a lot of us worried. SEMPER FI you Jarhead!


05-07-2018, 08:18 PM
Four days and four nights at the luxurious resort otherwise known as Brooke Army Medical Center Ft Sam Houston, San Antonio. Compliments of the US Armand it's "wise" medical staff. All expenses paid by Uncle Sam. Who can complain?:rolleyes:

First hysterical in hindsight event was I'd LOVE to have a pic of my face when they wheeled in that IV rack-thingy. first thought: Do I bolt now? Or wait and see WTF is up?:laugh:

So this Cpl started getting all set up and I'm playing Bugs Bunny. Whatcha got there? Whatcha gonna do with that? Says he's got 3 IVs just for me. That a fact? Gunny clicked in at that point. You ain't putting no damned dope in me. I already seen that movie and didn't like the ending. If there's anything stronger than tylenol in that shit you just tool right on back to your NCOIC or LT and bring them back here.

Two antibiotics and saline. Oh. Then he proceeds to use the back of my hand for a bayonet course (BAMC is a Medic training hospital).

And my daughter thinks all this shit's funny.

I'm stuck in the room with some retired Army MSG who is whining about everything. This hurts. That ain't right. I need my pain meds and you're late. I was thinking at that point God hates me, and wondering what part of the freakin Army he was in. Geez.

Food was .... ummmm ..... yeah.:rolleyes: Got caught up on my TV.

Oh, was food poisoning and they were concerned I might also be getting pneumonia again. Figured better this than a repeat. One thing about the military: they aren't sucking off your insurance dollars, YOU are taking up bed space. So they sent me home with some horse pills and a "come back if you feel any symptoms coming back"

Sure am glad you're getting better. You were missed!

05-07-2018, 08:35 PM
Damn, man... who gave you permission to get sick?

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
05-07-2018, 08:43 PM
Glad you are back and on the mend my friend.
Next time try to schedule your vacations and give us prior notice-- you had some of us a bit worried..;)--Tyr

05-07-2018, 09:16 PM
I wasn't worried.

I figure Heaven doesn't want you and Hell is afraid you'll take over... You ain't going anywhere for a while...

Glad to have you back you cantankerous old coot...

Abbey Marie
05-07-2018, 09:54 PM
Glad you’re back, G-Man!

Now what did you eat that did a number on you?

05-07-2018, 10:13 PM
Glad to hear you're still feisty Gunny

Should have stuck with the chili :laugh:

05-08-2018, 03:20 AM
Yikes, Gunny! You never do things half assed do you!?

Follow orders and get better quick!

05-08-2018, 07:42 AM
Dammit, Gunny, if I told you once I've told you a hundred times, DON'T EAT THE PINK CRAYONS!!!

Glad you're on the mend. Be a good little jarhead and take your meds (yes, all of them) like you are supposed to.

05-08-2018, 07:55 AM
Dammit, Gunny, if I told you once I've told you a hundred times, DON'T EAT THE PINK CRAYONS!!!

Glad you're on the mend. Be a good little jarhead and take your meds (yes, all of them) like you are supposed to.

Better make that some sort of threatening order. 😁

05-08-2018, 07:57 AM
Better make that some sort of threatening order. 

Oh Gunny knows... he knows...

05-08-2018, 07:58 AM
Oh Gunny knows... he knows...


05-08-2018, 09:20 AM
YEAH... even if I don't outrank you, TAKE YOUR MEDS AND GET BETTER, THAT'S AN ORDER... from ALL of us... :slap:

In the steeped southern accent of my AF buddy from Albany, GE... "don't make me have ta come ova there and woooop ya'ass na..." ... :coffee:

05-08-2018, 09:39 AM
Glad to see you back, Gunny. :salute:

Just as glad to see you turn down the dope IV. While sometimes it may be needed for the extremes, it also leads to addictions and withdrawals. I'm glad to see you're doing well and avoided that. :)

05-08-2018, 10:51 AM
Glad you’re back, G-Man!

Now what did you eat that did a number on you?Odd you should ask. Gunny's public service announcement. Was a new one on me.

Red meat. Apparently, about 300K per year develop what is called a "meat allergy" (don't ask me why they call it it that because I can still eat red meat). What it amounts to is food poisoning eating meat infected by the Lone Star tick. Don't let the name fool you. It isn't called "lone star" because it's a Texan. It has a single white spot on its back. The cover most of the south, East Coast and Eastern Midwest up to and including NY. I guess the tick venom is pasteurizing and cook proof.

I just ate some brisket. I guess you just have to get lucky :)

05-08-2018, 10:52 AM
Yikes, Gunny! You never do things half assed do you!?

Follow orders and get better quick!That would be SO not me :laugh:

Black Diamond
05-08-2018, 10:59 AM
Odd you should ask. Gunny's public service announcement. Was a new one on me.

Red meat. Apparently, about 300K per year develop what is called a "meat allergy" (don't ask me why they call it it that because I can still eat red meat). What it amounts to is food poisoning eating meat infected by the Lone Star tick. Don't let the name fool you. It isn't called "lone star" because it's a Texan. It has a single white spot on its back. The cover most of the south, East Coast and Eastern Midwest up to and including NY. I guess the tick venom is pasteurizing and cook proof.

I just ate some brisket. I guess you just have to get lucky :)
Do you have to lay off red meat then?

05-08-2018, 11:15 AM
Do you have to lay off red meat then?No. I have sort of because you can imagine I'm really enthused about jumping right back into THAT saddle, but I've had a burger since.

05-08-2018, 11:41 AM
I have to say overall, it's kind of a toss up with me between military and civilian hospitals. I probably got better medical care at the University of NM. At the same time, I had to walk around on eggshells around a bunch of sensitive-ass civilian leftwingnuts who looked for reasons to get butt hurt.

At BAMC I was Gunny Sergeant L. They expected me to act like a Marine and I did and we got along just fine. Wasn't a bunch of whining and crying-ass BS going on. From MY POV which I will admit is biased as Hell, WAY more professional. I wasn't there to be their friend nor were they there to be. That doesn't mean everyone was rude to each other. Just professionally courteous. But no civilian drama. Damn I miss that :)

05-08-2018, 12:12 PM
Odd you should ask. Gunny's public service announcement. Was a new one on me.

Red meat. Apparently, about 300K per year develop what is called a "meat allergy" (don't ask me why they call it it that because I can still eat red meat). What it amounts to is food poisoning eating meat infected by the Lone Star tick. Don't let the name fool you. It isn't called "lone star" because it's a Texan. It has a single white spot on its back. The cover most of the south, East Coast and Eastern Midwest up to and including NY. I guess the tick venom is pasteurizing and cook proof.

I just ate some brisket. I guess you just have to get lucky :)
This was just on the news!

05-08-2018, 12:15 PM
This was just on the news!Yeah. I saw it while watching the news from my hospital bed. Thanks :laugh2:

Going to have to figure something out. I have no real appetite at the moment for red meat but that's not going to last. I can take only so much chicken and I won't eat fish.

Abbey Marie
05-08-2018, 12:29 PM
Haven’t eaten red meat in about 25 years, and don’t miss it. Try it, Gunny. The universe is sending you a message.

05-08-2018, 12:43 PM
Haven’t eaten red meat in about 25 years, and don’t miss it. Try it, Gunny. The universe is sending you a message.That's not going to happen.

Back in my younger days when ever-seeking the better protein/ fuel mixture for all the athletic stuff I was doing, NOTHING beats red meat for protein. I know their are studies that say otherwise because that's what they were supposed to conclude, but from the practical application standpoint, no.

Same for the people who say walking is as good as running for cardio. No. Swimming is.

I generally eat only basic food though. The one time I get sick I actually bought some "fast food" BBQ brisket. I never eat fast food. Once in a blue moon. Guess it was my lucky day :)

05-08-2018, 01:00 PM
That's not going to happen.

Back in my younger days when ever-seeking the better protein/ fuel mixture for all the athletic stuff I was doing, NOTHING beats red meat for protein. I know their are studies that say otherwise because that's what they were supposed to conclude, but from the practical application standpoint, no.

Same for the people who say walking is as good as running for cardio. No. Swimming is.

I generally eat only basic food though. The one time I get sick I actually bought some "fast food" BBQ brisket. I never eat fast food. Once in a blue moon. Guess it was my lucky day :)
Maaaan... what's up with red meat now? I also heard not long ago about them recalling like 600,000 lbs or hamburger for something.

I probably won't quit eating red meat either. I love me a good steak and burgers off the grill are a staple.

Glad they found what made ya sick though, pard. We have the damn ticks bad up here too. I've had friends get the Lymes Disease.

05-08-2018, 01:06 PM
Maaaan... what's up with red meat now? I also heard not long ago about them recalling like 600,000 lbs or hamburger for something.

I probably won't quit eating red meat either. I love me a good steak and burgers off the grill are a staple.

Glad they found what made ya sick though, pard. We have the damn ticks bad up here too. I've had friends get the Lymes Disease.Researchers probably got it off the 5 o'clock news same as Kath and I did :laugh: