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View Full Version : "War" on Opioids: Unintended Consequences

05-08-2018, 12:11 PM
Imagine what can learn watching National Geographic as part of a captive audience :laugh: Seriously, and it makes complete logical sense to me.

Since the crackdown on the availability of opiods, the heroin use rate has risen over 20%, with the NYC metro area being hit the hardest. If you can't get your opium one way, you're going to get it another. The fact is opium has always been around and it always will be in one form or another. So has addiction.

What I see with opioids is the same with sinus medicine .... the people that actually need it are the ones who suffer. The stuff works as intended. You can add steroids to that list for that matter. The abusers hurt everyone else. Make a stupid new law and they abusers are STILL going to get their stuff. The only people winning in any of this are the illegal drug dealers.

Yet the world's largest supplier of opium is being protected by WHO? The US. Just to get the Afghanistan government to let us play in their playground, turn a blind eye to their largest cash crop.

My thing is, this plan is and has been a failure time and again. Doing the same thing expecting a different result. And as usual, the majority suffers because of the minority.

I'd say it's time for a new plane.