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View Full Version : Boy Scouts Lose Almost HALF A MILLION Members...

05-10-2018, 07:27 AM
Well, this is what happens when you let liberal/leftist/progressive/democrats in to take over your organization. They bring in their perverted stench and next thing ya know your once thriving organization is now in the TOILET. When will people learn? Liberals ruin everything they get involved in...

Boy Scouts Lose Almost Half A Million Members

The Boy Scouts of America are losing nearly half a million members all at once after changing their name to BSA Scouts and accepting girls into their ranks.

Conservative Tribune reports:

“One week after the century-old Boy Scouts of America announced it was changing its name and its mission to accept girls at all levels of scouting, its single biggest participant announced Tuesday that it was cutting ties to the Scouts.

And taking one-fifth of the Scouts membership with it.


05-10-2018, 08:55 AM

...Several years ago a visionary group of men — many of them former Eagle Scouts and Scout leaders — recognized that the BSA was headed straight for oblivion. So they founded an alternative organization based on eternal principles: Trail Life USA, defined as a “Christian outdoor adventure, character and leadership program for boys and young men.”

As the BSA constructed its own coffin, Trail Life membership grew quickly to more than 30,000 members with charters in 48 states.
John Stemberger, a founder of Trail Life and current chairman of the Trail Life USA board, describes the ghost the BSA left behind: “The stated mission of the BSA, which is rarely referenced by the organization today, is to ‘prepare young people to make ethical and moral choices’ What are we teaching boys about being ‘brave’ from the Scout Law when the adults in the program don’t even have the courage to do what is right and stand for the ‘timeless values’ the program was founded on over a century ago? Having fully joined the sexual revolution, the BSA has become merely a youth group with neckerchiefs further promoting moral and gender confusion in society.”...

alternatives to compromise to conservative ideals are available

05-10-2018, 09:03 AM

alternatives to compromise to conservative ideals are available
Well that's a good thing, but that begs the question, since those things were born out of the ruination of the Boy Scouts, why couldn't they just leave the Boy Scouts alone and start a new organization called something like, "The Liberal Boy & Girl Scouts Together Group"? Why was there a need to infiltrate and destroy the Boy Scouts?

05-10-2018, 09:15 AM
Well that's a good thing, but that begs the question, since those things were born out of the ruination of the Boy Scouts, why couldn't they just leave the Boy Scouts alone and start a new organization called something like, "The Liberal Boy & Girl Scouts Together Group"? Why was there a need to infiltrate and destroy the Boy Scouts?

here's a possibility from the Apostle Paul
"For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms."

the culture war is real
and comes out at many levels.
attacks on the Churches, the Bible, conservative groups like the boy scouts, and the breakdown of various ideals about decency.
Seems they all go back to our corrupt human hearts and "spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms".

05-10-2018, 09:16 AM
to put it more bluntly ummm


05-10-2018, 09:36 AM
Well, this is what happens when you let liberal/leftist/progressive/democrats in to take over your organization. They bring in their perverted stench and next thing ya know your once thriving organization is now in the TOILET. When will people learn? Liberals ruin everything they get involved in...

Boy Scouts Lose Almost Half A Million Members

The Boy Scouts of America are losing nearly half a million members all at once after changing their name to BSA Scouts and accepting girls into their ranks.

Conservative Tribune reports:

“One week after the century-old Boy Scouts of America announced it was changing its name and its mission to accept girls at all levels of scouting, its single biggest participant announced Tuesday that it was cutting ties to the Scouts.

And taking one-fifth of the Scouts membership with it.


The primary factor for their nosedive is their decision to promote gay/transgender weirdos in the organization.

Most parents like me aren't comfortable with a 6' 6" hairy guy named Alice in a polka-dot skirt taking my normal son into the woods for a camping trip. No, that just wouldn't fly at all.

Sure, there's going to be a few pervs flying under the radar wherever you are, but when the organization itself promotes it, the risks are too high.

05-10-2018, 09:48 AM
The primary factor for their nosedive is their decision to promote gay/transgender weirdos in the organization.

Most parents like me aren't comfortable with a 6' 6" hairy guy named Alice in a polka-dot skirt taking my normal son into the woods for a camping trip. No, that just wouldn't fly at all.

Sure, there's going to be a few pervs flying under the radar wherever you are, but when the organization itself promotes it, the risks are too high.
Then throw little girls in with the little boys, and even pervert little boys and girls, out in tents in the woods, for an entire weekend, virtually unsupervised, and the fur is going to fly after the 6' 6" pervert named Alice falls asleep. Wait until 11 and 12 year old girls come home PREGNANT. I'm sure the liberals that thought this was a good idea will be very pleased with their efforts for integration of the sexes in a once exclusive organization. Course they'll just probably figure sexual training is necessary and start handing out rubbers.

Abbey Marie
05-10-2018, 10:07 AM
The primary factor for their nosedive is their decision to promote gay/transgender weirdos in the organization.

Most parents like me aren't comfortable with a 6' 6" hairy guy named Alice in a polka-dot skirt taking my normal son into the woods for a camping trip. No, that just wouldn't fly at all.

Sure, there's going to be a few pervs flying under the radar wherever you are, but when the organization itself promotes it, the risks are too high.

Lol @ hairy Alice in polka dots. :laugh2: