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View Full Version : Woman Kicked Off Harry Potter Ride for Being Too Fat

05-10-2018, 01:00 PM
And now she's trying to claim discrimination. Of course it is, and it IS against fat people - but it's still UNSAFE, and no reason they should break rules that makes a ride or rider unsafe. But noooooooooo, she sees nothing but discrimination and likely dollar signs.

AND she knew about it but just HAD to test it. That kind of person pisses me off. It was clear, the park has regulations, and she simply couldn't bring the seat belt on properly. And yet if they ignored this, and she got hurt, she would be the first one screaming that they should have told her and what not. :rolleyes: Also appears she got into Harry Potter and what not because of her disgust for Trump. So in an indirect manner, this is all Trump's fault! :laugh:


Woman Kicked Off Harry Potter Ride for Being Too Fat

A woman claims she was booted from Universal Studios Hollywood’s Harry Potter and the Forbidden Journey ride due to her size and its incompatibility with the park’s safety standards.

In a piece for HuffPost, Jana Schmiedling, host of the Woman of Size podcast, chronicles her experience at the Los Angeles park’s Wizarding World of Harry Potter attraction.

In the throes of enjoying Potter-themed delights, Schmiedling says she was informed via text by a plus-size friend she may not be allowed on the ride, which prompted her to immediately test the warning’s veracity.

Once she and her friends were seated into the ride, she assumed there was no problem.

However, writes Schmiedling, “One of the 20-something ride managers walked over and asked us all to step off because of a ‘safety’ issue. We were ushered through a door to what looked like a backstage area where another 20-something employee rattled off a spiel about ‘safety’ and ‘three clicks’ and having to ‘try out a safety seat.’ That’s when we all knew that I hadn’t actually made it onto the Hogwarts ride.”

While park regulations require each restraint to be clicked down three times, Schmiedling was only able to accomplish a single click. She insisted her friends ride while she waited for them at the end, observing “several other people, bigger than [her] or with breasts as large as [hers] or with children in tow, walking away from Hogwarts dejected.”

Schmiedling maintains her ejection from the ride constitutes discrimination. “Exclusion and shame,” she asserts, “are not motivational techniques; they’re forms of bullying. … Exclusion makes me, a logical and educated person, believe that I’m at fault for not fitting into this ride instead of recognizing that rides should accommodate all people’s bodies.”

Furthermore, Schmiedling notes the incident made her realize the Harry Potter saga itself is sizeist. “Upon further investigation, the books and movies have only a few big characters and most of them are antagonistic,” she laments.

Schmiedling also explains her obsession with the supernatural book series, which began in 2017 due to her malaise over politics: “I got deeply sucked in last year. It was the depression and disgust surrounding Donald Trump’s election that sent me into a [Young Adult] fantasy endurance run.”


Abbey Marie
05-11-2018, 12:04 PM
There are two issues here.

1. Given the way the ride and harnesses were built, they are smart and right to exclude her.

2. They probably should engineer rides to accommodate fat and handicapped people. To not do so seems kinda mean.

As usual for me, I do not support suing over it though.

05-11-2018, 02:40 PM
I tried THREE websites before I found one that would allow me to view it without FUCKING with me about using an ADBLOCKER, or simply NOT allowing me on their website. Ya know, my bet is the VAST majority of people that use an adblocker just LEAVE their website, and they KNOW this, so why keep pushing that crap in people's face when they KNOW it just drives people away?

Anyway... to my point... people are fucking FAT. SEVENTY FIVE PERCENT of ALL millennials are TOO FAT to enlist in the military, and more people are getting fatter even now, there seems to be no end, the world over is turning into a bunch of unhealthy fat ass pigs. I know it's a lot harder to stay in shape or even a semblance of fitness and thinness when you get older, but even YOUNG kids are FAT nowadays, when they're SUPPOSED to be in the best shape of their LIVES... it's truly pathetic actually... people eat too much GARBAGE and they lead too sedentary of life styles. This will be, if it isn't already, the worst health issue facing mankind, but there's so many lard asses on earth now that if you say anything about them being fat, it's instantly FAT SHAMING and you have to SHUT UP. Problem is being fat comes with a myriad of health related issues, and we all pay for it in the end in one way or another, higher insurance premiums, etc.

I know I'm overweight by a few pounds but at least I recognize it, I haven't just given up. I try like hell not get any fatter, in fact I'm always keeping in mind that I need to LOSE weight, and try and do that too. But when I'm out and about and in a store or where there's lots of people, one glance around and I can count the slender people on one hand usually, everyone else is FAT... it's disgusting. I have no sympathy for fat people either. If this fat woman got kicked off a ride because she was too FAT, then really, TOO FUCKIN' BAD, stop stuffing your cake hole with more than you NEED TO. I don't believe there's a reason for anyone to be MORBIDLY OBESE, other than they just don't care, they have given up and would rather uncontrollably stuff their face than exercise a little self control and QUIT EATING.

Back when I was in school fat people were an oddity. We probably didn't have more than half a dozen fat people in our ENTIRE school. Now, it's just the other way around. The healthy slender people you can count on one hand and everyone else is FAT. Look at the latest news videos or pictures of kids on spring break. There's a ton of cheese on the girls thighs and the guys are doing their flat best to suck in their guts. It's horrendous...


Abbey Marie
05-11-2018, 02:45 PM
C’mon Gunny, tell us how you really feel.


ETA: Oops, I meant T.

05-11-2018, 03:33 PM
C’mon Gunny, tell us how you really feel.

:laugh2:HEY! I'M Gunny ... least you could do is wait until I get started :laugh:

A "sizeist"? WTF? Your fat ass ain't getting in the back of my truck if you weight more than a ton either. Too f-ing bad. NOTHING fits me right because of the way I'm built. Shall I whine? Should have a damned tailor at Walmart just for me :rolleyes:

Go on a damned diet, Petunia.


Abbey Marie
05-11-2018, 04:04 PM
HEY! I'M Gunny ... least you could do is wait until I get started :laugh:

A "sizeist"? WTF? Your fat ass ain't getting in the back of my truck if you weight more than a ton either. Too f-ing bad. NOTHING fits me right because of the way I'm built. Shall I whine? Should have a damned tailor at Walmart just for me :rolleyes:

Go on a damned diet, Petunia.


Ha, I was wondering why you said you needed to lose weight.

05-11-2018, 04:19 PM
Ha, I was wondering why you said you needed to lose weight.Not me. I've fought to hard to get back the muscle I've managed to put back on. Kinda hard at my age to do it without getting fat. I'm still about 20 lbs lighter than I was pre-hospital. :)

Black Diamond
05-11-2018, 04:21 PM
No one knows Gunny played the bald guy in raiders of the lost ark who gets chopped up by the airplane blade.

05-11-2018, 04:33 PM
I don't care for FAT women at all, especially those that ride the electric cats in the supermarket
towing a shopping cart along side. They block the entire aisle.

I had one arrogant water buffalo in the market yesterday do that, blocking the entrance while
she fiddle-f***** around with her 'smart phone', and got pissed when I said 'excuse me' to get past.

05-11-2018, 04:34 PM
No one knows Gunny played the bald guy in raiders of the lost ark who gets chopped up by the airplane blade.Nah. A moustache like that all in my nose would drive me freakin' nuts :laugh:

Black Diamond
05-11-2018, 04:34 PM
I don't care for FAT women at all, especially those that ride the electric cats in the supermarket
towing a shopping cart along side. They block the entire aisle.

I had one arrogant water buffalo in the market yesterday do that, blocking the entrance while
she fiddle-f***** around with her 'smart phone', and got pissed when I said 'excuse me' to get past.

05-11-2018, 04:42 PM
There are two issues here.

1. Given the way the ride and harnesses were built, they are smart and right to exclude her.

2. They probably should engineer rides to accommodate fat and handicapped people. To not do so seems kinda mean.

As usual for me, I do not support suing over it though.

3rd issue: what about overloading the car and endangering others?


You occasionally see this with airlines. Someone so huge they take up two seats - plus stink to high heaven

Black Diamond
05-11-2018, 04:43 PM
3rd issue: what about overloading the car and endangering others?


You occasionally see this with airlines. Someone so huge they take up two seats - plus stink to high heaven
And nowhere for the stench to go in that capsule.

05-11-2018, 05:07 PM
And nowhere for the stench to go in that capsule.I got pinned in the corner by this obese douche on a flight from Townsville to Sydney, Australia. That just sucked.

Abbey Marie
05-11-2018, 05:14 PM
3rd issue: what about overloading the car and endangering others?


You occasionally see this with airlines. Someone so huge they take up two seats - plus stink to high heaven

Yeah, that’s why I said they were right to exclude her.