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View Full Version : switching perspectives - Is there a RED PILL that makes conseravtives liberals?

05-11-2018, 07:44 AM
Was doing a thought-exercise with a coworker - we could not come up with anyone we knew or anyone in the public who went from conservative to liberal. Because today's leftism is largely a mental disorder, I might think as folks age and lose their faculties they believe the straight-up dumb shit we hear from leftists with a microphone. Yet try as I may, I could come up with zero. Even after googling. Anyone? Friend, Family, or Famous person they know who went backwards?

05-11-2018, 07:48 AM
Was doing a thought-exercise with a coworker - we could not come up with anyone we knew or anyone in the public who went from conservative to liberal. Because today's leftism is largely a mental disorder, I might think as folks age and lose their faculties they believe the straight-up dumb shit we hear from leftists with a microphone. Yet try as I may, I could come up with zero. Even after googling. Anyone? Friend, Family, or Famous person they know who went backwards?It is in our nature or whatever you wish to call it to become more conservative in almost all facets of life as we grow older, wiser and more cautious.

I think about some of the crap I did when I was younger and just roll my eyes. How I survived some of it beats me.:laugh: But okay with quitting while I'm ahead :)

05-11-2018, 06:16 PM
John McCain

05-11-2018, 06:20 PM
Food for thought.

At Yale, we conducted an experiment to turn conservatives into liberals. The results say a lot about our political divisions.


05-11-2018, 06:57 PM
John McCain
----------------------- http://www.sherv.net/cm/emo/laughing/smiley-face-laughing.gif (http://www.sherv.net/)

Right on.

05-11-2018, 07:06 PM
Food for thought.

https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/inspired-life/wp/2017/11/22/at-yale-we-conducted-an-experiment-to-turn-conservatives-into-liberals-the-results-say-a-lot-about-our-political-divisions/?noredirect=on&utm_term=.676d0c6effe0I see what he's saying, AND get the subliminal message he's trying to ease in and ... sorry ... illegal aliens ARE a virus.

05-11-2018, 08:22 PM
Was doing a thought-exercise with a coworker - we could not come up with anyone we knew or anyone in the public who went from conservative to liberal. Because today's leftism is largely a mental disorder, I might think as folks age and lose their faculties they believe the straight-up dumb shit we hear from leftists with a microphone. Yet try as I may, I could come up with zero. Even after googling. Anyone? Friend, Family, or Famous person they know who went backwards?

Like John McCain..pretend to be a Republican, but side with Democrats.=RINO....


RINO is another word for HYPOCRITE!https://saturatetheworld.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/05/hypocrite-quote-1024x1024.png

05-11-2018, 10:49 PM
Food for thought.

https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/inspired-life/wp/2017/11/22/at-yale-we-conducted-an-experiment-to-turn-conservatives-into-liberals-the-results-say-a-lot-about-our-political-divisions/?noredirect=on&utm_term=.676d0c6effe0Here's the flaw, and the intellectual dishonesty to the claim (yes, I had to think about it)

Given a choice of freedom or locking one's self in a box, most people are going to choose freedom. Getting left of locking one's self in a box is not a hard feat. There's STILL a LOT of ground to cover between freedom from a box and being a liberal. Making the claim that choosing the former over the latter proves one can turn a conservative into a liberal is intellectually dishonest.

It is however rather easy to turn a liberal into a conservative. Have kids and care about them. You'll be remembering stuff your grandma used to warn you about :)

05-12-2018, 10:13 AM
I have an Uncle that did.

He was the youngest of my dad's siblings, and never really got into any kind of career, just bounced from job to job. His last one was driving long-haul truck.

Then he 'hurt his back' and signed up for welfare, SS, and all other welfare handouts that he could. It was right about then when his political views changed radically and became hardcore liberal.

These days he's got a pretty decent house in Wisconsin and spends his days playing video games.

The rest of my family is conservative, on both sides - except for another Uncle on my Mom's side of the family in Minneapolis who is a flamer... but he was always a tad light in the sneakers and liberal.

05-12-2018, 11:53 AM
I have an Uncle that did.

He was the youngest of my dad's siblings, and never really got into any kind of career, just bounced from job to job. His last one was driving long-haul truck.

Then he 'hurt his back' and signed up for welfare, SS, and all other welfare handouts that he could. It was right about then when his political views changed radically and became hardcore liberal.

These days he's got a pretty decent house in Wisconsin and spends his days playing video games.

The rest of my family is conservative, on both sides - except for another Uncle on my Mom's side of the family in Minneapolis who is a flamer... but he was always a tad light in the sneakers and liberal.

I can understand changing views based on circumstance. And there are always exceptions to the rule. The issue is complex. You don't have to change your POV just because you receive assistance if you need it. Think about the truth in the case of your uncle ... he turned flamer because he's getting all this assistance and believes the Dems are going to give him more and the Republicans aren't? We all know how THAT plays out in reality.

So, I don't know your uncle. I can say that if I received assistance it would not change my political viewpoint on what is best for this country. Who knows? Who's the dumb Greek guy that rejoins the board every 3-4 years or so? OCA. He was conservative when I met him and he's a fruitloop now. I don't remember his reasoning? Because he hates Trump? I know he thinks he's important and we should all remember this crap about him, but alas ....:laugh:

05-12-2018, 01:15 PM
I can understand changing views based on circumstance. And there are always exceptions to the rule. The issue is complex. You don't have to change your POV just because you receive assistance if you need it. Think about the truth in the case of your uncle ... he turned flamer because he's getting all this assistance and believes the Dems are going to give him more and the Republicans aren't? We all know how THAT plays out in reality.

No, 2 different uncles. The one that changed his political views is bullshitting the system with a bogus 'bad back'. He votes for the party that loves to hand out welfare, and we all know which party that would be.

He suffers from laziness, nothing more.

The other one is gay & has always been a lib.

So, I don't know your uncle. I can say that if I received assistance it would not change my political viewpoint on what is best for this country. Who knows? Who's the dumb Greek guy that rejoins the board every 3-4 years or so? OCA. He was conservative when I met him and he's a fruitloop now. I don't remember his reasoning? Because he hates Trump? I know he thinks he's important and we should all remember this crap about him, but alas ....:laugh:

Pretty sure OCA was getting welfare & changed his tune just like my Uncle did, once he got a taste of that free money & foodstamps. He wasn't hard to see through.

05-12-2018, 07:50 PM
No, 2 different uncles. The one that changed his political views is bullshitting the system with a bogus 'bad back'. He votes for the party that loves to hand out welfare, and we all know which party that would be.

He suffers from laziness, nothing more.

The other one is gay & has always been a lib.

Pretty sure OCA was getting welfare & changed his tune just like my Uncle did, once he got a taste of that free money & foodstamps. He wasn't hard to see through.In each case, what the individual sees as best for them, regardless consequences, supercedes what is best for the Nation as a whole. That is not really a political philosophy. It's a personal one. "All I care about is what I want".

The actual needs of society don't matter to them. Using OCA as an example ... just switched sides as a matter of personal convenience. That tells me he never believed in anything to begin with.