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View Full Version : Iran Threatens To Do What The Lap Dog Media Refuses To Do

05-13-2018, 10:21 PM
This could get interesting!

05-13-2018, 11:50 PM
That would be awesome if Iran actually did rat out who took the bribes.

While my opinion of 0bama and Kerry are very low, I don't think they're the ones that did, though... I'm thinking there were French & British politicians getting greased.

Another interesting thought is how future bribes from Iran are going to be regarded from dirty politicians. Pretty sure those won't be accepted anymore... there's a few dirtbags sweating it out right about now on their new yacht.

05-14-2018, 01:07 AM
That would be awesome if Iran actually did rat out who took the bribes.

While my opinion of 0bama and Kerry are very low, I don't think they're the ones that did, though... I'm thinking there were French & British politicians getting greased.

Another interesting thought is how future bribes from Iran are going to be regarded from dirty politicians. Pretty sure those won't be accepted anymore... there's a few dirtbags sweating it out right about now on their new yacht.

This would explain why European powers are so determined to keep the deal in place. Certain countries - my own, among them - wasted no time in saying they wanted to keep it alive, even after President Trump declared what his final decision was. We all know that it's America that chiefly matters in this equation, which means that Trump's decision will effectively decide the viability of this in its entirety ... but, STILL, European countries somehow thought they could make a difference which mattered.

05-14-2018, 03:22 AM
God I hope this happens. My imagination has no limits to the corruption in world governments

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
05-14-2018, 06:55 AM
This would explain why European powers are so determined to keep the deal in place. Certain countries - my own, among them - wasted no time in saying they wanted to keep it alive, even after President Trump declared what his final decision was. We all know that it's America that chiefly matters in this equation, which means that Trump's decision will effectively decide the viability of this in its entirety ... but, STILL, European countries somehow thought they could make a difference which mattered.

Do not fool yourself my friend. If there were huge bribes to be had, Dem politicians got in on the game.
Iran makes the threat in hopes those bribed American politicians put hard and heavy pressure on Trump to ease off.
Dem politicians are notorious for corruption and taking bribes..--Tyr

05-14-2018, 07:34 AM
This could get interesting!
https://www.bizpacreview.com/2018/05/13/angry-iran-threatens-to-expose-western-officials-who-took-bribes-to-make-nuke-deal-happen-633970Let them rat. We already KNOW how much Obama and Kerry paid them off with.

I DO like the part "if these other countries don't pressure the US". Good luck with THAT. Especially with our current President. I see pigs flying first.